
13 篇博文 含有标签「protocol」


New feature - rich text and images in project descriptions

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Project creators can now use rich text formatting in their project descriptions. This means that you can add style and organize your description using basic formatting like bold and italics, headings, links, adding images, and more.

Banner image showing new rich text editor on Juicebox

You can learn more about these updates in this article, or this walkthrough by Brileigh on JBDAO YouTube:

Step One: Connect Wallet and Manage Project

So, first things first, make sure your wallet is connected and head over to the project that you control on juicebox.money. We’re gonna use The Juicecast on Goerli as an example. From here we’re gonna click on Manage project in the top right.

Connect wallet and click manage project

Step 2: Basic Details

Next, we’ll go to Basic Details under General. Here you’ll see two new fields under your project name. You can add a tagline, where you can add a brief one-sentence summary of your project. And below that, we have the project description where we can add a more detailed summary of what this project is about, why you should contribute, and add some links and images for context.

Screenshot showing new project description editor

Step 3: Introduce yourself

You can start from scratch in the editor or copy and paste some text you already have. Start with an introduction either about who you are or what the project is about. This where you can tell your story to connect with your audience. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Use headings like H1 or H2 to help organize the structure of your summary. This is especially helpful for long project descriptions so that potential backers can easily skim through your text to find what they want to know about you and your project.
  • When referencing subjects in your summary, it’s a good idea to hyperlink text so that people can know more about something if they’re interested. This is also a great way to build trust if you want people to know more than what your wallet says about you or the project.

Example introduction text

Step 4: Add images to break up text

Adding visuals to your project description is really important because it helps break up text, especially if you have a long description. To add the image, click on the image icon and upload the photo. Examples of images you could include are:

  • Photographs (if you have hosted IRL events or have a product you want to showcase)
  • Infographics (to explain complex aspects of your project)
  • Brand materials (logos, typefaces, anything you want to show off that you think will resonate with people)

Examples of images to include in your project description

Examples of different images you can add to your project

Step 5: Tell people your “Why”

Once you’ve explained what your project is about and how it works, consider adding reasons why people should contribute to your project. Whether you’re on Juicebox or another platform, it’s important to think about why someone would want to contribute to your project, what they might receive in return. You can add more images if this helps contextualize what you’re seeking funds for and why.

Example text explaining why you're seeking funds

Step 6: How can people find you and get involved?

Good contact information helps build trust and makes you more accessible. Adding links for contract information or how to get involved in a Discord is great way to make your project more inviting to potential supporters. You want to make it easy for people to find you if they want to.

Example of social links

Step 7: Save project details

Once you’re finished editing your project description, scroll down to the bottom and click Save Project Details. This will prompt a transaction that you’ll need to confirm in your wallet. This could take a minute to save and update on juicebox.money. Once it’s done, you can click on the X in the top right and it will bring you back to your project page. Simply refresh your project page, click on the About tab and you’ll see you’re new fully stylized project description! And that’s it!

Example of poroject using rich text editor


If you have any questions or need help along the way, jump into the Support channel in Juicebox Discord If you want some one-on-one help setting up your project, reach out at juicebox.money/contact. And if you want to stay on top of the latest news, features, and trending projects in the Juicebox ecosystem, make sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter Juice News.

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Introducing Project Updates

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Project Pages on juicebox.money now have a dedicated Updates tab to keep your community informed on the latest news. This can be used for announcements, new milestones, events, partnerships, or any new developments that relate to your project.


You can learn more about these updates in this article, or this walkthrough by Brileigh on JBDAO YouTube:

For this example, we’ll be using The Juicecast project on Goerli. If you aren’t already familiar, The Juicecast is a series of conversations with builders and creators in the Juicebox ecosystem and beyond. In this example, We’ll post an update informing the community about our new NFT collection that lets supporters sponsor an episode.

Step 1: Connect Wallet & click on the new Updates Tab

The first thing we’ll do is connect our wallet. On your project page, you’ll notice a new tab that says Updates.

New update tab

Step 2: Add project update

In this section you’ll see a button that says Add project update, click it and it will prompt a signature request. This is so that the update can be verified by your wallet. No charges or gas fees will be made against your wallet.

Add project update button


You can’t edit an update once it has been posted but you can delete it and post a new one if you make a mistake.

In the pop-up window you can add a title and message for your update. Make sure that your message provides enough context and clearly conveys what you want to communicate to your community. You also have the option to add an image that’s relevant to your update. Keep in mind that this will be cropped to a horizontal rectangle ratio of 288px x 566px.

Example of what to put in a project update

Step 3: Post Update

When you’re done, click Add update to post your update.

And that’s it, all done! The page should refresh automatically or you can refresh it yourself, and you’ll notice a number next to the Updates tab that keeps track of how many updates have been posted. The update will also include the date it was posted as well as the wallet that signed the message.

Message signed by wallet

Reasons to use Project Updates and tips

Keeping your community in the loop is one of the best ways to ensure your projects' success. The more your community hears from you about what you’re working on, the stronger the trust will build and increase the likeliness of getting more funding from both new and old supporters.

Here are a couple tips for posting updates for your project:

  • Don't make vague statements that could mislead your community. Posting updates is all about building trust with your supporters: don’t overpromise and make sure that your message is crystal clear.
  • The more active your project, the better. Being consistent means finding a balance so that your community isn’t spammed with updates or on the other hand left wondering if the project is still active months later.

Keep your eyes peel-ed for more features like markdown formatting and images in project descriptions as well as the ability to subscribe to project updates via email.

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New Look For Project Pages on Juicebox

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

project page updates

Project pages on Juicebox have been revamped including a new layout, new checkout experience, and bookmark feature. These updates were made possible thanks to PeelDAO, the front-end team managing juicebox.money, user interviews, and feedback from JuiceboxDAO. You can follow along in this article, or this walkthrough video by Brileigh on the JBDAO YouTube:

For this example, we’re going to look at WAGMI Studios: the creative studio behind all of the juicy art on juicebox.money.

Banny hero image by Sage Kellyn

Artwork by Sage Kellyn from WAGMI Studios

We’ve simplified the layout and added a new section with key project stats that give you a sense of a project’s activity. You can see how many payments have been made, total volume in ETH, and a trending percentage for the last 30 days.

Project page - WAGMI Studios

We’ve added tabs to help navigate different aspects of a Juicebox project like Activity, About, NFTs, Cycles & Payouts, and Tokens. You can also click on the Cycle block to get to the Cycles tab, or click on NFTs to get to the NFTs tab.

GIF going through project tabs

One of the biggest changes that you’ll notice is the new cart experience when paying a project: you can add things to your cart and review a summary before submitting your transaction. As you add or remove NFTs, the summary will keep track of what is in your cart. If you click anywhere on the summary bar you can get a more detailed view with both the NFTs added to your cart and the project tokens you’ll receive.

Cart summary with NFTs and tokens

You can also pay a project without choosing any NFTs using the pay bar at the top. For example, if you pay 1 ETH to Wagmi Studios and click on Summary at the bottom of the page, you’ll get a message saying “You are eligible for 3 rewards,” which are the NFTs. You can click “add rewards” to include them, or if you change your mind, simply click on the trash icon to remove them. This gives you the option to opt-in or opt-out of receiving NFTs when contributing to a project.

Cart summary using pay bar

You’ll also notice a new block in the top-right with a live countdown of the project’s current Cycle. Click and it’ll bring you to the Cycles & Payouts tab where you can see current, upcoming, and past Cycles as well as any Payouts that have been configured.

Cycles tab

If you’re browsing a project and want to come back to it later, you can bookmark it to save it to your Saved Projects in My Account. To do this you’ll need to have your wallet connected, click the Bookmark button on a project page, and sign with your browser wallet. You can then hover over your wallet in the top-right, click My Account, and then go to the Saved Projects tab.

Bookmark feature

That’s all for the project page for now. Keep an eye out for more new features like Project Taglines, editing descriptions with markdown and the ability to post updates about your project. Drop into the Discord to let us know what you think about the new Project Page. Please report any issues in ⁠the Bugs channel or request a feature here.

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Juicebox.money Website Updates and New Features

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

New website just dropped for the Juicebox Protocol

After countless workshops, discussions, and pull requests, the website for juicebox.money is now live featuring the new homepage, About page, and Success Stories, as well as some exciting new features like improved search and project tags. The new website was made possible by PeelDAO, the front end team building and maintaining juicebox.money, and WAGMI Studios, whose juicy artwork is featured throughout.

You can follow along in the video below or in this article.

The Homepage

Let’s get started with the homepage. At the top we’ve got a call-to-action: create a project and Fund your thing. And right below you can see a few trending projects built on Juicebox, so you can browse what creators are building and find some projects that align with your values and interests.

Fund your thing hero section on juicebox.money

Hero: Fund your thing, trending projects

You’ll also notice some categories at the top like DAO, NFT, and Fundraising. Those are a new feature: Project Tags! So for example, if you click on DAO you’ll be able to find projects that have added that tag. You can also use tags to filter your searches. Keep in mind that this is a new feature and not too many projects have added tags yet. Give it a try next time you’re browsing projects.

Explore Projects

Once you’re on the Explore page, you’ll also notice that search has been completely revamped so it’s now way easier to find specific projects or browse to find new ones. Looking for projects by Krause House? Try searching terms like “NBA”. If you’re feeling nounish you can search “nouns” and find projects in the Nouns ecosystem like SharkDAO.

Project tags on the Explore page

Explore page

Mental Models for Juicebox

So going back to the homepage, you’ll see a few examples of the different types of projects that you can build with Juicebox. Whether you’re starting a DAO, crowdfunding for a cause, launching an NFT project, or building something else, you can manage the funds transparently with your community.

Mental models for Juicecbox

Mental models for Juicebox

Introducing Success Stories

If you’d like to know more about past projects that have been successful, we’ve created a new Success Stories section which tells the story behind projects like ConstitutionDAO, MoonDAO, SharkDAO, and StudioDAO. Each case study will tell you how the project got started, how they set-up their project on Juicebox, and how they found success.

new success stories on Juicebox

Success Stories

How, What, and Why you should Juicebox

Back to the homepage, next we have a quick summary of how Juicebox works, including setting up your project with rules to build trust, managing your treasury onchain, and building your community with token and NFT issuance. You can also find a link to the docs if you want to learn more. Next we have a section highlighting some of Juicebox’s core strengths. Juicebox is:

  • Community owned
  • Reliable and transparent
  • Trust minimized
  • Flexible
  • Extensible

Section highlighting why you should use Juicebox

What is Juicy Picks?

After that we have the Juicy Picks section, which is a new section of curated projects on Juicebox that really stand out from the crowd. These projects will rotate on a monthly basis and will be chosen by the Juicebox community. Below this section you’ll find a number of categories you choose to find a project that’s right for you.

New Juicy Picks section

Juicy Picks for May 2023


If you still have some questions, make sure to check out the FAQ section near the bottom of the homepage.

Updated FAQ section on Juiebox website

How to get in touch

Last but not least, you’ll see a button at the bottom to contact onboarding. So if you’d like more personalized assistance while setting up your project, reach out via the contact form or join the Discord.

Shoutout to Sage Kellyn from WAGMI Studios for the amazing art and illustrations throughout the website. Juicebox really wouldn’t be the same without it.

New hero illustration for Juicebox website by Sage Kellyn

New hero illustration for juicebox.money by Sage Kellyn

Banny, along with a fruity assortment of new characters have been reimagined to embrace Juicebox’s new brand identity. Paired with a slick sans serif Agrandir, a font that “celebrates the beauty of being imperfect,” the Juicebox brand update keeps the protocol fresh while acknowledging its punk origins.

New About Page

Under Resources in the top navigation bar you’ll find a new About page for Juicebox. Here you can read about our mission statement, goals, learn about about the protocol and Juicebox DAO, the contributors at Juicebox, as well as our values.

New About page on Juicebox

Sections of the new About page on juicebox.money

The Juicebox protocol has grown a lot since its launch in July 2021. From contract versioning and audits to feature developments like tiered NFTs, to metaverse concerts at the Juice Lounge, countless members of Juicebox DAO have shaped what it is today through its active governance. Juicebox doesn’t drink from the kool-aid, it leverages the power of collective action through its community to help passionate creators and builders successfully launch and scale projects, openly on the Ethereum blockchain.

Screenshot of old create flow on juicebox.money

Screenshot of old version of juicebox.money

What are you waiting for, anon? Come explore the world of community-owned DAOs, fundraisers, non-profits, and other projects running on Juicebox today.

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JBX 代币迁移流程

· 6 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor


目前大家持有的 JBX 代币是 JuiceboxDAO V1 金库的项目代币。Juicebox 协议从最开始的 V1版本,到 V2,再到目前的 V3,经历了几次迭代升级。为了方便管理协议及收取平台费用,JuiceboxDAO 在每个协议版本都创建了 DAO 的项目金库,也就相应有了 V1 JBX、V2 和 V3 JBX 三个代币版本。其中 V1 和 V3 代币都是 ERC-20 标准代币,V2 则由于是过渡性质,并没有签发 ERC-20 标准代币。我们持有的绝大部分都是 V1 JBX 代币。

目前 V3 的版本控制工作已接近尾声,协议经过几次审计之后也渐趋稳定,相比前几个版本也增加了很多功能和提高了安全性。现在我们平台上的新项目已经全部是基于 V3 协议来创建的了。出于协议的日常管理工作的考虑、JuiceboxDAO 治理的需要以及 JBX 代币赎回价值的正确体现,就需要把 V1 JBX 代币和 V2 代币迁移到 V3 JBX 代币。


JuiceboxDAO V1 项目金库:https://juicebox.money/p/juicebox

JuiceboxDAO V2 项目金库:https://juicebox.money/@juicebox?cv=2

JuiceboxDAO V3 项目金库:https://juicebox.money/@juicebox

旧的 V1 JBX 代币地址:0x3abF2A4f8452cCC2CF7b4C1e4663147600646f66

新的 V3 JBX 代币地址:0x4554CC10898f92D45378b98D6D6c2dD54c687Fb2



  1. 可以在语言菜单选择中文,翻译目前基本都同步上了;
  2. 会有三至四个交易需要确认(如果你有 V2 代币,会多一个交易),分别是授权迁移、批准使用旧代币和确认迁移;
  3. 整个迁移大概耗时五分钟左右。
  4. 迁移暂时没有时间限制,可以挑选 gas 比较低的时间或者其他自己合适的时机来操作。
  5. 迁移指引的视频中文版也已经完成,不想看文字版本的,请直接去到本页面最下方。


1. 操作页面

迁移操作在 JuiceboxDAO 的 V3 项目页面进行:https://juicebox.money/@juicebox.


2. 代币标签

点击页面红圈处的 代币 标签,在最下方可以看到你的待迁移代币总余额。(请注意,如果你持有 V2 的未领取代币,这里会显示你 V1 JBX 和 V2 代币的总数量。) 然后点击 迁移代币

token tab

3. 授权迁移 V1 代币

接下来,会弹出一个窗口,提示我们要进行迁移授权,授权 V3 JBX 合约迁移你的 V1 JBX。点击 授予权限 并在钱包弹窗确认交易。

Grant migration permission for v1 token

4. 授权迁移 V2 代币

继续授权 V2 代币,同样是点击 授予权限 并在钱包弹窗确认交易。

Grant migration permission for v2 token

5. 批准使用

授权完成之后,还需要批准 V3 JBX 合约使用你的旧代币。因为迁移其实就是把旧代币发送到新代币合约地址,再由新代币合约相应地发行出来新代币,因此就需要批准新代币合约使用旧代币。点击 “批准”。

Approve spending of V1 Erc-20 token

设置批准使用的限额,这里可以点击 “Max”,也就是你持有旧代币的最大数量。如果要分批迁移,这里填入具体迁移的数量就可以了。然后点击 “NEXT(下一步)” ,再在下一步点击 “ Approve(批准)”。

approve spending cap

6. 迁移批准的代币

弹窗会变成这个样子,分别是显示的是 ”授权迁移 V1 代币“、”授权迁移 V2 代币“ 和 ”批准使用 V1 ERC-20 代币“ 都已经完成。然后就是迁移的最后一步,点击 迁移所有批准的代币,并在钱包的弹窗确认交易。

approve final migration

7. 迁移完成

然后会出现 ”交易进行中“ 的界面,再稍等片刻,弹窗消失回到项目页面。再点击代币 标签,可以看到,待迁移代币余额变成 0, 而你的余额中已经正确显示出 V3 JBX 代币的余额。

State after migration

恭喜你!现在 JBX 代币的迁移工作就完成了。

8. 其他

你现在点击上图的红框处 ” 添加至 METAMASK 钱包“ 把 V3 JBX 的合约地址添加到 Metamask 钱包,这样在钱包内就可以正常显示我们的代币余额了。

JBX 代币迁移流程的中文视频:

Juicebox V1.1 Change log

· 3 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

JuiceboxDAO is running final tests on an updated/forked version of its Terminal contract. Once deployed and approved by JuiceboxDAO, projects will be able to voluntarily migrate their funds and accounting parameters from the V1 terminal that is currently being used to this new V1.1 Terminal with just one transaction.

There are many broader changes being developed in a V2 release scheduled for the coming months. V1.1 is a simpler change that still manages to provide crucial utilities and fixes for projects operating on the protocol.

Here's why a project might want to migrate to V1.1:


  • Pause - Projects will be able to pause contributions to their treasury as well as subsequent token issuance on a per-funding cycle basis. Any new transactions – or pending low-gas transactions in flight – that settle after a paused funding cycle has started will fail.
  • **Mint - **Projects will be able to allow itself to mint more of its own tokens on a per-funding cycle basis. During a funding cycle where minting new tokens is allowed, the project owner can submit a transaction to increase the token supply and send this new supply to a beneficiary of its choice.

Currently projects can only mint new tokens before receiving a first contribution.

  • **Burn - **Anyone will be able to burn their tokens by redeeming them, even when there is no overflow.

Currently tokens are only burnable when there is some amount of overflow that is being reclaimed through the redemption.

  • **Off-protocol redemption value - **Projects will be able to supply a contract to their funding cycles that tell the protocol how much value it is holding off-protocol, like in a multisig wallet or yielding vault. Projects can use oracles in this contract to convert the value of any other asset it owns into ETH for the protocol to use when calculating redemption values.

Currently redemption values are calculated only with the ETH the project has locked in the Juicebox Terminal contract.

  • Fee cap - The protocol fee is capped at 5%. JuiceboxDAO can adjust the JBX fee from 0% - 5%.

Currently there is no fee cap.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug that prevents a project from updating its reserved token tracker when the reserved rate is set to 0%. This bug prevented the project from reconfiguring from a 0% reserved rate to any other value without inadvertently creating an extra reserved token supply inso-doing. See this postmortem.
  • Fixed bug that prevented overflow from being viewed correctly when a funding cycle rolls over before it has had its newly available funds distributed.

Other adjustments

  • The contract is now directly Ownable instead of using an ownable Governance contract proxy. The JuiceboxDAO will own the contract, which allows it to set the fee, and allow other forked Terminal contracts for projects to migrate onto.

Reserved rate as a growth tuning mechanism

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Communities using Juicebox can leverage their reserved rate decisively when they want to make it more difficult for new members to join. Funds can still be received, but more of the newly minted tokens will be owned by the project itself. The current project members can use this to decide how they will manage their subsequent growth on a per-funding cycle basis.

When the project wishes to make membership more accessible again, members can do so by lowering the reserved rate.

There's currently a discussion happening in JuiceboxDAO deliberating if it might be wise to move its reserved rate from 35% to 50%.

The reserved rate can also be useful for other purposes, this is just one possible metaphor that can be used to guide decision making.

NOTICE: Juicebox V1 inefficiencies

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor

在 Juicebox V1 上创建一个项目或向某个项目捐款之前,请先了解一下以下的不足。这些是 V1 协议的缺点,目前的解决方案还不够完善。

  1. 没有暂停选项。如果你不想向新的捐款人分发代币,最好的办法是把保留代币比率配置成 100%。你可以把一个负责销毁代币的地址设置为保留代币受益人。

  2. 如果项目的保留代币比率一开始设置为 0%,之后重新配置为大于 0%,在这种情况下,项目会按新的代币保留比率铸造出一批新代币并分配给预设的保留代币受益人。比方说,如果把保留代币率调到 100%,总的代币供应量就会翻倍。同样地,你可以把一个负责销毁代币的地址设置为保留代币受益人。

这个问题是在 8 月 18 日发现的。点击这里查看更多细节。

  1. 没有直接销毁代币的交易,但是代币在赎回时会被销毁。因此要销毁代币的话,需要重新配置筹款目标令项目出现溢出,然后赎回代币,再把赎回代币获得的溢出重新注回金库内。

跨层 Juicebox 协议:跟进

· 4 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor


最简单的做法是在每个兼容 EVM 的 L2 环境中部署相同的 Juicebox 协议。这会迫使项目选择他们想要在哪一个 L2 上运行,或者如果他们想要同时在多个网络中运行,则需要自行处理因此引入的复杂性。但凡能够简单易行一点,我猜大多数项目都会希望在所有的环境下运行。


尽管在每个与 EVM 兼容的 L2 环境中部署相同的 Juicebox 协议会迫使项目选择他们想要在哪运行,但将这种选择和复杂性传达给每个项目,同时建议他们在 DAO/社会/治理层面构建完整的运营策略,把这些孤立的环境联结起来,可能才是最合理的做法。

以下是一些可供参考的操作指引,以 JuiceboxDAO 为例:

  • 在几个 L2 及侧链上部署完全一样的 Juicebox 协议。JuiceboxDAO 在每个地方都创建一个项目来收取费用和接受捐款。
  • JuiceboxDAO 在每条链上都会有不同的代币。 JuiceboxDAO 成员资格由一个包含了所有不同代币的策略构成。社区成员负责管理 DAO 跨链金库的统一完整。
  • JuiceboxDAO 单独提交每条链的金库重新配置方案。每条链可以有不同的筹款周期日程、不同的代币发行比率以及不同的 ETH 分配安排。这种灵活安排有助于不同多链金库设计的整合,但也会导致管理成本的提高。我们应该负责任地对待向新环境的扩展。
  • 依托现有和将来的通用跨桥基础设施,JuiceboxDAO 可以按照每条链不同的限制,在不同的环境之间转移它的 ETH 或者代币。
  • 如果想支持各个成员代币之间的相互兑换,还可以部署兑换合约。

任何其他项目都可以选择在一个或多个部署了 Juicebox 协议的环境中运行。如果他们选择同时在多个环境中运行,他们就必须去应对这个选择带来的复杂性。一旦这些项目开始试验并落实出有效的模式,我希望会形成一整套方法供将来的项目参考。


跨层 Juicebox 协议

· 4 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

在 Juicebox 上运营的项目需要一些支付终端来降低捐款人付款和赎回时的 gas 费用。

要实现这一点,除主网之外,项目还需要能在很多不同的 L2 上接收资金。

最简单的做法是在每个兼容 EVM 的 L2 环境中部署相同的 Juicebox 协议。这会迫使项目选择他们想要在哪一个 L2 上运行,或者如果他们想要同时在多个网络中运行,则需要自行处理因此引入的复杂性。但凡能够简单易行一点,我猜大多数项目都会希望在所有的环境下运行。

JuiceboxDAO 本身就是在 Juicebox 协议上运行,如果我们在协议层什么都不做,直接采取这个简单方案, 我们也会面临同样的困境。相反,如果我们预先考虑如何调整 Juicebox V2 协议来使我们的跨层运行简单化,可能也会帮助所有选择在 Juicebox 上建立金库的项目轻松实现跨层运行。


  • 项目不希望把社区和治理分散到各条链上去。不管人们选择从哪条链捐款进来,都应该得到所有成员的欢呼认同,而项目不管在哪一条链上相应分发代币,这些代币都应该同样享有治理项目累积资金的权利。
  • 随着时间推移,项目代币的发行价格应在所有可用环境下得到同步。筹款周期更新后,代币的分发权重经常会发生变化。除非有意为之,否则不应该存在跨链套利的机会。
  • 筹款周期的重新配置在所有的环境中,要么都被批准,要么都被否决。如果一个项目提议在其中一个环境重新配置筹款参数,但最终在投票中未获得通过,那么这一变更在其他所有环境中也不能生效。反而言之,成功的筹款周期重新配置应该在所有链上都得到体现。

请继续关注我提出的关于如何在 rollup L2 中实现这一点的具体建议,也欢迎参与讨论并提出自己的想法,使我们能够就最佳方案达成共识。