

Contract: JBSplitsStore​‌

More packed data of splits for each project ID's configurations.

This packed data is often 0.


More packed data of splits for each project ID's configurations.

This packed data is often 0.

_projectId The ID of the project to get packed splits data for.
_domain An identifier within which the returned splits should be considered active.
_group The identifying group of the splits.
_index The indexed order that the split was set at.
mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256))))
private _packedSplitParts2Of;
  • Arguments:
    • _projectId is the ID of the project to get packed splits data for.
    • _domain is an identifier within which the returned splits should be considered active.
    • _group is the identifying group of the splits.
    • _index is the indexed order that the split was set at.
  • Returns packed split data.
  • The resulting view function is private to this contract.