

Contract: JBController​‌

Data regarding the distribution limit of a project during a configuration.

bits 0-247: The amount of token that a project can distribute per funding cycle.

bits 248-255: The currency of amount that a project can distribute.


Data regarding the distribution limit of a project during a configuration.

bits 0-231: The amount of token that a project can distribute per funding cycle.

bits 232-255: The currency of amount that a project can distribute.

_projectId The ID of the project to get the packed distribution limit data of.
_configuration The configuration during which the packed distribution limit data applies.
_terminal The terminal from which distributions are being limited.
_token The token for which distributions are being limited.
mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => mapping(IJBPaymentTerminal => mapping(address => uint256))))
internal _packedDistributionLimitDataOf;
  • Arguments:
    • _projectId is the ID of the project to get the packed distribution limit data of.
    • _configuration is the configuration during which the packed distribution limit data applies.
    • _terminal is the IJBPaymentTerminal from which distributions are being limited.
    • _token is the token for which distributions are being limited.
  • The resulting function is internal to this contract and its inheriters.