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Splits are used to send a percentage of a total token amount to a specific contract, project, or address. Splits are used to send payouts and reserved tokens.

1. If a non-zero split hook contract is specified, this split's tokens are sent there along with this split's properties.

2. Otherwise, if a non-zero project ID is specified, this split's tokens are used to pay it through its terminal if possible, or sent to the project's owner if not. If this payment yields tokens, those go to the split's beneficiary.

3. Otherwise, this split's tokens are sent directly to the beneficiary.

To summarize, this split's tokens are sent according to the following priority: split hook > projectId > beneficiary.


  • member: percent The percent of the total token amount that this split sends. This number is out of JBConstants.SPLITS_TOTAL_PERCENT.

  • member: projectId The ID of a project to pay, if applicable. Resulting tokens will be routed to the beneficiary.

  • member: beneficiary Receives this split's tokens if the hook and projectId are zero. If the projectId is specified, the beneficiary receives any project tokens minted by this split.

  • member: preferAddToBalance If this split were to pay a project through its terminal, this flag indicates whether it should prefer using the terminal's addToBalance function instead.

  • member: lockedUntil The split cannot be changed until this timestamp. The lockedUntil timestamp can be increased while a split is locked. If lockedUntil is zero, this split can be changed at any time.

  • member: hook A contract which will receive this split's tokens and properties, and can define custom behavior.

struct JBSplit {
uint32 percent;
uint64 projectId;
address payable beneficiary;
bool preferAddToBalance;
uint48 lockedUntil;
IJBSplitHook hook;