

Emitted from:


event UseAllowance(
uint256 indexed fundingCycleConfiguration,
uint256 indexed fundingCycleNumber,
uint256 indexed projectId,
address beneficiary,
uint256 amount,
uint256 distributedAmount,
uint256 netDistributedamount,
string memo,
address caller
  • fundingCycleConfiguration is the funding cycle configuration during which an allowance was used.
  • fundingCycleNumber is the number of the funding cycle during which an allowance was used.
  • projectId is the ID of the project whose allowance was used.
  • beneficiary is the address whose received the allowance.
  • amount is the amount of allowance that was used in terms of the funding cycle's currency.
  • distributedAmount is the total amount of tokens that were distributed from the project's balance.
  • netDistributedamount is the amount of tokens that were distributed to the beneficiary.
  • memo is a note that was attached.
  • caller is the address that issued the transaction within which the event was emitted.