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6 posts tagged with "configuration"

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How MoonDAO was configured on Juicebox

· 5 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Raising funds to decentralize space research and exploration

MoonDAO is a worldwide collective of people working together to decentralize access to space research and exploration. To learn more about how MoonDAO is uniting all earthlings to have a say in how the Moon and other planetery systems should be governed, check out this deep dive on the JB blog as well as episode 7 of the Juicecast with co-founders Pablo and Kori on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

In this article, we’ll cover how MoonDAO used Juicebox to fundraise ~ $8.3 million (2600+ ETH) to buy two Blue Origin tickets.

Banner from MoonDAO introduction article on Pablo's Mirror

Banner from MoonDAO introduction article on Pablo’s Mirror

Case Study: MoonDAO sends someone to space 🌌

The second phase of MoonDAO’s roadmap was to send a person to space in 2022. To achieve that goal, they created a Juicebox project in December 2021 to start raising funds to bootstrap the community wallet governed by the DAO and buy tickets for two flights on Blue Origin.

Since achieving their goal, MoonDAO is no longer minting $MOONEY tokens and has stopped fundraising. This article will cover how the project was initially configured for their fundraise. On the Funding Cycle panel on the left, we can look in the History tab to see past funding cycle configurations. This article will break down the settings from Funding cycle #1.

Funding cycle history for MoonDAO on Juicebox

Funding cycle history for MoonDAO on Juicebox

In the Funding distribution panel, we can see that 100% of funds withdrawn were distributed to the MoonDAO Treasury (0xce…b2c9), a multi-sig Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe) wallet.

Funding distribution for MoonDAO on Juicebox

Funding distribution for MoonDAO on Juicebox

Understanding MoonDAO’s project configuration 🔎

Taking a closer look at the configuration settings for Funding cycle #1, we can see that the following settings were used for their fundraise:

  • Target is set to No target which means that there is no predefined funding target (e.g. $1 million) and project contributors will not be able to redeem against the treasury when/if it surpasses that amount (”overflow”). Please note that Target is now Distribution Limit for v2/v3 projects on Juicebox.
  • With Duration set to 30 days, the project owner can start a new funding cycle with new configuration settings every 30 days. This gives a sense of security to project contributors knowing that the project can only be reconfigured once every 30 days.
  • Discount Rate is set to 0% which means that token issuance will stay the same after each funding cycle. In other words, there is no added incentive for early contributors.
  • Redemption Rate is set to 100% which means that tokens can be redeemed against the overflow of the treasury for equal value at any time. In other words, there is no added incentive for redeeming later vs. earlier. Please note that since this project was set to No Target, the treasury will never be in overflow and contributors will not be able to redeem against the treasury.
  • Contributor rate is set to 500,000 + 500,000 reserved, meaning that when someone contributes 1 ETH to the project, 1,000,000 $MOONEY tokens are minted: 500,000 for the project contributor and 500,000 for the address(es) on the Reserved Token Allocation list.
  • Reserved MOONEY is set to 50%, which dictates the percentage of newly minted tokens set aside for the address(es) on the Reserved Token Allocation list.
  • Token minting is disabled which means that the project owner cannot mint tokens at any time. Only project contributions will mint new $MOONEY tokens. This gives project contributors confidence that the token supply cannot be inflated by the project owners.
  • No reconfiguration strategy was set, meaning that the project can be reconfigured and take effect immediately after the current cycle ends. This presents some risk to project contributors as the upcoming funding cycle parameters can be changed with very little notice. Since MoonDAO’s project has a Duration set to 30 days, any reconfiguration would take effect once the current cycle ends.

Funding cycle #1 configuration for MoonDAO on Juicebox

Funding cycle #1 configuration for MoonDAO on Juicebox

Reserved token allocation 🪙

There is currently no Reserved token allocation since MoonDAO has stopped fundraising. If we look back at their configuration for Funding cycle #1, we can see that 50% of all tokens were reserved. In MoonDAO’s case, these tokens were set aside for a community wallet governed by the DAO for future use like rewarding contributors.


Reserved $MOONEY allocation from MoonDAO’s funding cycle #1 configuration

🎙️ Listen to Kori and Pablo tell the story of MoonDAO on episode 7 of the Juicecast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

🌜 Follow MoonDAO on Twitter: @OfficialMoonDAO 

💬 Join MoonDAO’s Discord:

🐦 Follow Juicebox on Twitter: @JuiceboxETH

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SharkDAO - Building your wings on the way down

· 5 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor


Nouns and the urge to own one

Nouns, the wildly successful NFT project and ecosystem around it, sprung on the scene like a kangaroo with hemorrhoids and has been going strong ever since. The concept is simple: a generative NFT sale, where only one NFT is sold every 24 hours in an auction format. Even today, as we find ourselves in a bear market and NFT trading down 97% since this past January, Nouns are selling for an average of $110,000 with a total market cap of over $50,000,000. That means they’re quite an investment; but at such a high price point, who can afford one?

Man plans, and God laughs

SharkDAO was spun up as a solution to this high bar of entry into the NounsDAO ecosystem. It was a community aimed at bringing together resources to purchase Nouns and keep them in a shared treasury. Early contributors decided to throw together a Juicebox treasury to run the project, and plenty of folks you see around nowadays in the discord played a role, like dropnerd, jango, joshua fisher, goldy, kenbot-studios and others.

This was early on in the history of Juicebox, and it was quite an exciting way to test out how the platform could adapt to such a unique use case. That being said, the process was anything but smooth. Throughout the journey, however, the relative ease and flexibility of the Juicebox protocol sprung in to save the day. Over a call with jango— Juicebox founder and main configuration technician behind SharkDAO— I got the full banana split on the tumultuously marvelous SharkDAO inception and execution.

Duct tape, chewing gum and a whole lotta elbow grease

Looking at SharkDAO’s configs, I have an obvious question: “So these configs, jango, they’re kinda all over the place. What was the thinking there?” There was a short pause. “Oh man,” jango began, “we were making it up as we go along.” And such is the story of SharkDAO, an organization that succeeded not because of careful planning, but because of a community working together with a highly flexible protocol.

“We learned a lot from it,” jango continued, “and the start of it was very clean. That said the real story is about how we had to adapt and come to consensus about which levers to pull, which configs to change.”

The beginning

Where most may think of SharkDAO as a basic investment club, the mission statement was really much more about community and participating in the Nouns ecosystem. The only way to do this, of course, was by amassing some number of Nouns and leveraging that to join the Nouns community.

It started simple enough, but it didn’t take long for the plot to thicken. “Around the time we were on Noun 12, we’d began having some discussions about this ecosystem we were creating and there were factions within the discord. They all had great points to make, but they weren’t in agreement.”

These questions didn’t get any easier as time went on. For instance, what should a new funding cycle look like? If they kept fundraising at the same token issuance rate as they had before, then they were effectively diluting the value of the Nouns they had amassed. At the same time, if they pulled back issuance significantly, was this unfairly punishing contributors new to SharkDAO?

“You know how humans work,” jango said (compliment accepted!), “You start talking about numbers and then our impulse is to protect investments, and these feelings come on quickly and undulate as you feel out the process of making this thing work. It’s not linear at all. But we can punctuate those feelings we had at the time by looking at the funding cycle decisions we made.”

The almighty reserve rate

“We were using the reserve rate as a stand-in pause button,” jango told me with a laugh. It’s true— a cursory dive into SharkDAO config history will show you a reserve rate that’s more jittery than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

“There was a moment where we flipped reserve rate and we made a few big decisions that got us out of some holes,” jango recalled, “By using the reserve rate to manage issuance, we started getting around the problem that only one million project tokens existed. Then we also had a discount rate, which was maxxed out at 20%. So we used the reserve rate to taper outward issuance rather than making a ton of funding cycles at a 20% discount rate.”

Reflections and next steps

The current gameplan is up in the air, but could include transitioning SharkDAO out of V1 into a world where it can contribute again and maybe even win some more Nouns auctions.

When I asked jango to reflect on his journey with SharkDAO, it’s telling that he went right back to the original missions statement and discussed the importance of community. “It was just wild. No one in charge, no head of command, everyone there doing the best they could with the tools that they had. It’s a huge testament to community and the people who showed up and had that attitude; there was no secret info, everything was happening out loud and transparently.”

In the messy world of web3, SharkDAO stands as a totem to how community and shared values trump all, and how the JB ecosystem and protocol is strong but loose enough to give you the tools you need. After that, it’s what you make of it.

Config-Clinic - An ongoing fundraiser and web3 business in ComicsDAO

· 5 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

A juicebox treasury and a business is born

ComicsDAO formed in June 2022. It set out to create a DAO with the purpose of purchasing rare comics, scanning them, and then allowing members of ComicsDAO to digitally “rent” the comic so that they can read them in their original form. The idea was that rare original comics are aesthetically unique and should not be locked away indefinitely in some private collection. (More in-depth article about ComicsDAO here!)

ComicsDAO used Juicebox as its treasury. It sold its own token (”$COMICS”) to enable membership verification and for eventual voting rights. It also explored partnerships with other DAOs and organizations, and it used its Juicebox treasury to store any payments it received. It is actively operating as of the publication of this article, and you can check out its juicebox project page here.

I sat down with Gogo, the chief DAO operator behind ComicsDAO, to get his take on how the project came to life. Here’s how the project was configured, how it changed it’s configurations over time, and why.

Config breakdown

Distribution Limit - $2500 with eventual change to $1500

“We started with a breakdown of what we needed to get this off the ground. I needed $1500 per funding cycle, and Adam (the founder) got $1,000. We also have an artist, Gabo, who I pay about 500 per funding cycle to.”

“So we knew operating expenses for the three of us were going to be $2500, and then we wanted to fund raise more than that to purchase rare comics. After the first two funding cycles, our founder Adam decided to forgo his $1000, to make sure the runway of the project could be longer (actually, he also gave back the $2000 he received from the first two cycles!). So our distribution limit has been set at $1500 since then.”

Duration - 14 days

“We picked this just because a lot of communities we wanted to work with or know are also on 14 day durations, and so we figured it would be good to sync with them.

Discount rate - 10%, then recently changed to 2%

“Early on, we wanted to go pretty aggressive to really incentivize early contributors, so we had a 10% rate. Once the bear market hit, we felt like maybe that big discount rate will scare away people, since now people were way less likely to invest in fun projects like ComicsDAO. So we decided recently to change it to 2%. This still gives some incentive to earlier contributors, but it makes it much more attractive for people to jump in later too.”

Redemption rate - 90%

“We had some conversations about this. We felt like a really low rate was kind of punishing, but a full on 100% rate was almost like charity. We felt like 90% was a good middle ground, where there is some bonus for sticking around longer, but it’s not a punishment.”

Reserve rate - 20% for most of ComicsDAO history, but recently adjusted to 50%

“We started it at 20% to incentivize early contributors. Those first contributors got a huge amount of tokens, and so it was a good reason to contribute early. After the bear market and as ComicsDAO started growing in partnerships, we decided we want the DAO to have more control in voting and its future. For that reason we put up the reserve rate to 50%, which gives us a good bit of control and safety as the DAO keeps expanding.”

Reconfiguration delay - 3 days

“This is just a good and safe few days so that we can make changes or stop anything we missed or an attack on the DAOs safety or treasury. It doesn’t make the governance go too slow, but it gives us a lot of peace of mind and control.”

How they’re leveraging Juicebox tooling to raise money

“We’ve created some NFTs and are looking forward to using the Juicebox tiered NFT rewards system. The idea is we can sell different NFTs according to different contribution amounts. We’re also in partnership with Nouns which we hope will bring some revenue to the DAO and build our community. With Nouns, we will get 10% of the profit of the project we are partnering on, which is the creation of a comic book series and covers.

“Right now, the token doesn’t have much utility for us, but we are very careful in how we give it out in the configs because we will be using the token for our governance. We will also be using tokens to ensure membership for when we lend out the NFT rare comics that we have scanned (token and certain NFT holders will be able to access the library).

“The goal is to decentralize progressively. We’re still in a kind of central stage right now, but as our community and governance systems grows we hope to fully decentralize.”

Thanks and gratitude

“A big thank-you to filipv who helped me set up the configs, and to the JB community in general. Also a thank-you to Adam, our founder, and Gabobena, our artist at ComicsDAO. Stay tuned and follow us on twitter!”

How FORMING is configured on Juicebox

· 6 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

How Lexicon Devils is running a metaverse concert series on Juicebox

FORMING is a metaverse concert series hosted by Lexicon Devils for Juicebox. To learn more about how Lexicon Devils is building the metaverse and getting paid to do it, check out this deep dive on the JB blog as well as episode 8 of the Juicecast with Wackozacco and Peacenode on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. You can also check out this configuration article to learn how Lexicon Devils configured their project on Juicebox to receive payments for services rendered and distribute funds to contributors for their work.

Attendees repping sick wearables at FORMING vol. 1

Attendees repping sick wearables at FORMING vol. 1

As the pinnacle of their monthly Juicebox event series, Lexicon Devils is hosting FORMING, an experimental metaverse concert featuring performances by web3 musicians. The team created a second Juicebox project dedicated to crowdfunding with fans and community members to pay out participating artists in ETH. Each monthly event features a curated lineup of web3 musicians, with pre-recorded performances (including juicy skits from DarbyTrash) at a virtual party in the Juicebox parcel.

The stage for FORMING vol. 1

The stage for FORMING VOL. 1

In this article, we’ll cover how Lexicon Devils is fundraising to pay web3 musicians for their performances at FORMING and distributing funds to artists transparently on Juicebox.

Jerry Springer skit from FORMING vol. 3

Darby Jerry Springer revealing whether JGAP is the father of FLOPPY’s newborn, still from a skit screened at FORMING VOL. III

Case Study: FORMING x FLOPPY 💾

On September 17th 2022, FORMING highlighted tracks made by beta testers of FLOPPY, a FPS (First-Person Sampler) 3D environment that players can use to interact with their DAW (Decentralized Audio Workstation). Floppy is a free and easy-to-play DAW for everyone with a desktop browser, providing artist-curated sample packs for users to create music, listen to it, and sell it on their NFT marketplace. JGAP, the founder of Floppy, curated a selection of tracks made by the community of beta testers and collaborated with FORMING to spin up an event to showcase the results and pay the artists.

In the Funding distribution panel, we can see funds being distributed evenly (25% each) to all participants in FORMING vol. 3:

Recent Funding distribution for all artists performing at FORMING vol. 3

Recent Funding distribution for all artists performing at FORMING vol. 3

Understanding FORMING’s project configuration 🔎

While Lexicon Devils have their own project to manage payouts for their contributors, the FORMING project is configured differently to reflect the needs of one-time fundraises for each monthly concert. Scoping out the project’s config, we can see that the following choices were made:

  • Distribution limit is set to No limit (infinite) which means that there is no limit to the amount of funds that can be distributed from the project’s treasury. For FORMING, this gives organizers the flexibility to distribute the total amount raised for each event evenly between all of the artists performing.
  • With Duration: Not set, the project owner can start a new funding cycle with a new configuration at any time, giving the project owner increased flexibility. However, this also presents risks to project contributors as funding cycles can be started at any time without warning.
  • Discount Rate is set to 0% which means that token issuance will stay the same over time. In other words, there is no added incentive for early contributors.
  • Redemption Rate is set to 100% which means that tokens can be redeemed against the overflow of the treasury at any time. In other words, there is no added value for redeeming earlier vs. later.
  • Mint Rate is 500 FRM tokens per 1 ETH with zero (0) tokens reserved. This means that when someone contributes 1 ETH to the FORMING project, they get 100% of the tokens minted (500 FRM).
  • Owner token minting is disabled which means that the project owner cannot mint tokens at any time. Only project contributors will mint new FRM tokens.
  • No reconfiguration strategy was set, meaning that a project can be reconfigured at any time without notifying contributors. Again, this is a very flexible approach for project creators but carries risk for project contributors.

Funding cycle configuration for the FORMING project on Juicebox

Funding cycle configuration for the FORMING project on Juicebox

Looking at the history of Distributed Funds in the Activity panel on the right side, we can look through past months to see funds being distributed to the roster of artists that have performed at FORMING vol. 1, 2, and 3. By using Juicebox to manage their treasury in an open and transparent way, community members are able to see the payouts for each volume of FORMING which is not usually possible in a traditional event planning context.


History of funds distributed for FORMING vol. 1, 2, and 3

Reserved token allocation 🪙

There is currently no Reserved token allocation, meaning that all tokens minted are given to fans who donate funds to support FORMING artists. Lexicon Devils have hinted that people who hold FORMING tokens will soon be eligible for special perks including NFT mixtapes, exclusive wearables, and token-gated channels in Discord.

FORMING vol. 3 with FLOPPY

FORMING vol. 3 with FLOPPY

In addition to hilarious skits performed by Darby and JGAP—including mock Jeopardy and Jerry Springer episodes—the team also streams a screenshare of funds being distributed at the end of the event. By using Juicebox to manage FORMING, Lexicon Devils demonstrates the power of a transparent and programmable treasury to create trust while harnessing the power of collective action to fund artists.

Live view of funds being distributed to artists at the end of FORMING vol. 3

Live view of funds being distributed to artists at the end of FORMING vol. 3

🧑🏼‍🎤 Watch the full performance of FORMING x FLOPPY on Youtube

💸 Support the next artists performing on FORMING on Juicebox

💾 Follow FLOPPY on Twitter: @FloppyDigital

🎙️ Listen to Wackozacco and Peacenode share the story of Lexicon Devils on episode 8 of the Juicecast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

🏗 Follow Lexicon Devils on Twitter: @Devils_Lexicon

🧃 Visit the Juicebox parcel in Voxels

🐦 Follow Juicebox on Twitter: @JuiceboxETH

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How Lexicon Devils is configured on Juicebox

· 5 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Managing a metaverse architecture guild on Juicebox

Lexicon Devils is a metaverse guild running on Juicebox. To learn more about how Lexicon Devils is building the metaverse and getting paid to do it, check out this deep dive on the JB blog and listen to episode 8 of the Juicecast with Wackozacco and Peacenode on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Juicebox Learning Center in Voxels

Juicebox Learning Center in Voxels

In this article, we’ll cover how Lexicon Devils is managing their treasury on Juicebox by receiving payments for services rendered and then distributing funds to contributors for their work.

DeFIFA bar and lounge at the Juicebox Transit Centre

DeFIFA bar & lounge at the Juicebox Transit Centre, home for the upcoming self-governed game scheduled to take place during the 2022 FIFA World Cup

Case Study: Lexicon Devils x Juicebox 🧃

Lexicon Devils has created buildings, concerts, and other metaverse experiences for a number of projects including a custom HQ for Dreams Never Die, a web3 music DAO, and a browser-based metaverse experience for NFT project Slothtopia. They also have an ongoing payout from JuiceboxDAO to design and build metaverse experiences for its parcel on Pluto Island in Voxels.

In the Activity panel of their Juicebox project, we can filter by Paid to see recent payments made to the project which consist of recurring payouts from the JuiceboxDAO v1 project:

Recent payments made to the Lexicon Devils Juicebox project

Recent payments made to the Lexicon Devils Juicebox project

Understanding Lexicon Devils' project configuration 🔎

Jumping into the project’s config, we can see that the following choices were made:

  • With Duration set to 14 days funds can be distributed every 14 days. This is a common approach for project creators that run a business or service and want to pay their contributors every two weeks.
  • Discount Rate is set to 0% which means that token issuance will stay the same over time. In other words, there is no added incentive for early contributors.
  • Redemption Rate is set to 100% which means that project tokens can be redeemed against the overflow of the treasury for the same amount at any time. In other words, there is no added incentive for redeeming later vs. earlier.
  • Contributor Rate is set to 650,000 tokens/ETH and Reserved Tokens is set to 35%, meaning that contributors who pay 1 ETH to the project will receive 650,000 tokens and addresses on the Reserved Tokens list will receive 350,000 tokens.
  • Token minting is disabled, meaning that the project owners cannot mint tokens at any time. Only project contributions will mint new tokens.
  • No reconfiguration strategy was set, meaning that the project can be reconfigured at any time without notifying contributors. This is a very flexible approach for project creators but carries risk for project contributors.

Funding cycle configuration for the Lexicon Devils Juicebox Project

Funding cycle configuration for the Lexicon Devils Juicebox project

Looking at the history of Distributed Funds in the Activity panel, we can see funds being distributed to the builders of Lexicon Devils. Building in the open and managing their project on Juicebox allows anyone to see which address(es) are being paid for how much each time funds are distributed.

Two past examples of funds being distributed to Lexicon Devils builders

Two past examples of funds being distributed to Lexicon Devils builders

Reserved token allocation 🪙

We can also take a look at how Lexicon Devils’ Reserved Tokens are split:

  • ~ 11% to eight current contributors building Lexicon Devils
  • ~ 11% to the Lexicon Devils multisig

Using Reserved Tokens to reward active contributors helps create incentive alignment by giving builders more tokens and therefore more power to shape the future of the project through governance. Their success is the project’s success: builders contribute to the project, accumulate project tokens over time, and are invested in seeing it succeed long-term.

Reserved token allocation for Lexicon Devils on Juicebox

Reserved token allocation for Lexicon Devils on Juicebox

In addition to managing their own project as metaverse architects on Juicebox, Lexicon Devils is also working on FORMING, a hyperverse concert series that pays web3 musicians to perform at the Juicebox parcel. Stay tuned for another overview and configuration article that will dive into the FORMING project on Juicebox.

Juicebox Transit Centre and Learning Centre in Voxels

Juicebox Transit Centre and Learning Centre in Voxels

🎙️ Listen to Wackozacco and Peacenode share the story of Lexicon Devils on episode 8 of the Juicecast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

✍️ Learn more about Lexicon Devils in this deep dive article on the JB blog

🏗 Follow Lexicon Devils on Twitter: @devils_lexicon

🧃 Visit the Juicebox parcel in Voxels

🏢 Visit the Lexicon Devils HQ in Voxels

🐦 Follow Juicebox on Twitter: @JuiceboxETH

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How StudioDAO and its sub-projects are configured on Juicebox

· 4 min read
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Building a network of projects on Juicebox

StudioDAO is a decentralized movie studio running on Juicebox. To learn more about how StudioDAO is disrupting the traditional film financing model, check out this deep dive on the JB blog as well as episode 9 of the Juicecast with founder Kenny on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

In this article, we’ll cover how StudioDAO has created a network to fund multiple film projects with a 10% fee going back to an umbrella project, StudioDAO Backlot. Unlike traditional businesses where money moves with little oversight, when you purchase an NFT to support one of StudioDAO’s projects on Juicebox you can see exactly where funds are being distributed.

Please note that all projects mentioned in this article are currently running on Rinkeby testnet before going live on mainnet and therefore configuration settings are not final.

StudioDAO projects live on Rinkeby 🎥

  • StudioDAO Backlot: registered LLC that provides film production services to StudioDAO and takes a 10% transaction fee on all StudioDAO project NFTs sold through Juicebox
  • Unlikely Love Stories: StudioDAO’s first project, a dark comedy anthology by Rosa Tran and Derek Smith
  • Colossi Research Academy: test project with art by Michael French
  • Dickson Greeting: test project, experimental historical short film

StudioDAO Project Map

StudioDAO sub-project map

Case Study: Unlikely Love Stories ❣️

StudioDAO’s first film fundraise is Unlikely Love Stories, a dark comedy anthology by Rosa Tran and Derek Smith that explores finding unexpected love in the most unexpected places. In the screenshot below, you can see that ~ 13 ETH has gone into the treasury, and 10% of those funds will be distributed to “Project 4630” also known as StudioDAO Backlot, the Juicebox project that supports all StudioDAO films through production-related services. The other 90% is distributed to the filmmakers (unlikelylovestories.eth) along with the Backlot tokens minted from the 10% payout.

StudioDAO Funding Distribution

Funding distribution for Unlikely Love Stories on Rinkeby

Understanding the project’s configuration settings 🔎

Digging further into the project’s config, we can see that the following choices were made:

  • With automated funding cycles disabled, funds can be withdrawn at any time. For the project creator this is a very flexible approach but it also presents risks for project contributors.
  • Similarly, an infinite distribution limit was set meaning that the project can distribute freely from its treasury, as much or as little as it likes. Again, this is a very flexible strategy but also means that the entire treasury can be distributed without any limits.
  • Discount Rate is set to 0% which means that token issuance will stay the same over time. In other words, there is no added incentive for early contributors.
  • Redemption Rate is set to 100% which means that they can be redeemed against the overflow of the treasury at any time. In other words, there is no added value for redeeming earlier vs. later.
  • Mint Rate is 840,000 tokens per 1 ETH, with half for project contributors (420,000) and half for addresses on the reserved token list (420,000) 🚬
  • Owner token minting is disabled, so the project owners cannot mint tokens at any time. Only project contributions will mint new tokens.
  • No reconfiguration strategy was set, meaning that a project can be reconfigured at any time without notifying contributors. Again, this is a very flexible approach for project creators but carries risk for project contributors.

StudioDAO Funding cycle configuration

Funding cycle configuration for Unlikely Love Stories on Rinkeby

Reserved token allocation 🪙

We can also take a look at how the Reserved Tokens are split:

  • 50% to filmmakers of the project
  • 40% to StudioDAO Community wallet
  • 10% to StudioDAO Backlot

This cross-pollination of tokens allows each member of the StudioDAO ecosystem to have a stake in one another, creating incentive alignment and building community in the process.

StudioDAO Reserved Token Allocation

Reserved token allocation for Unlikely Love Stories on Rinkeby

As mentioned earlier, all projects discussed in this article are still on Rinkeby testnet and their configuration settings are not final. Once StudioDAO and NFT Rewards are live on mainnet, we’ll update this article with the final configuration details. Stay tuned!

Coming soon to a mainnet near you.

That's all folks!

🎙️ Listen to Kenny tell the story of StudioDAO on episode 9 of the Juicecast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

🟢 Follow StudioDAO on Twitter: @studioDao

💬 Join StudioDAO’s Discord:

🐦 Follow Juicebox on Twitter: @JuiceboxETH

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