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Contract: JBV1TokenPaymentTerminal​‌

Interface: IJBPaymentTerminal

Receives funds belonging to the specified project.


function addToBalanceOf(
uint256 _projectId,
uint256 _amount,
string calldata _memo,
bytes calldata _metadata
) external payable virtual override { ... }
  • Arguments:
    • _projectId is the ID of the project to which the funds received belong. This is ignored since this terminal doesn't allow this function.
    • _amount is the amount of tokens to add, as a fixed point number with the same number of decimals as this terminal. This is ignored since this terminal doesn't allow this function.
    • _token is the token being paid. This terminal ignores this property since it only manages one token. This is ignored since this terminal doesn't allow this function.
    • _memo is a memo to pass along to the emitted event. This is ignored since this terminal doesn't allow this function.
    • _metadata is metadata to pass along to the emitted event. This is ignored since this terminal doesn't allow this function.
  • The function can be accessed externally by anyone.
  • The resulting function overrides a function definition from the IJBPaymentTerminal interface.
  • The function doesn't return anything.


  1. This function should not be called. Revert every time.

    revert NOT_SUPPORTED();