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The Graph is a protocol which allows anyone to create a GraphQL API for querying blockchain data. Each individual API is called a subgraph. Juicebox's subgraphs are in use on and other websites to load Juicebox protocol data without directly querying the blockchain.

Juicebox subgraphs are indexed via Satsuma. You can query them using the URLs in the table below (you'll need an API key from the Peel Discord server), or try out our example queries in a playground:

mainnet<api-key>/juicebox/mainnet/apiIndexes mainnet Juicebox protocol contracts.Playground
goerli<api-key>/juicebox/goerli/apiIndexes goerli Juicebox protocol contracts. (Does not include v1 & v2 contracts, except for v2 JBProjects)Playground

The subgraph is maintained by Peel here:

If you run into trouble, check:

Deprecated Subgraph

Note: The mainnet Juicebox Subgraph was previously published and indexed on the Graph Network here. This Subgraph is no longer being maintained as of version 7.1.0.