Inherits: IJB721TiersHookStore
This contract stores and manages data for many IJB721TiersHook
s and their NFTs.
State Variables
Just a kind reminder to our readers.
Used in 721 token ID generation.
uint256 private constant _ONE_BILLION = 1_000_000_000;
Returns the default reserve beneficiary for the provided 721 contract.
If a tier has a reserve beneficiary set, it will override this value.
mapping(address hook => address) public override defaultReserveBeneficiaryOf;
Returns the encoded IPFS URI for the provided tier ID of the provided 721 contract.
Token URIs managed by this contract are stored in 32 bytes, based on stripped down IPFS hashes.
Note: returns: The encoded IPFS URI.
mapping(address hook => mapping(uint256 tierId => bytes32)) public override encodedIPFSUriOf;
Returns the largest tier ID currently used on the provided 721 contract.
This may not include the last tier ID if it has been removed.
mapping(address hook => uint256) public override maxTierIdOf;
Returns the number of NFTs which have been burned from the provided tier ID of the provided 721 contract.
mapping(address hook => mapping(uint256 tierId => uint256)) public override numberOfBurnedFor;
Returns the number of reserve NFTs which have been minted from the provided tier ID of the provided 721 contract.
mapping(address hook => mapping(uint256 tierId => uint256)) public override numberOfReservesMintedFor;
Returns the number of NFTs which the provided owner address owns from the provided 721 contract and tier ID.
mapping(address hook => mapping(address owner => mapping(uint256 tierId => uint256))) public override tierBalanceOf;
Returns the custom token URI resolver which overrides the default token URI resolver for the provided 721 contract.
mapping(address hook => IJB721TokenUriResolver) public override tokenUriResolverOf;
Returns the flags which dictate the behavior of the provided IJB721TiersHook
Note: returns: The flags.
mapping(address hook => JB721TiersHookFlags) internal _flagsOf;
Return the ID of the last sorted tier from the provided 721 contract.
If not set, it is assumed the maxTierIdOf
is the last sorted tier ID.
mapping(address hook => uint256) internal _lastTrackedSortedTierIdOf;
Get the bitmap word at the provided depth from the provided 721 contract's tier removal bitmap.
See JBBitmap
for more information.
Note: returns: word The bitmap row's content.
mapping(address hook => mapping(uint256 depth => uint256 word)) internal _removedTiersBitmapWordOf;
Returns the reserve beneficiary (if there is one) for the provided tier ID on the provided
Note: returns: The address of the reserved token beneficiary.
mapping(address hook => mapping(uint256 tierId => address)) internal _reserveBeneficiaryOf;
Returns the ID of the first tier in the provided category on the provided 721 contract.
mapping(address hook => mapping(uint256 category => uint256)) internal _startingTierIdOfCategory;
Returns the stored tier of the provided tier ID on the provided IJB721TiersHook
returns: The stored tier, as a JBStored721Tier
mapping(address hook => mapping(uint256 tierId => JBStored721Tier)) internal _storedTierOf;
Returns the ID of the tier which comes after the provided tier ID (sorted by price).
If empty, assume the next tier ID should come after.
Note: returns: The following tier's ID.
mapping(address hook => mapping(uint256 tierId => uint256)) internal _tierIdAfter;
Resolves the encoded IPFS URI for the tier of the 721 with the provided token ID from the provided 721 contract.
function encodedTierIPFSUriOf(address hook, uint256 tokenId) external view override returns (bytes32);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract that the encoded IPFS URI belongs to. |
tokenId | uint256 | The token ID of the 721 to get the encoded tier IPFS URI of. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes32 | The encoded IPFS URI. |
Get the flags that dictate the behavior of the provided 721 contract.
function flagsOf(address hook) external view override returns (JB721TiersHookFlags memory);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to get the flags of. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | JB721TiersHookFlags | The flags. |
Check if the provided tier has been removed from the provided 721 contract.
function isTierRemoved(address hook, uint256 tierId) external view override returns (bool);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract the tier belongs to. |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier to check the removal status of. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bool | A bool which is true if the tier has been removed, and false otherwise. |
Get the number of pending reserve NFTs for the provided tier ID of the provided 721 contract.
"Pending" means that the NFTs have been reserved, but have not been minted yet.
function numberOfPendingReservesFor(address hook, uint256 tierId) external view override returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to check for pending reserved NFTs. |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier to get the number of pending reserves for. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | The number of pending reserved NFTs. |
Get the tier with the provided ID from the provided 721 contract.
function tierOf(address hook, uint256 id, bool includeResolvedUri) public view override returns (JB721Tier memory);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to get the tier from. |
id | uint256 | The ID of the tier to get. |
includeResolvedUri | bool | If set to true , if the contract has a token URI resolver, its content will be resolved and included. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | JB721Tier | The tier. |
Get the tier of the 721 with the provided token ID in the provided 721 contract.
function tierOfTokenId(
address hook,
uint256 tokenId,
bool includeResolvedUri
returns (JB721Tier memory);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract that the tier belongs to. |
tokenId | uint256 | The token ID of the 721 to get the tier of. |
includeResolvedUri | bool | If set to true , if the contract has a token URI resolver, its content will be resolved and included. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | JB721Tier | The tier. |
Returns the number of voting units an addresses has within the specified tier of the specified 721 contract.
NFTs have a tier-specific number of voting units. If the tier does not have a custom number of voting units, the price is used.
function tierVotingUnitsOf(
address hook,
address account,
uint256 tierId
returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract that the tier belongs to. |
account | address | The address to get the voting units of within the tier. |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier to get voting units within. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | The address' voting units within the tier. |
Gets an array of currently active 721 tiers for the provided 721 contract.
function tiersOf(
address hook,
uint256[] calldata categories,
bool includeResolvedUri,
uint256 startingId,
uint256 size
returns (JB721Tier[] memory tiers);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to get the tiers of. |
categories | uint256[] | An array tier categories to get tiers from. Send an empty array to get all categories. |
includeResolvedUri | bool | If set to true , if the contract has a token URI resolver, its content will be resolved and included. |
startingId | uint256 | The ID of the first tier to get (sorted by price). Send 0 to get all active tiers. |
size | uint256 | The number of tiers to include. |
Name | Type | Description |
tiers | JB721Tier[] | An array of active 721 tiers. |
Get the number of NFTs which have been minted from the provided 721 contract (across all tiers).
function totalSupplyOf(address hook) external view override returns (uint256 supply);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to get a total supply of. |
Name | Type | Description |
supply | uint256 | The total number of NFTs minted from all tiers on the contract. |
Get the number of voting units the provided address has for the provided 721 contract (across all tiers).
NFTs have a tier-specific number of voting units. If the tier does not have a custom number of voting units, the price is used.
function votingUnitsOf(address hook, address account) external view virtual override returns (uint256 units);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to get the voting units within. |
account | address | The address to get the voting unit total of. |
Name | Type | Description |
units | uint256 | The total voting units the address has within the 721 contract. |
Get the number of NFTs that the specified address has from the specified 721 contract (across all tiers).
function balanceOf(address hook, address owner) public view override returns (uint256 balance);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to get the balance within. |
owner | address | The address to check the balance of. |
Name | Type | Description |
balance | uint256 | The number of NFTs the owner has from the 721 contract. |
The combined cash out weight of the NFTs with the provided token IDs.
Cash out weight is based on 721 price.
Divide this result by the totalCashOutWeight
to get the portion of funds that can be reclaimed by
cashing out these NFTs.
function cashOutWeightOf(address hook, uint256[] calldata tokenIds) public view override returns (uint256 weight);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract that the NFTs belong to. |
tokenIds | uint256[] | The token IDs of the NFTs to get the cash out weight of. |
Name | Type | Description |
weight | uint256 | The cash out weight. |
The reserve beneficiary for the provided tier ID on the provided 721 contract.
function reserveBeneficiaryOf(address hook, uint256 tierId) public view override returns (address);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract that the tier belongs to. |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier to get the reserve beneficiary of. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | address | The reserve beneficiary for the tier. |
The tier ID for the 721 with the provided token ID.
Tiers are 1-indexed from the tiers
array, meaning the 0th element of the array is tier 1.
function tierIdOfToken(uint256 tokenId) public pure override returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
tokenId | uint256 | The token ID of the 721 to get the tier ID of. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | The ID of the 721's tier. |
The combined cash out weight for all NFTs from the provided 721 contract.
function totalCashOutWeight(address hook) public view override returns (uint256 weight);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to get the total cash out weight of. |
Name | Type | Description |
weight | uint256 | The total cash out weight. |
Get the first tier ID from an 721 contract (when sorted by price) within a provided category.
function _firstSortedTierIdOf(address hook, uint256 category) internal view returns (uint256 id);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to get the first sorted tier ID of. |
category | uint256 | The category to get the first sorted tier ID within. Send 0 for the first ID across all tiers, which might not be in the 0th category if the 0th category does not exist. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | uint256 | The first sorted tier ID within the provided category. |
Generate a token ID for an 721 given a tier ID and a token number within that tier.
function _generateTokenId(uint256 tierId, uint256 tokenNumber) internal pure returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier to generate a token ID for. |
tokenNumber | uint256 | The token number of the 721 within the tier. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | The token ID of the 721. |
Returns the tier corresponding to the stored tier provided.
Translate JBStored721Tier
to JB721Tier
function _getTierFrom(
address hook,
uint256 tierId,
JBStored721Tier memory storedTier,
bool includeResolvedUri
returns (JB721Tier memory);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to get the tier from. |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier to get. |
storedTier | JBStored721Tier | The stored tier to get the corresponding tier for. |
includeResolvedUri | bool | If set to true , if the contract has a token URI resolver, its content will be resolved and included. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | JB721Tier | tier The tier as a JB721Tier struct. |
Check whether a tier has been removed while refreshing the relevant bitmap word if needed.
function _isTierRemovedWithRefresh(
address hook,
uint256 tierId,
JBBitmapWord memory bitmapWord
returns (bool);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to check for removals on. |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier to check the removal status of. |
bitmapWord | JBBitmapWord | The bitmap word to use. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bool | A boolean which is true if the tier has been removed. |
The last sorted tier ID from an 721 contract (when sorted by price).
function _lastSortedTierIdOf(address hook) internal view returns (uint256 id);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to get the last sorted tier ID of. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | uint256 | The last sorted tier ID. |
Get the tier ID which comes after the provided one when sorted by price.
function _nextSortedTierIdOf(address hook, uint256 id, uint256 max) internal view returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to get the next sorted tier ID from. |
id | uint256 | The tier ID to get the next sorted tier ID relative to. |
max | uint256 | The maximum tier ID. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | The next sorted tier ID. |
Get the number of pending reserve NFTs for the specified tier ID.
function _numberOfPendingReservesFor(
address hook,
uint256 tierId,
JBStored721Tier memory storedTier
returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract that the tier belongs to. |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier to get the number of pending reserve NFTs for. |
storedTier | JBStored721Tier | The stored tier to get the number of pending reserve NFTs for. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | numberReservedTokensOutstanding The number of pending reserve NFTs for the tier. |
Pack five bools into a single uint8.
function _packBools(
bool allowOwnerMint,
bool transfersPausable,
bool useVotingUnits,
bool cannotBeRemoved,
bool cannotIncreaseDiscountPercent
returns (uint8 packed);
Name | Type | Description |
allowOwnerMint | bool | Whether or not owner minting is allowed in new tiers. |
transfersPausable | bool | Whether or not 721 transfers can be paused. |
useVotingUnits | bool | Whether or not custom voting unit amounts are allowed in new tiers. |
cannotBeRemoved | bool | Whether or not attempts to remove the tier will revert. |
cannotIncreaseDiscountPercent | bool | Whether or not attempts to increase the discount percent will revert. |
Name | Type | Description |
packed | uint8 | The packed bools. |
Unpack five bools from a single uint8.
function _unpackBools(uint8 packed)
returns (
bool allowOwnerMint,
bool transfersPausable,
bool useVotingUnits,
bool cannotBeRemoved,
bool cannotIncreaseDiscountPercent
Name | Type | Description |
packed | uint8 | The packed bools. |
Cleans an 721 contract's removed tiers from the tier sorting sequence.
function cleanTiers(address hook) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
hook | address | The 721 contract to clean tiers for. |
Record newly added tiers.
function recordAddTiers(JB721TierConfig[] calldata tiersToAdd) external override returns (uint256[] memory tierIds);
Name | Type | Description |
tiersToAdd | JB721TierConfig[] | The tiers to add. |
Name | Type | Description |
tierIds | uint256[] | The IDs of the tiers being added. |
Records 721 burns.
function recordBurn(uint256[] calldata tokenIds) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
tokenIds | uint256[] | The token IDs of the NFTs to burn. |
Record newly set flags.
function recordFlags(JB721TiersHookFlags calldata flags) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
flags | JB721TiersHookFlags | The flags to set. |
Record 721 mints from the provided tiers.
function recordMint(
uint256 amount,
uint16[] calldata tierIds,
bool isOwnerMint
returns (uint256[] memory tokenIds, uint256 leftoverAmount);
Name | Type | Description |
amount | uint256 | The amount being spent on NFTs. The total price must not exceed this amount. |
tierIds | uint16[] | The IDs of the tiers to mint from. |
isOwnerMint | bool | A flag indicating whether this function is being directly called by the 721 contract's owner. |
Name | Type | Description |
tokenIds | uint256[] | The token IDs of the NFTs which were minted. |
leftoverAmount | uint256 | The amount remaining after minting. |
Record reserve 721 minting for the provided tier ID on the provided 721 contract.
function recordMintReservesFor(uint256 tierId, uint256 count) external override returns (uint256[] memory tokenIds);
Name | Type | Description |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier to mint reserves from. |
count | uint256 | The number of reserve NFTs to mint. |
Name | Type | Description |
tokenIds | uint256[] | The token IDs of the reserve NFTs which were minted. |
Record tiers being removed.
function recordRemoveTierIds(uint256[] calldata tierIds) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
tierIds | uint256[] | The IDs of the tiers being removed. |
Records the setting of a discount for a tier.
function recordSetDiscountPercentOf(uint256 tierId, uint256 discountPercent) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier to record a discount for. |
discountPercent | uint256 | The new discount percent being applied. |
Record a new encoded IPFS URI for a tier.
function recordSetEncodedIPFSUriOf(uint256 tierId, bytes32 encodedIPFSUri) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier to set the encoded IPFS URI of. |
encodedIPFSUri | bytes32 | The encoded IPFS URI to set for the tier. |
Record a newly set token URI resolver.
function recordSetTokenUriResolver(IJB721TokenUriResolver resolver) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
resolver | IJB721TokenUriResolver | The resolver to set. |
Record an 721 transfer.
function recordTransferForTier(uint256 tierId, address from, address to) external override;
Name | Type | Description |
tierId | uint256 | The ID of the tier that the 721 being transferred belongs to. |
from | address | The address that the 721 is being transferred from. |
to | address | The address that the 721 is being transferred to. |
error JB721TiersHookStore_CantMintManually();
error JB721TiersHookStore_CantRemoveTier();