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Contract: JBFundingCycleStore

Efficiently stores a funding cycle's provided intrinsic properties.


function _packAndStoreIntrinsicPropertiesOf(
uint256 _configuration,
uint256 _projectId,
uint256 _number,
uint256 _weight,
uint256 _basedOn,
uint256 _start
) private { ... }
  • Arguments:
    • _configuration is the configuration of the funding cycle to pack and store.
    • _projectId is the ID of the project to which the funding cycle belongs.
    • _number is the number of the funding cycle.
    • _weight is the weight of the funding cycle.
    • _basedOn is the configuration of the base funding cycle.
    • _start is the start time of this funding cycle.
  • The function is private to this contract.
  • The function doesn't return anything.


  1. The weight property should take up the first 80 bits of the packed uint256.

    // weight in bits 0-87.
    uint256 packed = _weight;
  2. The based on configuration should take up the next 56 bits.

    // basedOn in bits 88-143.
    packed |= _basedOn << 88;
  3. The start should take up the next 56 bits.

    // start in bits 144-199.
    packed |= _start << 144;
  4. The number should take up the last 56 bits.

    // number in bits 200-255.
    packed |= _number << 200;
  5. Store the packed intrinsic properties for the funding cycle.

    // Store the packed value.
    _packedIntrinsicPropertiesOf[_projectId][_configuration] = packed;

    Internal references: