

Contract: JBETHERC20SplitsPayerDeployer

Interface: IJBETHERC20SplitsPayerDeployer

Allows anyone to deploy a new splits payer contract.


function deploySplitsPayer(
uint256 _defaultSplitsProjectId,
uint256 _defaultSplitsDomain,
uint256 _defaultSplitsGroup,
IJBSplitsStore _splitsStore,
uint256 _defaultProjectId,
address payable _defaultBeneficiary,
bool _defaultPreferClaimedTokens,
string memory _defaultMemo,
bytes memory _defaultMetadata,
bool _defaultPreferAddToBalance,
address _owner
) external override returns (IJBSplitsPayer splitsPayer) { ... }
  • Arguments:
    • _defaultSplitsProjectId is the ID of project for which the default splits are stored.
    • _defaultSplitsDomain is the splits domain to payout when this contract receives direct payments.
    • _defaultSplitsGroup is the splits group to payout when this contract receives direct payments.
    • _splitsStore is a contract that stores splits for each project.
    • _defaultProjectId is the ID of the project whose treasury should be forwarded the splits payer contract's received payment leftovers after distributing to the default splits group.
    • _defaultBeneficiary is the address that'll receive the project's tokens when the project payer receives payments.
    • _defaultPreferClaimedTokens is a flag indicating whether issued tokens from the project payer's received payments should be automatically claimed into the beneficiary's wallet.
    • _defaultMemo is the memo that'll be forwarded with the project payer's received payments.
    • _defaultMetadata is the metadata that'll be forwarded with the project payer's received payments.
    • _defaultPreferAddToBalance is a flag indicating if received payments should call the pay function or the addToBalance function of a project.
    • _owner is the address that will own the project payer.
  • The function can be accessed externally by anyone.
  • The function overrides a function definition from theIJBETHERC20SplitsPayerDeployer interface.
  • The function returns the splits payer contract.


  1. Deploy the splits payer contract.

    // Deploy the splits payer.
    splitsPayer = new JBETHERC20SplitsPayer(

    External references:

  2. Emit a DeploySplitsPayer event with all relevant parameters.

    emit DeploySplitsPayer(

    Event references: