
JBX 代币迁移流程

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor


目前大家持有的 JBX 代币是 JuiceboxDAO V1 金库的项目代币。Juicebox 协议从最开始的 V1版本,到 V2,再到目前的 V3,经历了几次迭代升级。为了方便管理协议及收取平台费用,JuiceboxDAO 在每个协议版本都创建了 DAO 的项目金库,也就相应有了 V1 JBX、V2 和 V3 JBX 三个代币版本。其中 V1 和 V3 代币都是 ERC-20 标准代币,V2 则由于是过渡性质,并没有签发 ERC-20 标准代币。我们持有的绝大部分都是 V1 JBX 代币。

目前 V3 的版本控制工作已接近尾声,协议经过几次审计之后也渐趋稳定,相比前几个版本也增加了很多功能和提高了安全性。现在我们平台上的新项目已经全部是基于 V3 协议来创建的了。出于协议的日常管理工作的考虑、JuiceboxDAO 治理的需要以及 JBX 代币赎回价值的正确体现,就需要把 V1 JBX 代币和 V2 代币迁移到 V3 JBX 代币。


JuiceboxDAO V1 项目金库:https://juicebox.money/p/juicebox

JuiceboxDAO V2 项目金库:https://juicebox.money/@juicebox?cv=2

JuiceboxDAO V3 项目金库:https://juicebox.money/@juicebox

旧的 V1 JBX 代币地址:0x3abF2A4f8452cCC2CF7b4C1e4663147600646f66

新的 V3 JBX 代币地址:0x4554CC10898f92D45378b98D6D6c2dD54c687Fb2



  1. 可以在语言菜单选择中文,翻译目前基本都同步上了;
  2. 会有三至四个交易需要确认(如果你有 V2 代币,会多一个交易),分别是授权迁移、批准使用旧代币和确认迁移;
  3. 整个迁移大概耗时五分钟左右。
  4. 迁移暂时没有时间限制,可以挑选 gas 比较低的时间或者其他自己合适的时机来操作。
  5. 迁移指引的视频中文版也已经完成,不想看文字版本的,请直接去到本页面最下方。


1. 操作页面

迁移操作在 JuiceboxDAO 的 V3 项目页面进行:https://juicebox.money/@juicebox.


2. 代币标签

点击页面红圈处的 代币 标签,在最下方可以看到你的待迁移代币总余额。(请注意,如果你持有 V2 的未领取代币,这里会显示你 V1 JBX 和 V2 代币的总数量。) 然后点击 迁移代币

token tab

3. 授权迁移 V1 代币

接下来,会弹出一个窗口,提示我们要进行迁移授权,授权 V3 JBX 合约迁移你的 V1 JBX。点击 授予权限 并在钱包弹窗确认交易。

Grant migration permission for v1 token

4. 授权迁移 V2 代币

继续授权 V2 代币,同样是点击 授予权限 并在钱包弹窗确认交易。

Grant migration permission for v2 token

5. 批准使用

授权完成之后,还需要批准 V3 JBX 合约使用你的旧代币。因为迁移其实就是把旧代币发送到新代币合约地址,再由新代币合约相应地发行出来新代币,因此就需要批准新代币合约使用旧代币。点击 “批准”。

Approve spending of V1 Erc-20 token

设置批准使用的限额,这里可以点击 “Max”,也就是你持有旧代币的最大数量。如果要分批迁移,这里填入具体迁移的数量就可以了。然后点击 “NEXT(下一步)” ,再在下一步点击 “ Approve(批准)”。

approve spending cap

6. 迁移批准的代币

弹窗会变成这个样子,分别是显示的是 ”授权迁移 V1 代币“、”授权迁移 V2 代币“ 和 ”批准使用 V1 ERC-20 代币“ 都已经完成。然后就是迁移的最后一步,点击 迁移所有批准的代币,并在钱包的弹窗确认交易。

approve final migration

7. 迁移完成

然后会出现 ”交易进行中“ 的界面,再稍等片刻,弹窗消失回到项目页面。再点击代币 标签,可以看到,待迁移代币余额变成 0, 而你的余额中已经正确显示出 V3 JBX 代币的余额。

State after migration

恭喜你!现在 JBX 代币的迁移工作就完成了。

8. 其他

你现在点击上图的红框处 ” 添加至 METAMASK 钱包“ 把 V3 JBX 的合约地址添加到 Metamask 钱包,这样在钱包内就可以正常显示我们的代币余额了。

JBX 代币迁移流程的中文视频:

How to migrate a Juicebox project from V1/V2 to V3

· 6 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

How to Migrate a Juicebox Project from V1/V2 to V3

Since launching over a year ago, Juicebox has improved its features and security for programmable treasuries to its current and third version of contracts. The jump from V1 to V2 gave more control and flexibility around tokenomics, and now the V3 contracts include new NFT rewards functionality as well as small security patches following the audit report on V2.

All project owners can migrate their projects to V3 easily and quickly by essentially reconfiguring their project on V3. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how STVG, a Juicebox contributor and project owner of Marin County Swim Association migrated his project from V2 to V3 in less than 5 minutes.

To learn more about Marin County Swim Association, check out Juicecast episode 11 with STVG on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.


Project owners can choose to reconfigure their V2 treasury to be paused and converge onto V3 protocol, or operate both treasuries at the same time. Not sure what strategy is best for you? Hop into the Support Channel in the Juicebox Discord and a fellow Juicer will help you out.

You can follow along in the video made by STVG or step-by-step in this article. Note that you must be the owner of the Juicebox project in order to migrate to V3.

Step 1: Project Settings

Go to your project page that you are the owner of and click on Project Settings.

Project Settings

Step 2: Project Upgrade

Once you’re in project settings, scroll down to Project upgrades on the left side panel at the bottom. Next you’ll see what version you’re currently on and a button that says Start upgrade.

project upgrades

This is where you’ll begin to reconfigure your project settings to launch a V3 funding cycle.

The first thing to set is theStart time. You can set this to whatever time you want to relaunch your project on V3. If you want it to start immediately you can just leave it blank. Note that if you have a specific time you want, it will have to be set in a Unix timestamp, which you can easily determine by using this online unix converter here.

In this example, STVG wanted to launch his V3 funding cycle on December 1st, 2022 at 1:00AM PST. You can enter whatever time you want your project to start here and simply copy and paste the timestamp into the Start time on the Juicebox project upgrade page.

Unix start time example


Fun fact: Unix time is a date and time system widely used in computing that measures time by the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.

When you’re done setting a start time, click Funding.

project upgrades

Step 3: Funding

Here you can set your Funding Cycles (how long all the settings on your project are locked for) and Payouts (what address(s) the funds in the treasury can be sent to once per funding cycle).

This process is similar to the latest create project flow on Juicebox, where you can have Automated Funding Cycles or Manual Funding Cycles. You can keep the same settings from your old contract if you don’t want to change things like the payout address(s) or funding cycles, or you can use this opportunity to update changes to reflect the needs of your project.

automated funding cycles

For Payouts you can decide if one address is receiving all the funds that get distributed or you could configure it to add other people, for example if you had a second person working on the project you split the payouts 50/50. You can do this either through Percentages of Specific amounts denominated in ETH or USD. When you’re done making any changes, click Save funding configuration, then click Token.

Step 4: Token

This is where you can customize different settings for the tokenomics of your project including:

  • Mint Rate (number of tokens per 1 ETH minted)
  • Reserved token allocation (option to set aside a percentage of all tokens that get minted when people contribute ETH to the project)
  • Discount Rate (option to decrease how many tokens are issued over each funding cycle to incentivize early contributors)
  • Redemption rate (determine what proportion of treasury assets can be reclaimed by a token holder by redeeming their tokens, AKA incentivize contributors to hold their tokens longer to get a better rate if they decide to burn the tokens in exchange for ETH in the future)

token settings

In this example, STVG left most of these settings untouched but added himself to the Reserved Token Allocationby clicking Add Token Allocation. then adding his ENS address in the field for the Beneficiary address and changing the Percentage allocation to 100% and confirming by clicking Add Token Allocation.

token allocation

These token settings are turned off by default. If you’re not sure what to do, the Default Token Settings will work for most projects. You can always reconfigure these settings in the future, depending on the strategy of your Juicebox project. You can always hop into the Juicebox Discord if you need help! When you’re done, click Save token configuration.

Step 5: NFTs (Optional)

Here you have the option to add NFTs to your Juicebox project so contributors can receive an NFT if they meet your minimum funding criteria. You can add as many NFTs as you want and determine the supply and price of each NFT. Next you’ll add a Collection Name and Collection Symbol, as well as an optional description of the NFTs. If you’re not ready, you can always add NFTs later on. You can also check out this tutorial on how to use NFTs. When you’re done, click Save NFTs.


Step 6: Rules

Last but not least, you'll need to set the rules for your project before deploying.

Make sure to set your Reconfiguration Rules, which essentially creates a safety measure of how soon you can reconfigure your Juicebox project settings before they take effect. You can choose the 3-day delay (default) 7-day delay, No delay, or a Custom Strategy.

You can also decide to Pause Payments, Allow Token Minting, and Allow Terminal Reconfiguration. When you’re all done, click Save Rules.


Step 7: Review and Deploy

Last but not least, you can review a summary of all your new V3 settings before you deploy.

review and deploy

When you’re good to go, click Launch V3 funding cycle. This will prompt a transaction in your wallet which you’ll have to confirm and you’re done!

Launch a V3-Funding cycle

And that’s it! You’ve successfully migrated to V3.

If you need help along the way, jump into the Support channel in the Juicebox Discord.

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How to Sell NFTs on Juicebox

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

How to sell NFTs on Juicebox

Juicebox enables creators and communities to create and launch NFT projects with powerful yet simple tools tailored to your needs in an ongoing basis. In this tutorial we’ll guide you through how to configure a Juicebox project to sell NFTs in less than 10 minutes. Whether you’re a creator selling content, managing a DAO, NFT project or cryptocurrency crowdfund, you can sell NFTs easily on Juicebox with complete control and transparency.

You can follow along in this article or the Youtube video.

The example for this tutorial is an NFT project called Flamingo Sunday. We’re using Juicebox to sell flamingo NFTs at 0.1, 1, and 10 ETH tiers and anyone who contributes at those amounts will receive the corresponding NFT.

So head to juicebox.money, connect your wallet, and click Create a project.

Create a project

Step 1: Project Details

Here you’ll provide general information about your Juicebox project including the name, description, a logo, and add social links. You can even customize the Pay button, for this example we could make it say “we love flamingos.” Once you’re done, click Next.

Project details

Step 2: Funding Cycles

If we set this to 14 days then all of our project settings will be locked for 14 days and we can only distribute funds from the treasury once during that 14-day cycle. This helps build trust so contributors feel safe that they won’t get rugged.

You can decide what’s best for your project and if you need the flexibility to change at any time, you can choose Manual Funding Cycles. If you’re not sure, you can start with Automated Funding Cycles.

Funding Cycles


Remember, you can always reconfigure your project later to reflect your needs for the project

Step 3: Funding Target

This is where you decide how much money from the project can be distributed per 14 days (the length of your funding cycle)

If we set a Specific Funding Target of 10,000 USD, we can distribute up to 10,000 USD worth of ETH per 14-day funding cycle. This is like a hard cap on the amount that can be distributed from the treasury so the project owner can’t take all the funds and disappear. Anything over 10,000 USD worth of ETH will be considered Overflow and can be redeemed by anyone who contributed to the project, almost like a refund.

Funding Target


You can also set this in ETH instead of ETH denominated in USD.

Another way to do this is an Infinite Funding Target which means you can distribute as much as you want from the treasury, but this can be perceived as risky to contributors to your project because you could take all the money and run. So for this example, we’ll go with a Specific Funding Target of 10,000 USD worth of ETH.

Step 4: Payouts

Here you can decide where to distribute the ETH that we receive every 14 days. We can do this with percentages or specific amounts.

For example, with percentages, let’s say I am the artist that made Flamingo Sunday and I want to receive 100% of the funds that come in every 14 days.

If we were doing specific amounts, I could say that I want to receive 10,000 USD worth of ETH which is the total amount that can be distributed every 14 days to myself.

Both of these can be configured to add other people, for example if you had a team of four people (including yourself) working on the project, you could split the payouts 25% to each address by clicking Add Payout and adding their address and 25%.

how to add a payout

But for this tutorial we’ll keep it simple and stick with 100% going to the project creator.


Step 5: Project Token

Here you can decide how your project’s tokens will work. There’s a lot of things you can customize here but the Default Token Settings will work for most projects. You can always reconfigure this setting in the future, depending on the roadmap for your NFT project.

project token

Step 6: NFTs

Click Add NFT choose an image, and give it a name, a description, and the minimum ETH contribution in order for someone to buy the NFT. This is also where you can decide the supply. You can either have a limited supply—for example, only 10 can be minted—or an unlimited supply. You can also add an external link to point to a website of your choice.

add nft

You can repeat this process as many times as you like for each NFT you have. They can be priced and supplied all the same, or you can create tiers. Using tiered NFTs is a great way to create different incentives for people to support your Juicebox project at different price points.

Once you have all your NFTs added, you can create a collection name, description, and custom token symbol. For this project, we’ll call it “Flamingo”

collection settings

There’s also an option to add a message that appears when contributors receive an NFT as well as a button with a link, this could be a project website, Twitter, Discord, etc.

pay button

Step 7: Confirm all settings (rules)

The default is a 3-day delay, which means that any changes to the project settings need to be submitted at least 3 days before the next funding cycle starts. You can think of this as a safety measure. In other words, the project can’t suddenly change all of their settings.

You can change this to be longer, shorter, or no delay, but we’ll stick with the 3-day default.

3 day delay

Before deploying, review your settings and make any changes needed. You can always go back and tweak things before you deploy. Check the Terms of Service box and you’re ready to go! Click Deploy, confirm the transaction in your wallet, and your project is live!

project deployed


You can go through this entire process on Goerli testnet before launching your project on mainnet. If you have any questions, please come by the Support channel in the Juicebox Discord.

Note that the NFT images might take awhile to display properly. If someone wants to purchase an NFT at the 0.1 ETH tier, for example, they just click on the NFT, click the customized pay button, click I understand to acknowledge the safety warning, and then click Pay. You can even leave a little on-chain memo like “we love the flamingos”, an image, or Banny sticker with your contribution.

How to pay

So we’ll refresh the page and now you can see the NFT that we just purchased in the Activity feed on the right.

If you need help along the way, jump into the Support channel in the Juicebox Discord.

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How to set a Juicebox project handle using an ENS address

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Tutorial on how to seta JB project handle using ENS

Setting a handle for your project on Juicebox is a great way to customize your page by linking your ENS to your project. Project handles on Juicebox make it easier for people to find your project and help set it apart with a vanity URL. This guide will show you how to set the handle directly from juicebox.money and manually using the ENS app in less than 5 minutes.

You can follow along in this article or the Youtube video.

Before you start, you need to have:

  • An ENS name that you own and control
  • A Juicebox project that you are the owner of

Step 1: Add Handle

Click right underneath the Project title where it says Add handle.

add handle

Step 2: Set ENS name

Enter an ENS name that you own, and click Set ENS name This will prompt a transaction that you’ll have to confirm with your wallet.

Set ENS name

Step 3: Set text record

After the transaction is confirmed, you’ll see that it lists the ENS chosen as the project handle, but you’re not done yet. Next you need to set the text record for that ENS name, so click the button below that says Set text record. Then confirm the transaction with your wallet.

Set text record

It might take a few minutes to update, but you can refresh your project page and see the project handle below the project title. The project URL with the project ID number will still work, but you can also use your new URL which is juicebox.money/ @yourensname


And that’s it!

You can also set this text record manually using the ENS app.

Before you do that, take note of your project number which you can always find under the project name or you can look at the URL for your project. In this example, our project is #368.

Project number

(Using ENS) Step 1: Add / Edit Record

Go to app.ens.domains, go to My Account on the left and choose the ENS address that you want to use. Then you’ll click Add / Edit Record on the right side

(Using ENS) Step 2: Create juicebox_project_id

You’ll choose text in the drop-down menu on the left and in the next drop-down where it says key we’ll click and start typing juicebox_project_id and then click the message that appear below that says create juicebox_project_id. Then we’ll click the field to the right and enter our project number which is 368.

set ens manually

(Using ENS) Step 3: Save and confirm

Press Save and then scroll down to the bottom of the page to click Confirm. This will prompt a transaction that you’ll need to confirm your wallet. Once confirmed, you’ll see that it’s been added to the list of text records for that ENS address.

ENS text record

Now you can go back to your project on Juicebox, refresh the page, and your handle is now set to your ENS name! Please note that your old URL with the project ID will still work but we can now use juicebox.money/@flamingosunday.

That's it

And that's it!

If you need help along the way, drop into the Support channel in the Juicebox Discord.

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How ConstitutionDAO was configured on Juicebox

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

How ConstitutionDAO raised over $40 million dollars in less than a week using Juicebox


ConstitutionDAO was a single purpose acquisition DAO that tried to buy a copy of the U.S. constitution at Sotheby’s on November 18th, 2021. To learn more about the ConstitutionDAO campaign and the surreal events surrounding the auction, tune in to The Juicecast ConstitutionDAO Retrospective Part 1 (Apple PodcastsSpotify), Part 2 (Apple PodcastsSpotify), and Part 3 (Apple PodcastsSpotify). You can also read the ConstitutionDAO deep dive article on the JB blog.

In this article, we’ll cover how ConstitutionDAO used Juicebox to fundraise ~ $46 million (11,500+ ETH) in less than a week.

Nicolas Cage in National Treasure

Nicolas Cage in National Treasure

The estimated value of the U.S. Constitution prior to the auction was $10-15 million dollars. In order to build trust with the crypto community and the wider public, the core team set up a 9/13 multisig with core team members and well-known figures in web3. They also set up a Juicebox project to fundraise transparently and out in the open with the community. And if they lost the bid, project contributors could get a refund using Juicebox’s overflow mechanism.

Spoiler alert: ConstitutionDAO did not win the auction. As a result, the core team enabled refunds and burned the keys to the project. In other words, the core team is no longer associated with or in control of the ConstitutionDAO project or the $PEOPLE token. On the Funding Cycle panel on the left, we can look in the History tab to see past funding cycle configurations. This article will break down the settings from Funding cycle #1 to see how they raised funds and Funding cycle #3 to see how they winded down the project.

Understanding ConstitutionDAO’s fundraising project configuration 🔎

Taking a closer look at the configuration settings for Cycle #1, we can see that the following settings were used for their fundraise:

  • Target: No target means that there is no predefined funding target (e.g. $15 million USD). This gave ConstitutionDAO the flexibility to raise as much as they could in order to try and win the auction. In other words, even if they raised $50 million USD, they could distribute the entire amount.

  • Please note that Target is now Distribution Limit for v2/v3 projects on Juicebox, so in this example they set Distribution Limit to Infinite.

  • Duration: Not set means that the project owner can start a new funding cycle with new configuration settings at any time without notice. This is a very flexible strategy but can seem risky to potential contributors because the project owner might change the project rules at any time. In ConstitutionDAO’s case, Duration could have potentially been set to 7 days to match the deadline for the auction at Sotheby’s.

  • Redemption rate: 100% means that when claiming overflow i.e. funds in excess of the funding target, project contributors will be able to redeem their $PEOPLE tokens for ETH in the treasury at any time at the same rate at which they initially contributed. In other words, there is no incentive for holding tokens longer and redeeming later: all tokens have equal value regardless of when they are redeemed.

  • Please note that since Target is set to No Target (same as Distribution Limit: Infinite), funds in the treasury will never be considered as Overflow and will therefore not be redeemable.

  • Contributor rate: 1,000,000 PEOPLE/ETH means that project contributors would receive 1,000,000 $PEOPLE tokens per 1 ETH. This rate is the default setting when creating a Juicebox project but can be set to any amount desired.

  • Discount rate: 0% means that the amount of tokens issued per 1 ETH will not decrease over time by a certain percentage. In other words, there is no incentive for contributing in Funding Cycle #1 vs. later funding cycles.

  • Reserved $PEOPLE is set to 0% so project contributors would receive 100% of the 1,000,000 $PEOPLE per ETH with none set aside for addresses on the Reserved List. The core team made this choice to ensure that everyone had equal access to $PEOPLE tokens with no special team allocation.

  • Payments: Enabled simply means that the project is currently accepting payments.

  • Reconfiguration strategy: No Strategy means that there is no delay required before submitting a new Funding Cycle reconfiguration. If this were set to 3-day delay, the team would need to submit any changes 3 days before the next funding cycle begins. Delay periods give project contributors peace of mind by giving them advance notice of any changes being made to the project rules. Setting this to No Strategy has the same perceived risk as Duration: Not set.

ConstitutionDAO’s configuration for Funding Cycle #1

ConstitutionDAO’s configuration for Funding Cycle #1

How ConstitutionDAO changed its project configuration after winding down 🤝

After losing the auction at Sotheby’s, the core team reconfigured the project to indicate that they stopped fundraising and enabled refunds. We can see a few settings in Funding Cycle #3 that reflect this:

  • Target is set to Ξ0. Instead of setting Target to No Target, the team set a target of Ξ0 meaning that since the target has been surpassed (obviously) all funds in the treasury are considered Overflow. $PEOPLE tokens could therefore be redeemed by project contributors for ETH in the treasury.

  • Redemption Rate is set to 100%, meaning that ETH in the treasury could be redeemed at any time at the same rate as when funds were initially contributed. In other words, there is no incentive to hold the tokens longer and to redeem later: the same redemption rate will apply.

  • Reserved PEOPLE is set to 100%. This looks confusing at first but due to the limitations of v1, this setting was the best way to disable the “Pay” button on the juicebox.money frontend in order to prevent any further project contributions. For v2/v3 projects, a project creator can simply reconfigure their project to Payments: Disabled instead.

  • Duration: Not set and Reconfiguration Strategy: No Strategy typically present risks for project contributors since the project owner can start a new funding cycle with new configuration settings at any time without notice. In this case, the core team revoked ownership by sending the project to a burn address which meant that they could no longer control the project in any way. Therefore, this risk is no longer a factor and the project configuration settings are impossible to change.

ConstitutionDAO’s configuration for Funding Cycle #3

ConstitutionDAO’s configuration for Funding Cycle #3

🎙️ Listen to The Juicecast ConstitutionDAO Retrospective Part 1 (Apple PodcastsSpotify), Part 2 (Apple PodcastsSpotify), and Part 3 (Apple PodcastsSpotify)

📙 Read the full story of ConstitutionDAO on the JB blog

🧃 See ConstitutionDAO’s project on Juicebox: https://juicebox.money/p/constitutiondao

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ConstitutionDAO and how a group of friends on the internet raised over $40 million to buy the U.S. Constitution

· 11 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

To listen to this story in podcast format, tune in to The Juicecast ConstitutionDAO Retrospective Part 1 (Apple Podcasts, Spotify), Part 2 (Apple Podcasts, Spotify), and Part 3 (Apple Podcasts, Spotify).

A brief origin story of the Constitution of the United States 🇺🇸

detail from the Dunlap & Claypoole original printing of the United States Constitution, 1787

detail from the Dunlap & Claypoole original printing of the U.S. Constitution, 1787

Before we get into ConstitutionDAO, let's start with the Constitution itself.

In a way, you could say that the Constitution wasn't even the first Constitution. Before the Constitution came the Articles of Confederation which was an agreement between the thirteen original states that was approved by the Second Continental Congress on November 15th, 1777 and later came into effect after being ratified by the states on March 1st, 1781. The Articles of Confederation were drafted to establish and preserve the independence and sovereignty of the states. Over time, though, delegates found that the limitations of the central government were in fact too limiting and revisions began to be discussed.

Fast forward to the Constitutional Convention which took place between May 25th and September 17th, 1787 in Philadelphia. Initially intended to revise the Articles of Confederation, the four month convention was in fact the birth place of an entirely new Frame of Government: what is now known as the Constitution of the United States, the longest continuing charter of government in the world.

Signing of the Constitution of the United States, Oil on Canvas, Howard Chandler Christy (1940)

Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States, Oil on Canvas, Howard Chandler Christy (1940)

What does the Constitution say? Here's the tldr;

  • Articles I-III outline the three branches of the federal government: the legislative (bicameral Congress), the executive (the President and his lackeys), and the judicial (the Supreme Court).
  • Articles IV-VI outline the rights and responsibilities of state governments, how states relate to the federal government, and the process of constitutional amendments.

The Constitution to ConstitutionDAO pipeline 📜

ConstitutionDAO banner

Even though the story of ConstitutionDAO isn't about any particular person, we have to start somewhere. Our story begins with Graham Novak on Thursday November 11th, 2021. It's 9:55am and Graham is sitting in an office in Atlanta, Georgia where he manages crypto investments at 28th Street Ventures. A friend in a non-crypto group chat shares the link to an upcoming auction of the U.S. Constitution at Sotheby's with an estimated price of 10-15 million dollars.

The bid estimate seemed shockingly low to Graham. At the same time, he was researching group purchases by digital communities and in particular a recent acquisition made by FlamingoDAO. It also seemed odd to Graham that the Constitution was privately owned instead of being a public good: it was the longest continuing charter of government in the world and one of only thirteen remaining copies. Soon after, consensus was reached: let's buy the U.S. Constitution.

And from there it snowballed. Within the first day, ConstitutionDAO went from a group chat of friends to a Discord of over 2000 members with National Treasure memes spreading like wildfire. An initial email was sent to Sotheby's to start coordinating logistics.

Screenshot of the first email sent to Sotheby's on behalf of the ConstitutionDAO campaign

First email sent to Sotheby's on behalf of the ConstitutionDAO campaign

Later that day there is a kick-off call around 8pm to start going over logistics and next steps. Some attendees were focused on the memes and having fun while others were deadly serious. Alice Ma, engineer and co-founder of Mad Realities, was one of the attendees for that first kickoff call:

On that first Friday night it was very obvious to us: why should this document be on sale to the highest bidder? Why is this not public property? That was the drive from the beginning. This was a National Treasure-style heist where we're heisting it from the next billionaire.

Alice Ma

ConstitutionDAO pfp of Nicholas Cage from National Treasure

ConstitutionDAO pfp of Nicolas Cage from National Treasure

As they wrapped up the call, the clock started ticking. They had less than a week until the Sotheby's auction in New York City on November 18th, 2021.

ConstitutionDAO 🤝 Sotheby's

Because Sotheby's wouldn't allow a DAO to bid, ConstitutionDAO partnered with a non-profit called Endaoment. They would hold custody of the document and bid on behalf of ConstitutionDAO at Sotheby's. Once the DAO won the auction, they would allow DAO members to draft proposals and vote to decide where the document would be displayed.


When community members received $PEOPLE tokens for contributions made in ETH, these tokens represented governance votes over where the document would be displayed and how. Not ownership of the document itself.

Nicolas Cage Banny by Sage Kellyn

Nicolas Cage Banny by Sage Kellyn

ConstitutionDAO 🤝 Juicebox

When it came time to raise money for the auction, ConstitutionDAO had three options: Mirror, Syndicate, and Juicebox. While each platform had a history of raising funds and starting DAOs, there were still concerns about putting millions of dollars into unaudited smart contracts. In the end, the team chose Juicebox because the overflow mechanism would allow refunds in the event that ConstitutionDAO didn't win the auction. It also seemed (somewhat) battle tested with SharkDAO previously raising several million dollars to buy the Shark Noun.


If you want to learn more about SharkDAO, a sub-DAO of NounsDAO raising funds to buy Nouns, check out this article.

At 8:31pm on Sunday night (day 4), the Juicebox project launched on mainnet and the $PEOPLE token was deployed shortly after. Within ten minutes accepting contributions, ConstitutionDAO had already amassed $250,000 USD.

Artwork by Sage Kellyn

Artwork by Sage Kellyn

By Monday November 15th (day 5), the media narrative started to heat up. Core team members of ConstitutionDAO were being interviewed on CNBC, The New York Times, Bloomberg, and more. Everyone, including your neighbour, was starting to learn what the word DAO meant.

Core team members Alice Ma and Packy McCormick appear on CNBC news

Core team members Alice Ma and Packy McCormick appear on CNBC news

Slowly and then all at once 📈

At a certain point, fundraising started to plateau. Money was coming in but the momentum wasn't enough for the campaign to pass Sotheby's proof-of-funds requirements by Thursday, the day of the auction. Jon Hillis, core team member and co-founder of Cabin, had a plan:

We needed a big whale to make a contribution that would restart the hype engine and get us to the fundraising goal. So I set out to find a whale and in the end it was actually an anonymous address that put in $1 million right as things started to look stagnant. We then started seeing a lot more larger amounts coming in as well as a tremendous number of small dollar donations which set up the next meme cycle.

Jon Hillis

Once the hype kicked in, money pouring into the Juicebox project was slow at first and then all at once.

ConstitutionDAO crossing $10 million dollars worth of ETH on Juicebox

ConstitutionDAO crossing $10 million dollars worth of ETH on Juicebox

Metaversal also committed $1MM live on the Andreesen Horowitz show on Clubhouse. The ball was rolling again and over the next 24 hours the treasury miraculously grew to over $40MM dollars. The money coming into Juicebox on the 17th going into the 18th made up more than half of the entire amount raised by ConstitutionDAO. The meme had reached escape velocity.

ConstitutionDAO Twitter update at 12am on November 18, 2021

The last minute $46MM USD swap that saved the campaign 💵

Leading up to the auction, the price of ETH fell 15% from $4800 to nearly $4000 USD. In response to this, Sotheby's informed the core team that they would no longer accept ETH as proof of funds as previously agreed upon. This meant that ConstitutionDAO needed to swap 11,500 ETH ( $46MM) OTC with FTX and they needed to do it fast.


Reminder: this all took place in November 2021 before the collapse of FTX.

The core team was (literally) sprinting to execute this transaction. They were calling family members and running around town to track down multisig signers in coffee shops they frequented or offices where they worked. The multi-sig was set up as a 9/13 meaning that nine signers were needed for this critical transaction to go through. It was set-up this way both for security and for the memes as the Constitution only became law once it was ratified by nine of the thirteen original states.

Not all of the multisig signers were core team members. Some were well known figures in web3 with a strong reputation and including them on the multisig was a way of building trust with the public. But beyond the challenge of public trust, there was also the challenge of coordinating 9/13 people to sign a transaction. For the OTC swap via FTX, ConstitutionDAO needed to execute a single transaction of 11,500 ETH to $46MM US dollars. On the afternoon of the 18th with only hours to spare before the auction, they managed to get the signers needed and were able to provide proof of funds to Sotheby's. The campaign was saved.

ConstitutionDAO's final act: the auction at Sotheby's 👨🏻‍⚖️

Bidding escalated quickly and in the end, the winning bid was $41MM. ConstitutionDAO had raised $46MM, so they must have won... right? That's what most people thought, at least.

Over 11,500 ETH was raised by 17,000 contributors around the world, and in that final moment it all came down to... Brooke or David? Which bidder was representing ConstitutionDAO? While some core team members knew the answer, nobody in the broader community knew exactly what was happening.

Sotheby's had many requirements in order to bid on the Constitution. For one, the DAO needed to be able to care for the document. They couldn't just walk out of the auction with the Constitution in a plain manilla envelope, they needed to have funds set aside for proper care and maintenance of the document. And there was also the sales tax and other applicable fees which would be added onto the final hammer price. So even $41 million wasn't really $41 million, and the final sale price for the document ended up being $43,173,000 US dollars.

In the end, the winning bid went to hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin, CEO of Citadel and founder of Citadel Securities. In the coming days, narratives emerged around a billionaire winning the auction instead of the 17,000 people who came together for the ConstitutionDAO campaign. It is worth noting that Ken has never collected historical documents prior to buying the Constitution. And given that he has publicly criticized crypto as “anti-American” and stated that Citadel would never invest in cryptocurrencies, his motivations for pursuing the auction may have been largely ideological.

Brooke Lampley representing Ken Griffin at the Sotheby's auction

Brooke Lampley representing Ken Griffin at the Sotheby's auction

Takeaways from this epic saga

While ConstitutionDAO didn't win the auction, they raised over $40 million in less than seven days, onboarded thousands into crypto, and introduced the idea of a DAO to the public. And just as we had to start our story somewhere, we also need to end somewhere. So we'll come full circle to conclude with Graham:

ConstitutionDAO is a democratic story. It's a story of the people, a story of the underdogs. At some point, there's going to be enough capital, interest, and coordination in web3 that when you've got a large aggregate of people who are attempting to buy, launch, or build something and they're going against a titan of the traditional world, they're going to overcome that. And it's going to be done with distributed technology, teams, and more effective coordination of people. I think [ConstitutionDAO] signifies where we're going with governance and blockchain.

Graham Novak

Nicolas Cage in National Treasure

ConstitutionDAO2 and second chances

Almost exactly a year later, Sotheby's has announced another copy of the U.S. constitution is going up for auction on December 13th, 2022. You can listen to episode 17 of the Juicecast to learn more about how ConstitutionDAO2 (UnumDAO) are trying to win the auction on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

🎙️ Check out the Juicecast ConstitutionDAO Retrospective Part 1 (Apple Podcasts, Spotify), Part 2 (Apple Podcasts, Spotify), and Part 3 (Apple Podcasts, Spotify)

📜 Follow ConstitutionDAO on Twitter: @ConstitutionDAO

🧃 See ConstitutionDAO's project on Juicebox: https://juicebox.money/p/constitutiondao

🐦 Follow Juicebox on Twitter: @JuiceboxETH

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JBP-308 ConstitutionDAO 2 筹款项目

· 7 分钟阅读
Author: matterturbulent
Date: (2022-12-04)


constitutuion movement

E Pluribus Unum 合众为一(注1)

十五个 web3 团体(数量还在增加中)聚集在一起,竞标苏富比拍卖行将于 12 月 13 日公开拍卖的一份美国宪法的私人副本。这个运动我们称之为 UnumDAO, 它是 ConstitutionDAO 一个精神的延续,去年的宪法运动直接或间接催生了很多参与团体的诞生。我们将使用私人多签应用 Nucleo 来混淆部分捐赠数额让我们的竞拍更有优势,与此同时在 Juicebox 上公开募集其余所需的资金。通过这个运动,我们准备向全世界展示过去一年里加密币圈的骄人成就,同时也向我们的社区及行业发出一个积极的信号。我们的目标是以美国宪法为契机,然后进一步收购其他重要的公民文物,来建立一个由治理 NFT 持有者全面控制的 “人民博物馆”,成熟之后再转到其他新的领域,并在这一过程中让公众更多地了解民主的历史及创新。

Juicebox 是一个 web3 项目募资筹款的首选去中心化平台,有鉴于此,我们很荣幸能与 Juicebox 开展合作。我们现向 Juicebox 申请 15 万美元的拨款,作为此次拍卖活动的初始资金。此外,我们希望使用 holdFees标志(注2),以便万一拍卖失败时我们可以向捐款人开展全额退款。

如果竞标失败,所有资金都会退回,包括此项拨款。所有捐款人可以在 30 天的时间窗口内取回资金。30天之后,剩余资金会发送到 UnumDAO 多签钱包,用于收购、展示及保管其他的公民文物。


这个提案在确定 JuiceboxDAO 和 “ConstitutionDAO2” 之间的合作关系的同时,还将启动我们的筹款项目。我们认识到, Juicebox 在整个生态系统中扮演着至关重要的角色,引领去中化价值的走向。Juicebox 是 web3 的一个关键性工具,让许许多多的再生项目建立他们的治理社区成为可能。这个提案是完全取消 Juicebox 收费和正常收费两个方案之间的一个折中方案。


  1. JuiceboxDAO 将于第 37 个筹款周期从 JuiceboxDAO 的 V1 金库分配 15 万美元等值之 ETH 到 UnumDAO 的筹款项目。
  2. 打开项目的 holdFees 标志, 万一 UnumDAO 竞拍失败,可以进行全额退款。
  3. Juicebox 以合作伙伴身份来参与此次运动。


此次宪法副本的评估价值为 2 千万 - 3 千万美元。以 Juicebox 平台费用为 2.5% 及 JuiceboxDAO 向筹款项目拨款 15 万美元来计算,项目筹款必须超过 600 万美元, Juicebox 收到的平台费用才能超过其投入的 15 万美元拨款。


若项目筹款低于 600 万美元但仍赢得拍卖,Juicebox 收到的平台费用将少于其向项目的拨款。


筹款项目将于几天内启动,Juicebox 需在项目启动时将 15 万美元以捐款形式转入项目金库。如果 UnumDAO 竞拍失败,我们将参照类似活动的合理时间线来处理退款事宜。所有捐款人都可以在 30 天的时间窗口内取回他们的资金。从今天起至 12 月 13 日拍卖结束的日子里,宪法运动联盟将倡议 web3 世界再次共聚一堂来竞拍一份宪法副本。这一次不一样,我们一定会赢。

【注1】“合众为一”[1]拉丁語E pluribus unum,英語:Out of Many, One)是美国国徽上的格言之一,出现在国徽的正面。该格言由皮埃尔-尤金·迪西默蒂埃(Pierre Eugene du Simitiere)提议,于1776年被加入美国国徽,并于1782年经国会法案决议采用。“合众为一”最先出现在一首名为《Moretum》的诗歌当中,相传该诗为维吉尔(Publius Vergilius Maro)所作,但他可能并非真正的作者。在诗歌中,“color est e pluribus unus”描述了将各种颜色混为一色。(此解释出处为维基百科

【注2】Hold fees:默认情况下,资金转出 Juicebox 生态系统,会自动收取 JBX 的会员费用。如果某个筹款周期设置hold fees, 则收取的费用会暂扣拨备,不会马上处理掉。项目稍后如果将提取资金全额退回其 Juicebox 金库,则暂扣的费用也会退回其金库。否则,JuiceboxDAO 或者项目本身可以随时把暂扣的费用换当前发行比率转成 JBX。这个功能允许项目临时提取资金,稍后再把资金退回其 Juicebox 金库,这一过程不会产生 Juicebox 费用。

Defifa,2022 年国际足联世界杯的一个 NFT 小游戏

· 8 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Defifa banner

Defifa 是一个应 2022 年国际足联世界杯而生的试验性 NFT 小游戏。NFT 铸造 从 11 月 8 日开始,至 11 月 21 日世界杯揭幕战开始前截止。游戏定于 12 月 25 日结束 — 世界杯闭幕后 7 天 — 届时项目所有的金库资金将向 NFT 持有者开放赎回。

以下是让 Defifa 成为可能的 3 个值得关注的新颖构想:

NFT 分配

过去的 5 个月以来,JuiceboxDAO 的技术员贡献者们一直在开发一个 NFT 分配机制,让项目方可以配置并附加到项目的任何筹款周期里。附加上这个 NFT 功能之后,项目收取的款项如果满足某些条件便有机会从一个 ERC-721 合约铸造出代币。这个 ERC-721 合约可以包含任意个付款等级,这些付款等级又可以定义各自的图像及描述元数据、最低捐款门槛、最大供应量、保留给预定受益人的代币比率、投票权重以及其他的属性,以确保项目方和社区双方的信心。

Defifa 使用这一机制定义了 32 个等级,分别对应世界杯的 32 支参赛队伍。所有等级都包含在同一个 NFT 系列之内。每个等级均不设供应量上限,捐款 0.022 ETH 至 Defifa 金库即可获得。所有向金库的捐款都有资格获取,同时必须注明想要铸造的队伍。客户端可以注明付款价值是否必须全部用于铸造 — 如果付款金额不是 0.022 ETH 整倍数,交易就会撤回。

Defifa team NFTs


项目方拥有配置一个项目未来筹款周期的专属权限。迄今为止创建的大部分 Juicebox 项目都是由个人或者多签钱包所拥有。与此不同,Defifa 项目的所有者是一个合约,这个合约会自动发起交易来配置四个硬编码的筹款周期,分别来对应游戏的四个不同阶段。这四个筹款周期分先后次序,并由游戏实例化时定义的时间戳所约束。


  • 允许付款给金库并按上述标准来铸造各个球队的 NFT。
  • 赎回可以获得铸造价格的全额退款。
  • 这一阶段不会铸造保留代币。


  • 付款暂停以避免任何后续代币铸造。
  • 赎回暂停以防止动用金库资金。
  • 每个等级铸造保留代币,铸造方式为每 10 个代币里有 1 个分给 Defifa 球童,即开发这个游戏并支持其顺畅运行的工作团队。


  • 所有队伍所有 NFT 的转移全部锁定,暂时变成灵魂绑定代币。
  • 其他规则与第二个筹款周期一致。

第四个筹款周期在世界杯总决赛结束 7 天后开始:

  • 解锁所有 NFT 的转让或交易。
  • 付款保持暂停,保证不会出现新的铸造代币。
  • 开放赎回,可以销毁 NFT 来领取其内含的金库份额。更多详情见以下记分卡部分。
  • 这个阶段会永远延续下去。


Artwork by gabobena.eth

插图作者: gabobena.eth


游戏完全自主裁定结果,也就是说不依赖链上预言机来传递现实世界的结果。相反地,NFT 持有人全权负责认证正确的记分卡来反映现实发生的情况。“正确”的记分卡仅通过社会共识来决定。


  • 总共有 100,000 分可供分配。世界杯的 5 轮比赛每轮各分配 20,000 分,由该轮比赛中的获胜方平分。
  • 世界杯赛事总有 48 场小组赛、8 场十六强赛、4 场四分之一决赛、2 场半决赛和 1 场总决赛。因此每场小组赛事值 416 分、每场十六强赛事值 2,500 分、每场四分之一决赛值 5,000 分、每场半决赛值 10,000 分,剩下的 20,032 分全部归总决赛。正确的记分卡应该反映每支队伍的累积得分除以总分数 100,000 得出的数值。
  • 每支队伍有 1 票投票权,在该队伍的所有 NFT 持有人之间平分。任何人都可以提交不同的记分卡,对记分卡的投票将于世界杯决赛时开始。第四个阶段期间,一旦有 50% 的队伍就正确的金库分配达成共识,该记分卡就可以获得批准。记分卡确定以后,每个 NFT 按照该记分卡的分配比例获得金库的份额。每一个 NFT 都可以通过赎回按比例来获取其队伍的价值。这个是唯一获取金库资产的途径。
  • 第四个筹款周期永不落幕,也就是说可以随时赎回(销毁)NFT 来获得金库里的 ETH。这些 NFT 也可以永久收藏及交易。

Defifa 是一个实验,只要配置无误就能正常运行,但是玩家们要自行承担参与的风险。它的代码是开源的,欢迎玩家们分叉这个框架,继续用以后的锦标赛赛事做类似的试验。祝你好运!

Banny goal

插图作者: Sage Kellyn

The 2022 World Cup is decentralized and happening on Ethereum with an all-banana cast

· 3 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Defifa.net upends how we think about NFT trading

The Juicebox protocol has its eyes set on the FIFA World Cup this year. A new project called Defifa is set to launch on November 5th, and will allow players to purchase NFT flags of any of the 32 World Cup teams set to play this year.

Argentina flag

(example of the Argentina flag NFT)

Where it gets it exciting is when the World Cup starts. From the first kick-off, all NFTs become non redeemable. The treasury that has amassed all the ETH for the NFTs will become locked, as well. As each phase of the World Cup takes place, the NFTs claim on the treasury will change proportional to their finalist ranking. Midway through the World Cup, the NFTs will also become non-transferable, meaning holders will be locked into waiting for the outcome of the games. At the end of the competition, all participants must ratify a scorecard to attest to the accurate results of the World Cup, at which point the NFTs will be come unlocked and can make their claim on the treasury. So if you purchased an NFT of a team that ended up winning, redeeming that NFT at the end of the World Cup could give you back more than you paid for it. For a short video breakdown, check out this explainer on twitter.

A protocol more flexible than an olympic gymnast

The entire defifa.net is run on the very same protocol that ran ConstitutionDAO last year, and that is currently home to a variety of projects including, including MoonDAO and JuiceboxDAO. But for Defifa, there were some important tweaks.

The protocol has no idea who will win or lose in the world cup, and who will get knocked out. While one obvious solution is to appeal to an off-chain oracle, a much more interesting one was to have the NFT holders participate themselves. When a new game has happened, anybody can submit a scorecard which NFT holders must then vote on to ratify. Doing this allows the protocol to run more purely, but it also introduces some interesting dynamics.

A game of chance or cooperation?

Anybody working on defifa will tell you that this is a grand experiment, the outcome of which can’t be predicted. In theory, the game should run smoothly— NFTs are minted, held, participants vote and at the end the NFTs can be redeemed against the treasury with their new (adjusted by the game’s outcomes) value. But what if that doesn’t happen?

What if some people refuse to vote, or vote in bad faith? Or what if so many people purchase the NFT of a favored team, that the claim on the treasury between all those holders is actually quite small? Statistically speaking, what is the expected value of purchasing a highly favored versus a long-shot team, and when does it make sense to trade your NFT and when doesn’t it? The beauty is that nobody knows, and those that play will all find out in real-time.

Where to learn more?

Head over to defifa.net to learn some of the details of each game phase and to see the NFTs offered. To hear a short podcast episode with the defifa.net creator, jango, head on over to spotify. And if you’d just like to hang out and say hi, come to the Juicebox discord and feel free to ask any questions there.

How MoonDAO was configured on Juicebox

· 5 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Raising funds to decentralize space research and exploration

MoonDAO is a worldwide collective of people working together to decentralize access to space research and exploration. To learn more about how MoonDAO is uniting all earthlings to have a say in how the Moon and other planetery systems should be governed, check out this deep dive on the JB blog as well as episode 7 of the Juicecast with co-founders Pablo and Kori on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

In this article, we’ll cover how MoonDAO used Juicebox to fundraise ~ $8.3 million (2600+ ETH) to buy two Blue Origin tickets.

Banner from MoonDAO introduction article on Pablo's Mirror

Banner from MoonDAO introduction article on Pablo’s Mirror

Case Study: MoonDAO sends someone to space 🌌

The second phase of MoonDAO’s roadmap was to send a person to space in 2022. To achieve that goal, they created a Juicebox project in December 2021 to start raising funds to bootstrap the community wallet governed by the DAO and buy tickets for two flights on Blue Origin.

Since achieving their goal, MoonDAO is no longer minting $MOONEY tokens and has stopped fundraising. This article will cover how the project was initially configured for their fundraise. On the Funding Cycle panel on the left, we can look in the History tab to see past funding cycle configurations. This article will break down the settings from Funding cycle #1.

Funding cycle history for MoonDAO on Juicebox

Funding cycle history for MoonDAO on Juicebox

In the Funding distribution panel, we can see that 100% of funds withdrawn were distributed to the MoonDAO Treasury (0xce…b2c9), a multi-sig Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe) wallet.

Funding distribution for MoonDAO on Juicebox

Funding distribution for MoonDAO on Juicebox

Understanding MoonDAO’s project configuration 🔎

Taking a closer look at the configuration settings for Funding cycle #1, we can see that the following settings were used for their fundraise:

  • Target is set to No target which means that there is no predefined funding target (e.g. $1 million) and project contributors will not be able to redeem against the treasury when/if it surpasses that amount (”overflow”). Please note that Target is now Distribution Limit for v2/v3 projects on Juicebox.
  • With Duration set to 30 days, the project owner can start a new funding cycle with new configuration settings every 30 days. This gives a sense of security to project contributors knowing that the project can only be reconfigured once every 30 days.
  • Discount Rate is set to 0% which means that token issuance will stay the same after each funding cycle. In other words, there is no added incentive for early contributors.
  • Redemption Rate is set to 100% which means that tokens can be redeemed against the overflow of the treasury for equal value at any time. In other words, there is no added incentive for redeeming later vs. earlier. Please note that since this project was set to No Target, the treasury will never be in overflow and contributors will not be able to redeem against the treasury.
  • Contributor rate is set to 500,000 + 500,000 reserved, meaning that when someone contributes 1 ETH to the project, 1,000,000 $MOONEY tokens are minted: 500,000 for the project contributor and 500,000 for the address(es) on the Reserved Token Allocation list.
  • Reserved MOONEY is set to 50%, which dictates the percentage of newly minted tokens set aside for the address(es) on the Reserved Token Allocation list.
  • Token minting is disabled which means that the project owner cannot mint tokens at any time. Only project contributions will mint new $MOONEY tokens. This gives project contributors confidence that the token supply cannot be inflated by the project owners.
  • No reconfiguration strategy was set, meaning that the project can be reconfigured and take effect immediately after the current cycle ends. This presents some risk to project contributors as the upcoming funding cycle parameters can be changed with very little notice. Since MoonDAO’s project has a Duration set to 30 days, any reconfiguration would take effect once the current cycle ends.

Funding cycle #1 configuration for MoonDAO on Juicebox

Funding cycle #1 configuration for MoonDAO on Juicebox

Reserved token allocation 🪙

There is currently no Reserved token allocation since MoonDAO has stopped fundraising. If we look back at their configuration for Funding cycle #1, we can see that 50% of all tokens were reserved. In MoonDAO’s case, these tokens were set aside for a community wallet governed by the DAO for future use like rewarding contributors.


Reserved $MOONEY allocation from MoonDAO’s funding cycle #1 configuration

🎙️ Listen to Kori and Pablo tell the story of MoonDAO on episode 7 of the Juicecast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

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