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Deploys splits payer contracts.

Git Source

Mainnet: 0x3ff1f0583a41CE8B9463F74a1227C75FC13f7C27

Goerli: 0x4C466008867c471316Be2606E5D76D1940fC4765

Inherits: IJBETHERC20SplitsPayerDeployer

Adheres to:

  • IJBETHERC20SplitsPayerDeployer: General interface for the methods in this contract that interact with the blockchain's state according to the protocol's rules.

State Variables


address immutable implementation;


IJBSplitsStore immutable splitsStore;



constructor(IJBSplitsStore _splitsStore);


Allows anyone to deploy a new splits payer contract.

This contract must have Operator permissions over the SET_SPLITS permission of the specified _defaultSplitsProjectId.

function deploySplitsPayerWithSplits(
uint256 _defaultSplitsProjectId,
JBSplit[] memory _defaultSplits,
IJBSplitsStore _splitsStore,
uint256 _defaultProjectId,
address payable _defaultBeneficiary,
bool _defaultPreferClaimedTokens,
string memory _defaultMemo,
bytes memory _defaultMetadata,
bool _defaultPreferAddToBalance,
address _owner
) external override returns (IJBSplitsPayer splitsPayer);


_defaultSplitsProjectIduint256The ID of project for which the default splits are stored.
_defaultSplitsJBSplit[]The splits to payout when this contract receives direct payments.
_splitsStoreIJBSplitsStoreA contract that stores splits for each project.
_defaultProjectIduint256The ID of the project whose treasury should be forwarded the splits payer contract's received payment leftovers after distributing to the default splits group.
_defaultBeneficiaryaddress payableThe address that'll receive the project's tokens when the splits payer receives payments.
_defaultPreferClaimedTokensboolA flag indicating whether issued tokens from the splits payer's received payments should be automatically claimed into the beneficiary's wallet.
_defaultMemostringThe memo that'll be forwarded with the splits payer's received payments.
_defaultMetadatabytesThe metadata that'll be forwarded with the splits payer's received payments.
_defaultPreferAddToBalanceboolA flag indicating if received payments should call the pay function or the addToBalance function of a project.
_owneraddressThe address that will own the splits payer.


splitsPayerIJBSplitsPayerThe splits payer contract.


Allows anyone to deploy a new splits payer contract.

function deploySplitsPayer(
uint256 _defaultSplitsProjectId,
uint256 _defaultSplitsDomain,
uint256 _defaultSplitsGroup,
uint256 _defaultProjectId,
address payable _defaultBeneficiary,
bool _defaultPreferClaimedTokens,
string memory _defaultMemo,
bytes memory _defaultMetadata,
bool _defaultPreferAddToBalance,
address _owner
) public override returns (IJBSplitsPayer splitsPayer);


_defaultSplitsProjectIduint256The ID of project for which the default splits are stored.
_defaultSplitsDomainuint256The splits domain to payout when this contract receives direct payments.
_defaultSplitsGroupuint256The splits group to payout when this contract receives direct payments.
_defaultProjectIduint256The ID of the project whose treasury should be forwarded the splits payer contract's received payment leftovers after distributing to the default splits group.
_defaultBeneficiaryaddress payableThe address that'll receive the project's tokens when the splits payer receives payments.
_defaultPreferClaimedTokensboolA flag indicating whether issued tokens from the splits payer's received payments should be automatically claimed into the beneficiary's wallet.
_defaultMemostringThe memo that'll be forwarded with the splits payer's received payments.
_defaultMetadatabytesThe metadata that'll be forwarded with the splits payer's received payments.
_defaultPreferAddToBalanceboolA flag indicating if received payments should call the pay function or the addToBalance function of a project.
_owneraddressThe address that will own the splits payer.


splitsPayerIJBSplitsPayerThe splits payer contract.