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Contract: JBTokenStore​‌

Interface: IJBTokenStore

Burns a project's tokens.

Only a project's current controller can burn its tokens.


function burnFrom(
address _holder,
uint256 _projectId,
uint256 _amount,
bool _preferClaimedTokens
) external override onlyController(_projectId) { ... }
  • Arguments:
    • _holder is the address that owns the tokens being burned.
    • _projectId is the ID of the project to which the burned tokens belong.
    • _amount is the amount of tokens to burn.
    • _preferClaimedTokens is a flag indicating whether there's a preference for tokens to burned from the _holders wallet if the project currently has a token contract attached.
  • Through the onlyController modifier, the function can only be accessed by the controller of the _projectId.
  • The function overrides a function definition from the IJBTokenStore interface.
  • The function doesn't return anything.


  1. Get a reference to the project's current token.

    // Get a reference to the project's current token.
    IJBToken _token = tokenOf[_projectId];

    Internal references:

  2. Get a reference to the amount of unclaimed project tokens the holder has.

    // Get a reference to the amount of unclaimed project tokens the holder has.
    uint256 _unclaimedBalance = unclaimedBalanceOf[_holder][_projectId];

    Internal references:

  3. Get a reference to the amount of the project's tokens the holder has in their wallet. If the project does not yet have tokens issued, the holder must not have a claimed balance.

    // Get a reference to the amount of the project's current token the holder has in their wallet.
    uint256 _claimedBalance = _token == IJBToken(address(0))
    ? 0
    : _token.balanceOf(_holder, _projectId);

    External references:

  4. Make sure the holder has enough tokens to burn.

    // There must be adequate tokens to burn across the holder's claimed and unclaimed balance.
    if (_amount > _claimedBalance + _unclaimedBalance) revert INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS();
  5. Find the amount of claimed tokens that should be burned. This will be 0 if the holder has no claimed balance, an amount up to the holder's claimed balance if there is a preference for burning claimed tokens, or the difference between the amount being burned and the holder's unclaimed balance otherwise.

    // The amount of tokens to burn.
    uint256 _claimedTokensToBurn;

    // If there's no balance, redeem no tokens.
    if (_claimedBalance == 0)
    _claimedTokensToBurn = 0;
    // If prefer converted, redeem tokens before redeeming unclaimed tokens.
    else if (_preferClaimedTokens)
    _claimedTokensToBurn = _claimedBalance < _amount ? _claimedBalance : _amount;
    // Otherwise, redeem unclaimed tokens before claimed tokens.
    else _claimedTokensToBurn = _unclaimedBalance < _amount ? _amount - _unclaimedBalance : 0;
  6. The amount of unclaimed tokens to burn is necessarily the amount of tokens to burn minus the amount of claimed tokens to burn.

    // The amount of unclaimed tokens to redeem.
    uint256 _unclaimedTokensToBurn = _amount - _claimedTokensToBurn;
  7. If there are unclaimed tokens to burn, subtract the amount from the unclaimed balance of the holder for the project, and from the unclaimed total supply of the project.

    // Subtract the tokens from the unclaimed balance and total supply.
    if (_unclaimedTokensToBurn > 0) {
    // Reduce the holders balance and the total supply.
    unclaimedBalanceOf[_holder][_projectId] =
    unclaimedBalanceOf[_holder][_projectId] -
    unclaimedTotalSupplyOf[_projectId] =
    unclaimedTotalSupplyOf[_projectId] -

    Internal references:

  8. If there are claimed tokens to burn, burn them from the holder's wallet.

    // Burn the claimed tokens.
    if (_claimedTokensToBurn > 0) _token.burn(_projectId, _holder, _claimedTokensToBurn);

    External references:

  9. Emit a Burn event with the relevant parameters.

    emit Burn(

    Event references: