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Utilities to decode an IPFS hash.

This is fairly gas intensive, due to multiple nested loops, onchain IPFS hash decoding is therefore not advised (storing them as a string, in that use-case, might be more efficient).

State Variables


Just a kind reminder to our readers.

Used in base58ToString

bytes internal constant _ALPHABET = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";



function decode(string memory _baseUri, bytes32 _hexString) internal pure returns (string memory);


Convert a hex string to base58

Written by Martin Ludfall - Licence: MIT

function _toBase58(bytes memory _source) private pure returns (string memory);


function _truncate(uint8[] memory _array, uint8 _length) private pure returns (uint8[] memory);


function _reverse(uint8[] memory _input) private pure returns (uint8[] memory);


function _toAlphabet(uint8[] memory _indices) private pure returns (bytes memory);