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Ruleset Approval Hook

A ruleset approval hook helps determine whether or not a project's queued rulesets should be allowed to take effect. To build a ruleset approval hook, you'll want to implement the IJBRulesetApprovalHook interface.

interface IJBRulesetApprovalHook is IERC165 {
function DURATION() external view returns (uint256);

function approvalStatusOf(
uint256 projectId,
uint256 rulesetId,
uint256 start
returns (JBApprovalStatus);

Once you've deployed your contract, you can use its address in the approvalHook field of a JBRuleset when scheduling a project's rulesets. The hook's IJBRulesetApprovalHook.approvalStatusOf(...) function will be called to determine if the specified ruleset should be approved or not. It's IJBRulesetApprovalHook.DURATION() function will be used to determine how long the deliberation period is for the ruleset, affecting the certainty of its admission or rejection.

Learn more about ruleset approval hooks.