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Use Juicebox via Etherscan

Launch a project

  1. Visit the JBController3_1 contract on Etherscan here. If not already open, navigate to ContractWrite Contract4. launchProjectFor. Connect your wallet by clicking “Connect to Web3”.

  2. Input your desired parameters and click Write to submit your transaction:


If you are not already familiar with project parameters, read the Programmable treasury guide and the launchProjectFor docs.

  1. Once the transaction has been confirmed, visit to find your project.

Reconfigure a funding cycle

  1. Visit the JBController3_1 contract on Etherscan here. If not already open, navigate to ContractWrite Contract8. reconfigureFundingCyclesOf. Connect your wallet by clicking “Connect to Web3”.

  2. Input your desired parameters and click Write to submit your transaction:


If you are not already familiar with project parameters, read the Programmable treasury guide and the reconfigureFundingCyclesOf docs.

  1. Once the transaction has been confirmed, visit to verify your reconfiguration.