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Project payer

JBETHERC20ProjectPayer contracts make it easy to route funds to projects' treasuries from other contracts or within inheriting contracts. This is useful for routing funds to a Juicebox treasury within other contracts such as an NFT's minting function, or creating contracts that will automatically route any received funds to a project's treasury with preconfigured parameters to send along with the payment.

The JBETHERC20ProjectPayer can be inherited from any contract to facilitate internal transactions to Juicebox treasuries in ETH or any ERC-20, assuming the project is using a payment terminal that accepts the tokens. They can also be deployed as standalone project payer copies using JBProjectPayerDeployer.

Inheriting JBProjectPayer

Inheriting from JBETHERC20ProjectPayer will give a contract access to a public function, a public JBProjectPayer.addToBalanceOf(...) function, an internal JBProjectPayer._pay(...) function, and an internal JBProjectPayer._addToBalanceOf(...) function. These can be used from within the contract to route funds to a Juicebox treasury while specifying all relevant parameters to contextualize the payment. Use the internal versions if the inheriting contract has already handled receiving the funds being forwarded.

Follow instructions in Getting started to import the JBProjectPayer files into a project.

function pay(
uint256 _projectId,
address _token,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _decimals,
address _beneficiary,
uint256 _minReturnedTokens,
bool _preferClaimedTokens,
string calldata _memo,
bytes calldata _metadata
) public payable virtual override {}
function addToBalanceOf(
uint256 _projectId,
address _token,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _decimals,
string calldata _memo
bytes calldata _metadata
) public payable virtual override {}
function _pay(
uint256 _projectId,
address _token,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _decimals,
address _beneficiary,
uint256 _minReturnedTokens,
bool _preferClaimedTokens,
string memory _memo,
bytes memory _metadata
) internal virtual {}
function _addToBalanceOf(
uint256 _projectId,
address _token,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _decimals,
string memory _memo,
string memory _metadata
) internal virtual {}

If your contract does not wish to route payments received via the native receive interaction to a Juicebox treasury, all default constructor arguments can be left as null values. The contract will revert any payment received.

Deploying project payers

Instances of the JBETHERC20ProjectPayer contract can also be deployed as stand-alone forwarders of payments to Juicebox treasuries. A new project payer can be deployed using JBProjectPayerDeployer.deployProjectPayer(...).

function deployProjectPayer(
uint256 _defaultProjectId,
address payable _defaultBeneficiary,
bool _defaultPreferClaimedTokens,
string memory _defaultMemo,
bytes memory _defaultMetadata,
bool _defaultPreferAddToBalance,
IJBDirectory _directory,
address _owner
) external override returns (IJBProjectPayer projectPayer) { ... }


import '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol';
import '@jbx-protocol/contracts-v2/contracts/JBETHERC20ProjectPayer.sol';

contract NFTProjectPayer is ERC721, JBETHERC20ProjectPayer {
uint256 projectId;

constructor(uint256 _projectId, IJBDirectory _directory, address _owner) JBETHERC20ProjectPayer(0, address(0), false, "", bytes(0), false, _directory, _owner) {
projectId = _projectId;

// Minting an NFT routes funds to the juicebox treasury and mints project tokens for msg.sender. Use addToBalance if you don't want tokens minted.
function mint(uint256 _tokenId) external payable override {
_mint(msg.sender, _tokenId);
_pay(_projectId, JBTokens.ETH, msg.value, 18, msg.sender, 0, false, "I love buffalos", bytes(''));
// _addToBalance(_projectId, JBTokens.ETH, msg.value, 18, "I love buffalos", bytes(0));