

Contract: JBSplitsStore​‌

Interface: IJBSplitsStore

Get all splits for the specified project ID, within the specified domain, for the specified group.


function splitsOf(
uint256 _projectId,
uint256 _domain,
uint256 _group
) external view override returns (JBSplit[] memory) { ... }
  • Arguments:
    • _projectId is the ID of the project to get splits for.
    • _domain is an identifier within which the returned splits should be considered active.
    • _group is the identifying group of the splits.
  • The view function can be accessed externally by anyone.
  • The view function does not alter state on the blockchain.
  • The function overrides a function definition from the IJBSplitsStore interface.
  • The function returns an array of all JBSplits for the project.


  1. This function just reads and returns the splits of the project, within the specified domain, for the specified group.

    return _getStructsFor(_projectId, _domain, _group);

    Internal references: