

Whether or not a specified terminal is a terminal of the specified project.


function isTerminalOf(uint256 _projectId, IJBPaymentTerminal _terminal)
returns (bool) { ... }
  • Arguments:
    • _projectId is the ID of the project to check within.
    • _terminal is the address of the terminal to check for.
  • The view function can be accessed externally by anyone, and internally within this contract.
  • The view function does not alter state on the blockchain.
  • The function overrides a function definition from the IJBDirectory interface.
  • The function returns a flag indicating whether or not the specified terminal is a terminal of the specified project.


  1. Keep a reference to the number of terminal's the project has.

    // Keep a reference to the number of terminals the project has.
    uint256 _numberOfTerminals = _terminalsOf[_projectId].length;

    Internal references:

  2. Loop through each of the project's terminals looking for the one specified. If it's found, return true.

    for (uint256 _i; _i < _numberOfTerminals; ) {
    // If the terminal being iterated on matches the provided terminal, return true.
    if (_terminalsOf[_projectId][_i] == _terminal) return true;

    unchecked {
  3. If a terminal is not found, return false.

    return false;