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For general subgraph querying advice, see Querying The Graph and GraphQL API in The Graph's docs.

Project ID & Version

If you look at the projects schema, you may notice that there are three similar fields: id, pv, and projectId. You can see these in practice by running the following query:


The JSON results will look something like this:

"data": {
"projects": [
"id": "1-1",
"pv": "1",
"projectId": 1
"id": "1-10",
"pv": "1",
"projectId": 10
  1. pv is the project version. All v1 projects (using the Projects contract) have a pv of 1.
  2. projectId is the project ID within a given version of the protocol. These are sequentially assigned to new projects, starting from 0, and are also the token ID of the Project NFT.
  3. id is an ID used within the Subgraph. It is the pv and projectId combined, with a dash in between the two.

To illustrate this, these two queries will return the same result:

projects(where: {id: "2-35"}){
projects(where:{pv:"2", projectId:35}){


By default, a query will only return the first 100 results:

projects(where:{id: "2-1"}){
# Participants are wallets which have held a project's token at any point in time
# Only 100 participants will be returned
participants(orderBy: totalPaid, orderDirection: desc){

This can be increased to 1,000 results with first:

# Now, 1,000 participants will be returned
participants(first: 1000, orderBy: totalPaid, orderDirection: desc){

After the first 1,000 results, you will have to paginate by using skip:

# The next 1,000 participants will be returned
participants(first: 1000, skip: 1000, orderBy: totalPaid, orderDirection: desc){

JavaScript Example

The snippet below will log a list of the 10 most recent payments to v2 project #1 (@juicebox):

const juicebox_subgraph_endpoint = ""

// Queries can be a GraphQL template literal
const query = `{
payEvents(first: 10, where: {project: "2-1"}, orderBy: timestamp, orderDirection: desc){

const json = await fetch(juicebox_subgraph_endpoint, {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ query }),
}).then(res => res.json())

// amount and amountUSD both have 18 decimals
for(const {beneficiary, amount, amountUSD} of
console.log(`${amount / 1e18} ETH paid worth ${amountUSD / 1e18} USD with beneficiary ${beneficiary}.`)

For more complex applications, you may want to use Apollo or another GraphQL client library.