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Utilities to manage bool bitmap storing the inactive tiers.



Initialize a BitmapWord struct, based on the mapping storage pointer and a given index.

function readId(mapping(uint256 => uint256) storage self, uint256 _index) internal view returns (JBBitmapWord memory);


Returns the status of a given bit, in the single word stored in a BitmapWord struct.

function isTierIdRemoved(JBBitmapWord memory self, uint256 _index) internal pure returns (bool);


Returns the status of a bit in a given bitmap (index is the index in the reshaped bitmap matrix 1*n).

function isTierIdRemoved(mapping(uint256 => uint256) storage self, uint256 _index) internal view returns (bool);


Flip the bit at a given index to true (this is a one-way operation).

function removeTier(mapping(uint256 => uint256) storage self, uint256 _index) internal;


Return true if the index is in an another word than the one stored in the BitmapWord struct.

function refreshBitmapNeeded(JBBitmapWord memory self, uint256 _index) internal pure returns (bool);


Return the lines of the bitmap matrix where an index lies.

function _retrieveDepth(uint256 _index) internal pure returns (uint256);