
76 篇博文 含有标签「town-hall」


JuiceboxDAO 周会概要 2022 年 10 月 12 日

· 8 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Town Hall banner by Sage Kellyn Art by Sage Kellyn

开发工作汇报 Jango

  • 预计 NFT Rewards 合约的 Code4rena 审计比赛将在下周开始
  • NFT Rewards 合约的开发工作将于本周五完成并部署到 Goerli 测试网
  • 完成审计和部署之后,团队的工作重点将转到 V1 => V3 及 V2=> V3 的迁移路径设计上面。计划于 12 月完成开发工作及前端的全面支持。
  • 年底前将进行一系列的扫尾工作,明年 1 月将进行 JBX 迁移,并推出手续费模块及 veBanny 治理 NFT 系列。

为艺术而艺术 Felixander

Felixander 和 Burtula 一同制作了 Banny 图像小说, 他认为这是艺术为自身做的一个有趣小证明,同时提出我们社区应该更注重在艺术方面的工作。

Nouns 漫画广告页 Gogo

ComicsDAO 正在帮助 Nouns 出版一本关于 Nouns 生态的漫画书,这本书将在链下全美各大书店发行。

他们手上掌握了其中 8 页的广告页面,提供给与 Nouns 相关各个 DAO 及项目进行宣传。ComicsDAO 考虑把其中的一页无偿提供给 JuiceboxDAO, 以便我们可以为自己做一些宣传。

NFT Rewards 审计基金 Nicholas

由于 NFT Rewards 合约比较复杂且功能比较全面,我们决定像上次审计 V2 协议那样,对这些合约进行一次审计比赛。我们创建了一个审计基金项目,让有兴趣支持这次审计的人可以捐款来进行支持。

我们目前计划启动 10 月 18 日启动这次审计,因此在 10 月 17 日前这个审计基金项目必须获得审计所需的 73,000 美元资金。Nicholas 早前发起一个提案,建议 JuiceboxDAO 承担这次审计的所有费用。如果这个提案获得批准,DAO 将会向审计基金项目存入 73,000 美元,但不会铸造任何新的项目代币,也就是说项目的其他捐款人都可以通过赎回项目代币来获得全额退款(扣除 gas)。

由于 DAO 的款项最早要 10 月 22 日才能到位,所以比较理想的情况还是先由大家众筹足够的款项来提前启动审计。因此 Nicholas 同时在提案中请求 DAO 拨出 300 万个 JBX 用于奖励提前捐款支持审计的人。他把捐款数量分成三个等级,分别是 >0.1ETH、 1ETH 和 10 ETH,每个捐款等级都会获得合共 100 万个 JBX 共捐款人分享。同时他提出会考虑搞一个追溯有效的 NFT 奖励活动,将来对这三个等级的捐款人进行 NFT 空投奖励。

同时,这个审计基金项目也将作为一个概念证明供 Code4rena 团队的人参考,因为他们有兴趣在 Juicebox 上面分别为各个各个智能合约和协议创建项目,这样大家都可以无需许可地互相赞助其他协议的审计工作。

最后,Nicholas 提出来,这个项目可能会作为一个专用的审计项目保留下来,以供将来使用。

Marfa Giant ONNI

Marfa Giant 项目是 ONNI 创建的一个印刷出版项目, 立足于美国得克萨斯州的一个 1700 人的小镇 Marfa,着眼美国全球甚至国际化的发展。

他之前也参加过周会并进行了项目的介绍,但那之后的发展并不是太理想。因此项目进行了一些调整,先集中于本地的发展。他们建立了一个 marfagiant.com 网站并进行当地新闻、艺术动态等方面的报道,以期在本地先培育一定数量的受众再实现向外的发展。


ONNI 创建了一个数据可视化工作,在网站上详细列出镇子的各项预算及成本支出等数据,让居民可以查阅参考。

他们还计划向每个镇上居民颁发项目代币,让这个项目变成一个社区共同拥有及管理的项目。但在这样一个偏远小镇,居民的 web3 甚至 web2 认知都还不完全成熟的情况下,怎样教育大家接受新的支付方式会是一个不小的挑战。同时他们还考虑到发行以诗歌和菜谱为内容的 NFT 的可行性,NFT 的销售收入可以反哺社区用于支持艺术家们的创作。

ONNI 提出希望在以下方面得到 JBDAO 社区的帮助和支持:

  • 希望得到更多的捐款支持
  • 网站前端设计方面需要大量帮助
  • 在系统构建、后端开发和数据可视化等方面也需要帮忙

社区能见度工作汇报 Nicholas 及 Matthewbrooks

Matthew 和 Brileigh 刚刚推出新一期的 Juicenew

同时他们还撰写了一篇文章,详细介绍 MoonDAO 创建背景、发展历程和社区的最新情况。

Nicholas 在创建审计基金项目的过程中,摸索出一个用 ENS 域名来作为项目直接支付地址的模式,他把这个做法详细地写成一个教程,供大家需要时进行参考。

FORMING 工作报告 Lexicon Devils

Lexicon Devils 目前不定期与其他项目合作,在 Juicebox 在 Cryptovoxels 的总部举行一些现场表演活动。最近一次的活动安排在 10 月 29 日,万圣节的前夕,所以本期活动也是相关的惊悚主题。

这一期的表演活动开放申请,任何人有意参加演出都可以到 Forming 的网站提交申请,截止日期为 10 月 25 日。

同时,Lexicon Devils 计划对他们的网站进行一次全面的整修,希望可以更加清晰地展示他们的目标及展望。

JuiceboxDAO 周会概要 2022 年 10 月 05 日

· 20 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Town Hall banner by Sage Kellyn 配图作者 Sage Kellyn

NFT 奖励合约策略 Jango

团队最近决定要再举办一次 Code4rena 比赛来对 NFT 奖励合约进行审计。

如果提案申请审计费用的话,提案通过也要走两周多的流程才能安排付款,因此 Nicholas 和 Jango 商量之后,创建了一个专门用于审计的 NFT 奖励审计基金 项目,让支持审计这个合约的人先捐款,希望能尽快启动审计流程。

  • 之前的两次审计比赛都是由 Jango 先行垫款,显然不是长久之计。这个项目也许能作为一种新的模式;
  • 这是我们针对 Code4rena 审计进行的第一个试验,如果成功的话,Code4rena 可以借鉴我们的经验创建他们的项目;
  • 如果我们能早点付款,理论上来讲审计比赛最早可以 10 月 7 日开始,但项目的筹款未必跟得上。


  • Devcon Bogotá 马上就要开始,很多有意向参加审计比赛的开发员可能都会参加这个活动,活动期间可能审计工作的效果会受影响;
  • 目前审计比赛的费用约 7 万美元,提案批准需要的时间跟 Devon 活动的时间大致重合,所以利用这个期间对合约继续进行调整和测试可能会是一个更好的选择。

因此把审计活动的开始时间押后至 Devcon 之后,也就是 10 月中旬左右,似乎是一个更谨慎的方案。Jango 倾向于采用这个方案,因为上个月升级 V3 合约各项工作一直很紧凑,加上前端团队最近在 Subgraph 整合和版本升级方面还有大量的工作要做,稍微放慢一点节奏,让大家更好好完善工作,对方方面面都更有信心,这样会更好。

NFT 奖励合约目前体量相对稍大,这个是设计理念导致的,因为我们不希望分散成很多个特定功能的小合约。合约有一些功能可供项目方在部署合约的时候选择是否开启,方便项目方的同时也带来了体量的增大。将来如果对某些想法有特定的要求,也可以添加类似风格的合约来把不需要的功能取消掉。不过在早期阶段,我们会部署这个高度可定制化和功能丰富的 NFT 奖励合约版本,跟 Juicebox 协议的做法是一样的。

前端的 V3 合约版本控制也将接近完成,完成之后我们就会进行前端的 V3 部署并把新项目创建都转到 V3 合约。运行一段时间之后,再把 NFT 奖励合约加入到项目创建流程中去。

NFT 奖励合约审计基金 Nicholas 及 Jango

NFT 奖励审计基金 是 Nicholas 创建的一个项目,专门用于筹款举办 NFT 奖励合约的 Code4rena 审计比赛。在得到 DAO 的支持之前,人们可以先行捐款支持这个比赛。

目前 Nicholas 已经发起一个提案, 请求 JuiceboxDAO 资助这次审计活动。如果提案得到批准,审计资金会转到项目的金库用于向 Code4rena 支付费用。

如果 JuiceboxDAO 同意支付审计费用,早期向这个项目捐款的人就可以通过赎回项目代币获得全额退款。这个提案能够达到两个效果:

  • 支付 NFT 奖励合约的审计费用;
  • 推进与 Code4rena 合作的可行性。

但即便提案获得通过,最快要转出资金也要等到 JuiceboxDAO 的第 33 个筹款周期开始,也就是 10 月 23 日之后。Jango 觉得如果能在 10 月 17 日左右启动审计会更为理想,要实现这个时间计划,我们需要:

  • 在提案通过之前,鼓励大家继续向审计项目捐款
  • 跟 Code4rena 商量,考虑我们前两次审计比赛的先例,看他们能不能同意在提案动议和批核之前就开始审计,然后审计完成之后资金才能到位。

Code4rena 的人早前跟我们联系,表示他们有意向在 Juicebox 协议创建针对某些智能合约或者协议的项目,让任何人都可以参与众筹来开展这些代码的审计。Nicholas 和 Jango 希望目前这个审计基金项目能探索出一种合适的模式,推进 JuiceboxDAO 与 Code4rena 的整合合作关系。

JBX 策略 Jango


经过目前这个过渡阶段之后,我们会争取把流程和资金都汇总到 V3 合约上面。

目前资金零散地分布在多签钱包和各个协议版本的金库里,造成 JBX 赎回价值的失真。虽然因为 V1 和 V2 金库分别要收取项目费用,长期还会存在部分资金分散的问题,但最终 JBX 代币会在 V3 合约上面重新找到某种程度的赎回价值。从 JBX 的角度来看,我们的目标是要把精力主要集中在 V3 的金库上面,让前端做一些版本清理工作,以便我们接下来能够专注在 V3 合约上进行开发,不用过多考虑 V1 和 V2 的兼容性问题。届时我们会重新回到 4、5 个月前的状态,当时金库还会经常出现 JBX 赎回的情况,这是 Juicebox 协议原则上能够很好发挥作用的概念证明。而且我们做出的所有金库支出的决定,都会直接影响 JBX 的赎回价值。

Defifa 项目 Jango

这是 Jango 牵头以 NFT 奖励合约为底层开发的一个世界杯游戏。

这个游戏其实就是一个设置了 4 个筹款周期的 Juicebox 项目,每个周期按世界杯的进度分为游戏的四个阶段。


按照世界杯赛的 32 支队伍在 NFT 奖励合约里设置了 32 个不同的 NFT。世界杯开赛前的两周内,任何人都可以按同样的价格 (暂定为 0.022 ETH)mint 任意国家队任意数量的 NFT。随着 mint 数量的增多,游戏项目金库里的余额也相应增加。这些 NFT 其实上就是对项目金库资产的领取权。在这两周时间内,随时可以销毁 NFT 获得全额退款。

在这一期间可以随意 mint NFT,如果你觉得对某个国家队的代币分布情况不满意,例如说太多人 mint 英国队了,你可以销毁 NFT 来退款

概括地说,其实这个游戏的原理就是把现实世界的比赛结果反映到链上,再按这个结果来决定每个 NFT 可以得到的价值支撑应该是多少。


世界杯开赛之后,项目金库会被锁定,mint 也会终止。这个期间就不能再赎回或退款了,每个 NFT 分组的数量分布此时也都是固定的。

赛事期间的玩法就是开放性的了。我们既可以采取赢家通吃的规则,即世界杯冠军队伍的 NFT 会获得全部金库资产的支撑;也可以采用更具互动性的玩法,例如说每个赛事阶段都分配一个预设的金库资产比例,在该赛事阶段成功预测比赛结果的 NFT 就可以获得相应的金库资产支撑。


  • 48 场小组赛的每场赛事各占 0.416%;
  • 8 场淘汰赛的每场比赛各占 2.5%;
  • 四分一决赛的每场比赛各占 5%;
  • 半决赛的每场比赛各占 10%;
  • 决赛占 20%。

举个例子,如果小组赛里英国战胜美国的话,英国队 NFT 的持有人会获得金库资产 0.416% 的份额。


小组赛之后,会有一个交易截止时间,从这个时间一直到游戏结束,所有 NFT 都不能够交易转让。



第四阶段: 结束


有人会上传一个记分卡,这个记分卡的作用就是告诉合约应该怎样来分配金库的资产,而这个分配的结果应该是把整个杯赛期间的所有比赛的结果都考虑进去。比方说,如果杯赛期间,英国队真就只赢了那么一场比赛,那按照记分卡的记录,英国队 NFT 就会获得总资产 0.416% 的份额。

记分卡的内容是随意的,你也可以上传一个号称英国队获得全部总资产的记分卡。所有参赛队伍的所有 NFT 都会参与验证某个记分卡的准确性并批准使用某个记分卡来作为资产分配的凭据。每个 NFT 的投票权重按每支队伍 NFT 总供应量来平均分配,每支队伍作为一个整体拥有 1 票的验证权重。

达到验证的法定票数之后,项目金库会解除锁定,所有人都可以按最后确定的记分卡的内容来赎回自己持有的 NFT 来从金库领取相应数量的ETH。金库的资金不会主动进行分发,分配的形式是每组 NFT 按照其代表的参赛队伍的成绩获得不同份额的金库资产支撑,再按每组的总发行量进行均摊,最后得到每一个 NFT 的金库资产价值。

最有意思的是,你可以分叉这个游戏来运行你自己版本的玩法,可以把这个用于任何锦标赛赛事或者其他,你只需要 mint 一定数量的代币来让游聚集足够的资产,同时把 mint 出来的这些代币用作游戏结果的一个参数。

目前 Defifa 游戏的时间表是这样的:

  • 这周末会上线游戏的网站,最初的页面将只有版头和规则的部分;
  • 这个游戏上线的地址为 defifa.net;
  • 计划下周可以上线 mint / 铸造的功能部分;
  • 游戏将于世界杯开幕战前两周正式开始。


游戏的可视元素的设计非常棒,感谢 Mieos 把所有参赛队伍整理起来,整体效果看起来非常不错。

Juice 会计应用 Filipv

Filipv 在会上演示他开发的会计应用。这个应该原本的初衷是开发给 JuiceboxDAO 使用的,现在开发成通用版本,所有 Juicebox 项目都可以使用。

如果你想获取某个 Juicebox 项目的会计数据,只需输入要求的参数就可以获得相应的项目信息。这个对某些项目方在他们的法律管辖区里处理税务事宜应该会比较有用。

比方说你想获得 TilesDAO 的会计信息,只需要输入项目 ID、协议版本和要使用的货币名称,就可以获取相应的信息并写入对应的文件内。以下这个是 付款 文件,列举了交易的时间戳、ETH 数量、付款时货币价值和付款地址等信息。


还有另外一个用于计算 Juicebox 协议费用的应用,但目前只能用于 JuiceboxDAO。

Juicetool Nance 治理机器人工作汇报 Jigglyjams

Juicetool Nance 页面, 可以看到目前标注的提案。

图上显示的 # TBD 的意思是目前提案处于温度测试阶段,暂时还不会分配提案号

点击页面的 New Proposal,会进行入提案模板的页面:

这个模板可以选择支出的对象是一个地址还是一个项目,同时还可以标明支出的金额和持续的周期数。同时在接收地址还可以自动解释 ENS 名称。

填写完毕之后,点击 Submit 就可以生成一个新的提案。目前提交新的提案还是会推送到我们的 Notion 页面。

Nance 机器人的时间路线图:

  • 把 JuiceboxDAO 的治理内容从 Notion 迁移到 Dolt(一个 SQL 数据库)
  • 解决 IPFS 的存储问题
  • 解决治理数据库的版本控制问题

谁说的? Felixander


本期的正确答案是 Sage

MCSA 工作汇报 0xSTVG

MCSA(马林县游泳协会)是一个非营利组织,向低收入人群提供水上运动比赛、训练和治疗的机会。 2022 年 10 月 16 日,MCSA 将与金牌得主/NCAA 冠军 Jamie Neushul 和 2020 年奥运会/NCAA 冠军 Hannes Daube 一起举办射球训练营。 这次活动对外每人仅收取 45 美元费用,不足的部分,大概 2,000 美元将由 MCSA 来支付。

0xSTVG 在周会上向曾经向 MCSA 的 Juicebox 项目捐款及提供帮助的人表达感谢,并告知他们,筹集的款项都用于积极的用途。很多没有能力参与这种高水准训练的人通过 MCSA 的帮助获得了参加的机会。

彩蛋: Juicy 宝箱 Nicholas

Nicholas 在会上介绍了他创建的一个 Juicy 宝箱项目, 他和 Mieos、0xSTVG 等人向项目金库内支付了合计约 1.1 ETH, 并把这个项目的拥有权 NFT 放到 Zora 上面进行拍卖。Nicholas 希望通过这种形式,引起人们对 Juicebox 不同的项目机制的讨论。

JuiceboxDAO 周会概要 2022 年 9 月 28 日

· 9 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Town Hall banner by Sage Kellyn Art by Sage Kellyn

开发工作汇报 by jango

V3 合约汇报

V3 合约已于上周部署完毕。目前需要创建 JuiceboxDAO 的 V3 版本筹款周期,这是一个需要多签授权的交易。我们需要把 V3 筹款周期与 V1 及 V2 周期进行时间上的同步。这个交易已经发起,多签在周六前签名授权就可以执行。这个 V3 第一个筹款周期历时 7 天,到期后重新配置就可以与 V1、V2 的 14 天筹款周期同步。

launch of 1st V3 FC

V3 筹款周期目前没有任何支出及赎回的安排,仅作为接收 V3 项目费用用途。

接下来就是前端支持用户版本控制的工作,同时 peri 也在做 subgraph 的相关工作。

V3 的前端代码库已经就绪,等 subgraph 索引的工作完成之后,把两者进行合并就可以完成 V3 前端的部署。部署完成之后,前端的工作就会集中在项目的协议升级版本路径上。

Jango 上周的工作主要是重新校准 NFT 奖励合约,目前仅需要针对数据源的调用方式来对 API 进行轻微的调整。

同时他最近也在着手在 NFT 奖励合约的基础上开发 Defifa 项目,并利用这个合约来对一些即将合并到基础合约的概念进行压力测试。同时他还提到,NFT 奖励也可以像项目代币一样用于赎回项目金库溢出,在这个基础上添加一些追踪代币 ID 和销毁数量的属性,就可以用于 Defifa 项目的第一阶段的应用。

正因为 NFT 奖励合约刚刚推出,用来开发 Defifa 这个新产品可以测试合约 API 的完整度以及其他概念的延展性。即使出现任何问题,因为 NFT 奖励合约只是附加在筹款周期之上的,要进行迭代也比核心协议相对容易。

目前计划针对 NFT 奖励合约再举办一次 Code4rena的审计比赛,并对审计的形式进行新的探讨及试验(见以下内容)。

Code4rena 审计比赛的新做法

nicholas 介绍,最近 Code4rena 的相关负责人跟我们接触,表示他们有兴趣为一些以太坊上的应用或协议(至少是跟他们有合作关系的协议)创建一些 Juicebox 项目来让实现对这些协议审计更广泛的支持,因为他们发现有一些 DAO 或者组织对他们使用的其他应用或者协议存在审计的需求。

因为目前还未落实这个模式可以怎么实现,刚好 JuiceboxDAO 有审计 NFT 奖励合约的想法,jango 提出我们可以先行创建一个项目试验一下模式的可行性,同时让 Code4rena 借鉴并思考合适他们的模式。

jango 和 nicholas 的思路是,创建一个专门为 NFT 奖励合约的 Code4rena 审计活动而设的项目,早期对这项审计有兴趣的人都可以捐款支持这个项目。之后他俩会发起一个提案,请求 DAO 支持这个审计的费用支出。如果提案获得通过,DAO 决定全额支付审计费用的话,早期的捐款人可以通过赎回项目代币来获得退款。项目会把审计费用设定为资金的分配上限,把赎回比率设定为 100%,那么超出部分的溢出全部可供早期支持者赎回。

jango 指出,现在有许许多多的开源代码是没有具体的人或者组织在真正意义上来负责管理或承担责任的,虽然 Juicebox 协议目前或多或少是由 JuiceboxDAO 来主要承担管理代码库的责任,但外面还有很多项目或者协议是采取更开放的管理模式的。创建一个项目,让众多依赖某些开源代码的个人或者组织能够发起针对这些开源代码的审计工作,会是一个非常好的模式。如果有大的组织也决定通过这个项目来支持审计的话,当然会更好,因为早期的支持者都有机会通过赎回来获得一定部分甚至全额的退款。

nicholas 认为如果能够展开与 Code4rena 的合作,对大家都会是有利的:

  • Juicebox 上会有更多新的项目创建;
  • Code4rena 也可以解决审计比赛费用支付和分配的问题

社区能见度工作汇报 by brileigh 及 matthewbrooks

Juicenews (Juicebox 通讯)新的一期发布在这里juicenews 20220927

新的一期 Juicecast 播客节目,采访嘉宾是 JuiceboxDAO 的其中一个贡献者 0xSTVG, 介绍他创建的 Marin County Swim Association 项目(一个非盈利性的地方性游泳协会)以及他参与 DAO 工作的经历和心得。

新一期介绍 Lexicon Devils项目的配置文章,接下来还会发布介绍 Lexicon Devils 创建的 FORMING 项目的配置文章,着重介绍现有的项目是如何配置自己的筹款参数的,希望能给想要创建类似项目的人一些参考和借鉴。

他们还有一个计划,在 ConstitutionDAO 一周年即将到来之际,做一期播客节目,对 ConstitutionDAO 以及事件的起末做一次深度的探索。会上他们邀请大家帮忙介绍 ConstitutionDAO 的相关人员或在整个事件中有重大影响的人,他们希望采访各个方面的人,以便从不同的角度来认识和了解 ConstitutionDAO。0xSTVG 提出,因为当时中文社区的参与也产生了非常重大的影响,应该尝试接触一些中文社区的 KOL,从中文社区的视觉来补全 ConstitutionDAO 的理解。

(如果有兴趣参与这个采访或者提出自己的看法,可以在 Discord 联系 zhape#0046 或者直接联系matthewbrooks.eth#1111,谢谢)

JB high 工作汇报 Felixander

jb high update

JB high 是一个计划把社区内创作的一些协议的教学内容、博客及可用工具介绍等整合成一个 Juicebox.money 的用户教育中枢,方便创建项目的人快速查阅并提升对协议的理解。

他也打算采用问答的方式,撰写一系列介绍 Juicebox 项目配置情况的文章,并整合到 JB high 里去作为教学内容的一部分。




本期周会的正确答案是......来自 StudioDAO 的 kenbot。

JuiceboxDAO 周会概要 2022 年 9 月 21 日

· 11 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Town Hall banner by Sage Kellyn 图片制作:Sage Kellyn

Capsules 项目 by peri

Capsules是 peri 自己搞的一个链上字体项目。

cpsls project

这个项目是要尝试引入一个链上存储字体(typeface)的标准。现在有很多项目在链上渲染的 SVG 中使用到各种文本,但是如果他们想要在 SVG 里用到定制的字体的话,就要先想办法在链上存储这些字型(font)。链上存储字体既昂贵又复杂,目前也没有一个通用的标准。这个项目的目标就是要引入一个新的字体合约接口来实现字体链上存储的标准化,同时让价格更加亲民。

启动这一项目的同时,peri 还推出了一些 NFT 来作为字体的 Proof of Concept 的试验。他试图通过这个试验来教育用户怎样利用这个字体合约来加载字形并在链上渲染到 SVG 中。总共有 7957 个 Capsules NFT,每一个都有不同的颜色,每种颜色只能 mint 一次。用户在 mint 的时候可以编辑 NFT 的文本内容,这些内容将使用 Capsule 的字体来进行渲染。



目前这个项目有 7 个纯色 NFT,让大家通过 mint NFT 来帮助存储 下图中 100 - 700 的 7 种字型。我们社区里很多早期就从 peri 的推特获悉这个项目,并在项目启动的第一时间就把这 7 个 NFT mint 光了。这也是一个链上基建发展的去中心化的一种努力吧。 7 fonts minted

peri 的推特在这里, 有兴趣的可以关注一下他。

nicholas 使用这个 Capsules 字体渲染了某个 Juicebox 的活跃数据来做了一个原型化产品: nicholas's typeface

而 filipv 则是下载了 Capsules 的字型并设置成自己电脑系统的字型。 filipv's typeface

版本控制(versioning)工作汇报 by jango

V3 合约已经在本期周会前的当天重新部署完成了。

上周我们又举办了一个针对这个升级的 V3 合约的 Code4rena 审计比赛,审计完成之后没有发现大的问题,于是开发团队就重新部署了除JBProjectsJBOperatorStotre外的所有协议合约。由于这两个合约不需要重新部署,所以拥有项目 NFT 的那些项目仍然可以保持原有的项目 id,并可以选择是否要部署一个基于 V3 合约的新筹款周期和新项目代币来与他们现有的 V2 项目同步(并弃用 V2 项目)。而新创建项目则一律将会使用 V3 合约。

V3 合约其实是针对上个月我们举办的一次 Code4rena 审计比赛中发现的几个 bug 对 V2 合约做的一个升级。发现的这些 bug 大多属于边缘安全,严重度也并不是太高,但由于考虑到用户希望在最好的合约版本上创建项目,而且团队希望通过升级合约,同时在 Juicebox 生态还不是非常活跃的时候做一些合约版本控制的工作,所以就有了这个 V3 合约的升级。合约和前端的开发团队都利用这次升级的机会,创造了一些版本升级的标准,这样的话,如果日后协议万一出现问题涉及大的版本升级的话,Juicebox 的项目们可以很方便地进行协议版本的迁移。

nicholas 问及,目前运行在 V2 协议的项目需要感到担心吗?jango 的回答是不需要,而且我们就这个 V3 升级以及相关的这个跟进审计也跟大部分项目进行了沟通,项目方及社区都对情况有所了解。而且因为之前审计出来的 bug 都只是边缘案例,即使不进行迁移,V2 协议应该也是没有太大问题的。

nicholas 同时问到如果部署新的 V3 周期及新的代币的话,新旧代币的转换有没有时间表? 对此,jango 的回答是,转换的机制可以沿用现有的收 ETH 分发项目代币的做法,项目可以接受旧的项目代币并按 1:1 的比例分发新的项目代币来做迁移工作。实际的转换目前还没有准确的时间安排,目前已经有很多的原型化产品,但是涉及到 V3 合约的重新部署,还要看看怎么有效地协调从 V1 到 V3,以及 V2 到 V3 的迁移工作。

jango 同时提及 V3 合约可以扩展实现许多功能。其中一个就是可以设置支付委托来在捐款进入项目金库之前分流一部分资金到指定地址,这是一个全新的功能,正在 NFT 奖励功能上面构建。可以通过运行定制的委托合约,在项目接收捐款的时候,把其中部分资金直接转到项目方指定的其他项目/地址。

能见度工作汇报 by brileigh 和 mattewbrooks

最新一期的 Juicebox 通讯可以在这里找到。 juicenews

他们计划推出一系列的配置介绍的文章,深入剖析现有项目配置的方案及采取相关方案的原因,以便新的项目创建人可以更好地理解 Juicebox 的配置机制以及给自己的创建做一定的参考。他们写的第一篇配置介绍的文章是关于 StudioDAO 的,可以在这里阅读。 studioDAO config article

Juicecast播客方面,他们最近采访了 0xSTVG,了解了他创建的 Marin Swim County Association项目,节目将于本周晚些时候发布。

同时还视频采访了 JokeDAO 的创始人 David Phelps, 视频内容计划稍后上付到 Youtube 频道。


  • 采访 Defiant 的 Robin,讨论关于创作者经济的看法。
  • ConstitutionDAO 的进一步深入剖析。

他们计划通过采访 Juicebox 上面比较知名的项目如 ConstitutionDAO 和 MoonDAO 等,并配套深入的长篇文章剖析,再加上相关项目配置文章,让新的项目创建人能够更好地借鉴参考。

Interface 应用 by sunnndayyy

Interface是一款用于关注其他人钱包地址的手机应用,功能有点类似 Etherscan, 在 UI 上面做了很多的改进。

sunnndayyy 此次代表 Interface 参加会议,主要是介绍他们社区已经转型成一个类似 Labs 和 DAO 的混合体的组织架构,以及他们计划举办一系列的推特 Space 来探讨去中心化组织协调工作面临的各种挑战等相关的话题。

他们打算邀请 JuiceboxDAO 的核心成员参加他们第一期的推特 Space, 参与讨论如何在项目生命周期的早期阶段来提高社区治理的参与度。

G-Play 工作汇报 by Sayid

G-Play 是一个 Juicebox 的项目, 专注于开发一个 Polygon 上面的街机对战平台,用户可以在平台上抵押 $Matic 来一起进行一些经典游戏的对战。

Sayid 介绍了一些平台新增的小功能,如用户数据的统计列表等。

他还和 Mieos 在会上演示游戏对战。 gplay game

猜谜时间 by Felixander



本期的答案是 Viraz

Forming 第三期活动 by darbytrash

Forming 是 Lexicon Devils 搞的一个项目,不定期与一些项目合作做一些展示和表演,并将项目收入的款项用于支持艺术家的创作。这次活动是联合 FLOPPY 搞的 FLOPPY x FORMING,活动上将有 3 场音乐表演及关于 FLOPPY 的简单介绍,在 VOXELS 上的 Juicebox HQ举办。以下是活动场地的搭建情况: FormingXFloppy

JuiceboxDAO 周会概要 2022 年 9 月 14 日

· 20 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Town Hall banner by Sage Kellyn Art by Sage Kellyn

版本控制 (versioning) jango

合约开发组目前已经完成这个版本控制项目,创建了一个 Juicebox 合约的 V3 代码库, 把所有合约内容合并进去,然后交给 Code4rena 的审计程序员来进行一次跟进审计(mitigation review),审计内容为针对上次 Code4rena 审计比赛中发现问题的合约升级。

这次跟进审计预计需时一周,jango 鼓励团队保持关注并对外部审计员给予必要的支持。

接下来的一项主要工作是与 Peel 一起最后敲定我们应该采用怎么样的 UX 来让新的项目使用 V3 合约。

目前在 V2 协议运行的项目可以选择部署新的 V3 筹款周期,同时丢弃原有的 V2 版本筹款周期。我们将为这个操作流程提供操作指引。但这个做法会需要社区进行一个代币置换,并不是非常理想。如果项目们不想麻烦,我们会部署一个新的 ETH 支付终端和 JB 控制器让他们把旧的终端及控制器都迁移过来。

那些想留在 V2 协议的项目,我们尊重他们的选择,最多也就是合约开发组可能需要追加一些工作罢了。

非常感谢 Dr.Gorilla 和 0xBA5ED 过去几周在这个工作上做出的贡献,这里特别要特别致谢 0xBA5ED 上周对我们的取整错误提出了很好的解决方案。

juicebox.money 次世代 UI: Strath


Strath 在会上展示改进的 UI 设计界面

用户反馈得最多的是目前创建项目三个步骤中的第二步筹款周期,有很多层的参数要配置。current flow


这是改进的 UI 目前的样子: new create flow

如果大家有兴趣对这个工作提出自己的看法,欢迎去到相关的 Figma 页面



提问:你们有没有什么计划或者产品原型可以允许用户自行启动定制化的例如 ERC-20 标准代币的支付终端?

Aeolian: 要创建原型不难,重要的是前端要怎么处理项目的页面,还需要概念化项目拥有多支付终端时前端页面应该怎么设置。这可能是下一个大的设计工作的范畴。

jango: 我甚至怀疑是不是应该在 Juicebox.money 网站上开展多支付终端的试验,其实有很多办法来做实现这个的。我觉得这个试验工作更适宜在 juicebox.money 的分叉和专门服务这些用例的地方开展,怎么整合多支付终端这个事挺有意思的。

虽然多终端会有点复杂,但也会提供一些特定的细节构造。从协议的层面看,我们可以让这个工作逻辑自洽,但从 UX 的角度来看,还需要做些工作来确定优先程度。



答案是 0xBA5ED

MTOTM AMA 问答环节 epowell101 及 michaelmaher


Epowell101: MTOTM 这个概念源自我们与一些早期的 DAO 及其创始人的讨论,某种程度上,大家都有早期流动性更加多元化的需求,而不是等到更后期才通过 OTC 交易,而且往往需要谈判数个月时间才能实现。

如果一大群早期阶段的 DAO 一起,往一个共享的流动池(目前是 Juicebox) 注入自己的代币并收回反映各自份额的一个聚合“元 DAO” 的代币,会怎么样?这样一来,你的 DAO 既获得某种程度的流动性多元化,也可以成为一个"元治理”体系的一分子,让对你们感兴趣的其他 DAO 或者个人参与你们的治理,发出不同的声音。

我们都知道,目前有很多的 DAO 启动平台,也有许许多多的用例,但我觉得我们应该聚焦按某个预言机价格比例来共同向某个池子注入这个初始概念。MTOTM (发音:M图腾)就是源自这个想法,全称为 Many To One To Many Swap(多对一对多兑换平台)。

jango: 在这里,我讲一下这个项目的背景。通过这个项目,我们收取不同项目的代币,并相应分发同一个代币回去,这个机制是符合我们和开发者们正在建设的基础设施的。创建一个项目并开发出自己的应用这个做法非常酷,但从初始概念这个角度来看,大家都觉得用我们都熟悉的 pay 函数来分发代币的做法可能也很好。

nicholas: 按我的理解,这是不是有点像 DAO 之间进行代币互换的一个 Swap, 同时接收许多不同项目代币并相应分发类似一个“指数基金”代币回去,实现一些有趣的设想并互相促进。是这样吗?

epowell101: 对的,就是这样。


michaelmaher 在会议的文本频道分享了一个 GIF 动图

MTOTM animation

michaelmaher: 这个项目最关键的一条是要得到广泛的应用,如果我们用的都是 ERC-20 标准代币终端来实现这个流程(大部分 DAO 的代币都是 ERC-20 标准),我们要安排好使用这些支付终端来帮助 DAO 支付代币进来,生成一个价格指数,再生成这个指数的代币分发回去。

要实现这个目标,就涉及到使用不同的价格数据的问题。如果一个 DAO 把他们的代币投入进来,但可能由于还没上交易平台(DEX)所以还没有价格,我们也可以给它设定一个专门的价格数据。

我们也可以利用现有的 Juicebox 项目架构,创建一个普通项目来接收 ETH 并通过不同的分配数据再把这些 ETH 分配到不同的地址。

投资者们可以通过支付 ETH 获得指数代币,各个 DAO 也可以把他们的项目代币支付进来。所有的代币互换都通过共同的机制来进行,这就是 MTOTM 的意义所在。

与此同时,我们还不希望初期的投资者的份额被稀释掉。他们早期投入 ETH 并获得相应数量的指数代币,我们希望这个指数代币的份额在其他 DAO 投入进来的同时能够保持稳定。

我们希望能开发一些专门用于这个目的的支付终端出来。如果有多个项目加入,就要启动多个支付终端。这样做当然是不符合 gas 效率的原则的,所以我们同时也计划开发一些多代币支付终端来接收各种不同的代币,来实现这个流程。

最后一点就是如何分配资金的问题。ETH 资金将会通过现有的大部分 Juicebox 项目使用的机制,以融资的形式分配给各个参与进来的 DAO。


jango: 你们构思出来这些接口的工作机制以及如何利用我们现有的金库网络来实现这个设想,这很值得称赞。

我想我们社区里最为熟知协议并参与它的开发的成员还没有完全关注到这个项目,这段时间主要是你们来构想这些工作机制并经常提出一些非常好的问题,非常感谢。希望下面几个月等完成了之前承诺的包括版本控制、NFT 奖励等工作内容之后,我们可以更多地支持这个项目并把它的最简可行产品(MVP,Most Viable Product)打造出来,我们就可以看到这个动图的内容的实际实现。

michaelmaher: 大家如果对这个项目感兴趣,可以到我们的 GitHub 代码库看一下。同时也欢迎加入我们的 Discord 来发表你的看法。

jango: 最近有一个拨款支持这项试验探索的提案,但在社区温度测试阶段因为不够票数没能获得支持。有很多这方面的研究工作是在底层发生,所以很多人没有注意到,我们正设法让我们的生态系统里的开发者们得到更多的关注,他们为生态的发展一直在不懈努力。



nichola: 我来梳理一下看是不是能够正确地理解这个项目。这个项目的内在动力有两个方面:

  1. 允许 DAO 之间进行代币互换,一个 DAO 可以把他们的代币支付给另一个 DAO 并相应获得其代币。
  2. 实现指标基金的创建,并通过允许所有 DAO 向指数基金投入项目代币获得 ETH 的方式来实现融资。 这个总结合理吗?

epowell101: 所有 DAO 和投资者投入资金获取的都是同一个代币,就是这个聚合“元 DAO”(指数基金)铸造的代币,而 DAO 还会获得池子里的 ETH。


我觉得值得留意的是,我们目前有一个 ETH 支付终端及一个能用 ERC-20 支付终端。ETH 支付终端在 juicebox.money 上部署使用,另一个 ERC-20 终端,假设是一个 DAI 终端,工作的原理是一样的。

你可以决定一个发行比率,当终端收到 DAI 时就会按这个比率分发项目代币。如果项目同时拥有 ETH 支付终端和 DAI 支付终端的时候,代币的发行比率只能与其中一个资产挂钩。例如说,付 1 ETH 会获得 100 万代币,代相当于 1 ETH 的 DAI 同样会获得 100 万代币。然后我们可以想像一个项目代币版本的 ERC—20 支付终端,外部项目代币支付进来就会相应发行这个项目的代币出去。

关键是这个价格的数据。终端收到某些资产的时候,项目代币应按什么样的价格铸造出去呢?这个铸造比率与其他的支付终端又是怎么样的相关关系呢?我们该怎样编写多代币支付终端来实现通用化,让每个希望使用这个终端的项目都不用单独启动一个支付终端呢?我们不会说 SHARK、 PEOPLE 或 JBX 都来启动一个 DAI 支付终端,可以创建一个通用化版本。这也是个有趣的问题。

nicholas: 打个比方说,你有一个能接收 SHARK、 PEEL、 CANU 或 WAGMI 的多代币终端,并创建了一个 Juicebox 生态的指数基金,这个指数基金的代币相对不同的其他项目代币的价格不应该是静态的,而应该视各个项目代币价值不同有不同的价格变量,对吗?

michaelmaher: 要视各个项目代币的价值不一,体现不同价格。但有些非常早期的项目,他们的价格可能需要进行讨论来确定,所以这些早期项目的价格可能是一样的。用 Juicebox 设立的价格合约,有很多不同的价格确定办法。

nicholas: 这么说的话,这个项目发展路线图的第一步就是建立一个多代币支付终端来实现我们谈到的这些想法吧?

jango: 我觉得多代币终端是为了把手动创建的很多运行成本自动化。我认为第一步应该是每个项目代币创建一个支付终端来手动创建指数,并把价格数据等信息内嵌进去,从而形成预期和进行各种测试。然后下一步才是把这些运行成本自动化。

michaelmaher: 是的,我们一直在努力开发多代币终端,不过这个工作还在进展中,多代币终端更多是关于未来机制的一个设想。

epowell101: 我们已经在测试网上创建使用单一代币终端的版本模型,由于我们只是想初步达到 MVP (最简可行产品),应该会比较简单。但是还有一些 UX 方面的工作要做。

Kmac: 这个项目不就是建立在代币集合(token set)之上的一个指数吗?

michaelmaher: 没错,这就是 Tokensets 的运作模式,我们这个项目要做跟他们不一样,因为他们对于一个代币集合有特定的要求。其中一个要求就是参与的项目代币必须已经在上架 DEX 平台或者有其他形式的流动池,因此形成指数的代币其实都是一些比较成熟的代币。早期项目是很难达到这些要求的。同时他们的代币集合是没有真实的治理属性的,你得到的只是指数代币本身,但治理方面用处不大。我们的项目关注的是能够帮助更多项目的一个细分领域。

jango: 最后,我想强调的是这个项目是一个试验性的工作,有很多未知因素,很多问题没有得到解答。我们一起探索、假设和讨论。这个工作是否能够持续多久,我们谁也不清楚,但我觉得这样的试验是值得的。我认为肯定会出现一批这个概念或者衍生于这个概念的应用。

JuiceboxDAO 周会概要 2022 年 9 月 7 日

· 20 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Town Hall banner by Sage Kellyn

Art by Sage Kellyn


上次 Code4rena 审计比赛后,我们对协议做了一些更新,以保证协议的安全性和长期稳定性。Jango 决定牵头主动进行这项工作,而不是等到问题出现时再来进行补救。这些更新其中大部分并不会影响 V2 的大部分功能,而且更新工作也到了收尾阶段。

下一步准备安排 Code4rena 再来对更新的的代码库进行一次审计。Jango 希望能尽快协调一次跟进审核,专门审计根据上次比赛的审计报告进行修改的内容,这次审计有望继续由上次主要参与的程序员继续负责。

Juicebox 的项目合约这一次没有包含在更新的内容中,这个新的版本也不强制要求项目重新部署使用,因为这些修正的问题绝大多数项目都不太可能会碰上。但审计完成并经 DAO 批准部署之后,新创建项目将全部使用这个新的版本。

前端团队上周在 Juicebox.money 上部署了一个全新的增强功能的设置页面供项目们使用,这个新的设置页面将有助项目在跨版本管理金库的时候增加他们的信心。 new setting interface

我们在 Discord 的讨论里面常常把这个合约的升级称为 V3, 但请勿将它理解为类似 V2 相对 V1 这样的重大版本,只是目前尚未对这个项目的叫法达到共识。

Nicholas 最近一直在与 Code4rena 的 @trebien 进行商讨我们与他们进行长期合作的可行性,如果成功实现,我们将可以享受优惠的费率和更具灵活性的审计比赛安排。

Nicholas 目前提交了一项关于未来半年到一年提高 Code4rena 比赛经费预算的提案,提案如果获得通过,我们将可以针对类似 NFT 奖励或者其他小的协议升级开展一些小型有针对性的审计比赛。

提案草案在这里, Discord 的相关讨论在这里

NFT 奖励项目可能也将同时推出,除非社区坚持也应该通过 Code4rena 先审计一下。这一项目比较灵活,开发者可以随时推出新的功能或者更新,而项目在新的筹款周期就可以用上升级版本。

Immunefi bug 赏金

filipv 问及是否有在 Immunefi 上安排审计及测试的时间安排, Jango 的意见是他其实不太认同 Immunefi 属于审计及测试用途,更多的是通过设置赏金,鼓励发现漏洞的黑客选择不恶意利用,而是向我们报告的一种机制。但觉得当前这个似乎并不是太有必要,但 Juicebox 作为一个提供基础服务的运行模式,日后随着协议发展及我们日常工作的减少,倒是可以把这个作为一种保险机制来使用。

Nichlas 解释说我们上次通过的关于设置 10 万美金 Immunefi 赏金的提案,其实并没有实施到,因为各种原因并没有在提案的限制时间内执行,所以过期失效了。他同时提出,日后我们如果再要发起提案设置 bug 赏金计划,不妨可以考虑下 Immunefi 的同类型平台,因为目前包含资金保管、审核报告或者支付赏金的工作都是由我们自己来做,但 Immunefi 还要收取 10% 的中间费用。他还指出,近期即使实在要执行 bug 赏金计划,也应该等到跟进审计及更新部署完成之后,因为届时我们可能要把这期间找到的 bug 都先排除出去。

与 Thirsty Thirsty 合作在 Devon Bogota 期间组织活动 @bruxa

Thirsty Thirsty 是一个创建自 2014 年的一个社区,2021 年 11 月开始涉足 Web3。这一个由美食红酒爱好者、专家及环境保护者组织的一个社区,主要聚焦于文化恢复及古代农业技术复现等他们认为属于减缓地球气候危机关键因素的各个方面。

就在上一周,jango 和社区创建人 bruxa 以及 JuiceboxDAO 组织活动负责人 Zom_Bae 开会,讨论 JuiceboxDAO 应如何与在创办活动及组织聚会方向早有建树的项目展开合作,以及如何从筹款的角度来实际在 Devcon Bogota 期间展开合作。

Devcon Bogota 的 Devcon Week (10 月 7 - 16 日)期间,jango 和 bruxa 计划在 Thirsty Thirsty 的原住民日(10 月 10 日)举办一个主要面向开发者的活动,活动以开放论坛的形式,类似之前 JuiceboxDAO 在 NFT NYC 那样,让大家可以聚到一起来交换种想法。同时也可以让 Juicebox 上的运行项目利用这个空间来为自己的社区创造一个交流的机会,JuiceboxDAO 将与 Thirsty Thirsty 一道为活动的提供食物及饮品等。

Thirsty Thirsty NFT 会员资格

Thirsty Thirsty 是一个美国的 501(c)(3) 非营利组织,因此是可以接受虚拟货币捐赠的。

目前 Thirsty Thirsty 已有自己的会员 NFT 铸造,能过这个 NFT 一方面通过美食及红酒吸引不同的人种来体验自然的魅力,另一方面也需要教育及助力社区的个人,因为有些社区成员其实一直是被排除在传统金融范畴之外的。

他们对 Web3 的工具能如何解决他们社区的问题及为社区创造资产非常感兴趣。同时他们亦非常希望能通过利用 Juicebox 的筹款机制来进行一些限量空投活动,与他们计划组织的活动捆绑一起。

K.Group DAO @Jermaine.A

K.Group DAO 是一个经济型住房的 DAO,他们在解决美国的住房短缺及经济型住房危机有自己独到的解决方案。


下图的房子是一个实例,房子位于德克萨期州的休斯敦。他们买入一间 4 房单位并把它发行成了一个拥有 12 个房间的房子。目前所有房间都已经有住客入住。

在他们主页的最下方,亦可以观看这个房子的实景 3D 图。


  • 房租从 650 美元(小房)到 800 美元 (大房)
  • 所有房间带装修
  • 免费入网,免费自助洗衣及其他所有必须的功能
  • 无须任何押金及保证金
  • 租约以月为单位,租客可以视自己需要随时搬走

@Jermaine 也表示这个模式可以适用于全球,因为这种发行是具备普适性的。

DAO 的目标

他们之所以要创建 DAO 是因为他们认为在解决经济型住房问题上,DAO 的形式更具体优势。

至于 DAO 的项目代币 $KDAO, 他们将尽可能简单地严格按治理代币来对待。类似购买房屋或者变卖资产都要按治理流程来用治理代币来投票决定。

他们是一个怀俄明州 (Wyoming) 注册的 LLC 有限责任公司,因此可以买卖真实资产及设立银行帐户等。

DAO 的治理将不限于不动产本身,还将涉及以下许多方面:

  • 购买房屋
  • 房屋翻新
  • 市场推广(包括本地教会、社区中心及线上住房平台的推广)
  • 机构管理
  • 日常维护


他们的终极目标是两年内解决 1 万移民家庭的居住问题,同时争取首个成为美国国土安全部的政府承包商的 DAO 组织,来帮助解决人民的居住问题。


正确答案是 gulan

Defifa 项目 jango

defifa starting point

2022 年世界杯将于今年 11 月在卡塔尔举行,作为新冠疫情后的其中一个重大国际赛事,jango 认为这将会是一个极佳的 meme 的爆发点。为此他提出了这个自治游戏的机制,利用 Juicebox 即将推出的 NFT 奖励功能及 NFT 投票系统来实现这个游戏的运行。(如果对些项目感兴趣,这见原文译文, 如有兴趣参与这个项目的讨论,可以到这个 Discord 话题组

暂时要理解这个项目其实不是太容易,除非你真正了解 NFT 奖励系统的运行机制及怎样可以用于支持这个项目。我们社区目前对这个 NFT 奖励的了解仍然停留表面,即项目方可以在项目页面设置 3 个 NFT 分级及当捐款超过项目方设定的门槛后相应铸造 NFT 到付款地址这一个功能。这其实只是本合约的一个很基本的功能。



我们假设世界杯开幕前的两个礼拜,有人创建一个项目并部署项目金库,这个项目不存在所谓的“项目方”。创建人可以事前设定好规则,让这个游戏自行演进并在某个日期终止。最开始的时候,项目金库余额为 0,没有任何代币铸造。

项目将会有 32 个 NFT 分级,分别代表世界杯的 32 支参赛队伍。NFT 将公开铸造,任何人都可以铸造任何分级任意数量的 NFT。

两周之后,世界杯开幕,铸造将会关闭。现在游戏玩家们都持有各自的 NFT,这个 NFT 跟普通的没什么两样,也都可以随意转让。

举个盒子,有 100 个巴西队 NFT 和 10 个日本队 NFT 铸造了出来,铸造数量大体能够体现所有人对哪个国家夺冠的倾向如何。这时我们 NFT 代币和金库资产都已经就位。

世界杯结束之后,假设是日本赢得了冠军,将会有一个自治的流程可以向合约发起一个得分记录,让所有的 NFT 持有人按自己认为正确的结果来对这个得分记录进行验证,验证机制应该能保证结果是真实的。例如说,有人发起日本冠军的得分记录,有人发起西班牙冠军的得分记录,这时所有参与的玩家都有责任来验证出正确的结果。

严格来说,所有最终的得分记录都将是游戏总资金的一个重新分配。最开始开放铸造的两周时间里,所有人都可以销毁自己的 NFT 来退钱,赎回比率是 100%,所有 NFT 的价值跟铸造时是一样的。但到了最后,所有的得分记录都是这个赎回比率的重新分配。基本上可以创建一个赎回委托来决定,此时所有的金库资金都应该转向支持日本队的 NFT,不再支持其他国家。金库资金不需要真的转账给赢取游戏的人,相反地,只需要把这些资金重新配置成支持冠军 NFT 即可。虽然此时赎回一个日本 NFT 就可以获得金库 10% 的资金,但经验告诉我们,这很可能只是这些冠军 NFT 的地板价格。



例如说,如果你的队伍小组成功出线,这个国家的 NFT 将获得分享金库 5% 资金的资格。又或者你选的国家进入前三,那么季军获得金库 15% 份额,亚军 20%,冠军 40%,等等。

所有最终的得分记录都将是每个 NFT 支撑价值的重新分配,每个持有 NFT 的人都可以进行链上投票来验证这些得分记录的真伪。同时应该设置好投票的权重以免很容易就被人钻空子。打个比方,如果铸造出来的 NFT 51% 是西班牙队的,如果按一个 NFT 一票来验证的话,西班牙队可以提出来自己是冠军并投票验证这个结果为真。我们必须按每个分级各自的总供应量来摊平投票权重,或者采用类似的机制。

实际上,我们开发的这个 NFT 奖励合约是治理合约的一种版本,这个版本允许每个 NFT 分级拥有独立的投票用途,你可以创建承认每个分级特定投票权重的投票方式,不用整个系统都认一个 NFT 地一刀切。所以比赛队伍的 NFT 都在同一个合约内,但他们往往在验证时有不同的投票权重,按不同的得分记录最终状态,可能会由不同的赎回比率来作价值支撑。


可以预告拨出 10% 的金库资金来让参与投票验证的 NFT 来分享,让大家有动力来参与操作。

jango 觉得可以先用比较简单的形式来试下水,如果行得通,就可以扩大应用场景,这个机制可以用于不同的体育赛事。

这是一个他思考了一段时间的想法,是即将推出的 NFT 奖励功能的一个扩展应用场景。


Sayid: 关于验证这个问题,可不可跳过这个环节,直接自己开发一个 API, 又或者沿用现有的 API 获取比赛的结果呢?

jango: 当然你也可以借用预言机来验证比赛的结果,但我想这不是这个项目的真正目标。把这个作为一个可通用化的 Juicebox 项目,我们可以创造一个机制让博弈理论自行发挥作用,鼓励参与者们正确地报告结果,将是一件非常有趣的事情。那样的话,所有人都可以为某个赛事部署一个金库,金库自行充盈和分解,都按照一种自我限制的方式来进行。

在这里,jango 也希望邀请大家就其他世界杯相关的问题,提出自己的想法,我们一起进行头脑风暴。他觉得这是一个值得深耕的事情,同时也希望其他 Web3 项目能够加入进来。他认为这个不是针对其他协议获得 Juicebox 竞争优势的事情,而是一个通过体育凝聚人心普天同庆的事情。

August 30th, 2022

· 5 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Town Hall banner by Sage Kellyn Art by Sage Kellyn

Business dev with @0xSTVG

0xSTVG has been actively reaching out to some blockchain and web3 clubs at universities. The responses were quite warm, and they have been setting up talks with Juicebox, as well as having some in-person presentations and possible hackathons.

He plans to submit some proposals in the upcoming months, trying to help onboarding students and web3 enthusiasts in colleges and universities. He is gearing some of his efforts towards recruiting those types of builders.

Gplay studios with @Sayid

@Sayid came to the Town Hall 3 weeks ago, did a demo with some preliminary designs of his platform. He founded this P2E(Play To Earn) arcade platform called Gplay Studios where uses can make profit by staking $Matic and wagering against each other in classical games on Polygon.

Except for the Tic-Tac-Toe he showed last time, recently he has added another 9 games to the platform.

New features developed:

  • Game invitation link, which can automatically connect the person to a game someone else created,
  • Rematch function, which player can use to request a reset of game and changing the opponent

The Discord server of Gplay is here, anyone who is interested in his project can join and have fun over there. @Sayid also said he would be hosting some gaming nights once all the bugs were fixed.

Nance Funding cycle configuration demo with @jigglyjams

@jigglyjams did a demo on how he runs the Nance script to query from a Notion database of payouts and use those data to submit a Gnosis transaction to reconfigure the parameters of a new funding cycle.

His next step is to query payout addresses and payout amounts from proposals that have been approved and get them merged into those databases for reconfiguration of funding cycles.

Also he is going to work with @twodam to set up a frontend to configure Nance the Gov Bot in a Juicetool page. But he's also a bit concerned about where to store all the configs of Nance at this stage.

Banny drawing contest on JokeDAO with @nicholas

@nicholas was hosting a Banny drawing contest using the JokeDAO voting machenism, in order to help showcasing the JokeDAO V2 new feature of uploading images as contest submissions. Everyone could submit a Banny/Bannyverse drawing in a submission period for others to vote, and the voting would be open once the preset submission period was up.

@nicholas minted the voting tokens and distributed them by airdropping to whoever has taken part in the JuiceboxDAO governance voting on Snapshot before. People receiving this token can vote for whatever images they like, and the image that gets highest votes win the contest.

And @nicholas also made a tutorial about how to create JokeDAO contests for Juicebox projects, which can be found here.

The winner of this contest was @brileigh, and the image that got the highest votes is:

Another upcoming new feature that JokeDAO will be developing, which is also funded by JuiceboxDAO, is the executable contest, in which projects can signify winning conditions so that the winner can be executed on-chain after the contest.

@filipv suggested that JokeDAO can also set up some thresholds, such as top 3 or top 4 in the contests win. This can be useful in application scenarios such as different prizes to Top X winners, or Top X winners get to be qualified as a member of a multisig, etc.

And @seanmc also said that they're talking with IPFS about image uploads within the website, which will be an amazing integration to it if implemented.

PeelDAO updates with @Aeolian

PeelDAO recently onboarded 2 very awesome designers, @Strath and @Lawrence, respectively working on the redesign of the project creation UX and an update to the homepage. Hopefully these two efforts will reduce our currently high bounce rate for the website.

And other big frontend projects underway are:

  • NFT rewards, this is already on Rinkeby so people can play with it already.
  • Settings page, which @Jmill is currently working on and hopefully will be ready by the end of this week.
  • Versioning, a strategy to manage multiple versions on the frontend.

Some features that have been shipped:

  • CSV imports for payouts;
  • CSV exports for payouts and reserved tokens;
  • Juice SDK, which is a toolkit that makes it easier for people to set up frontends on Juicebox protocol.

Also they have been finetuning a lot of dev performance security work, running through all the dependencies and upgrading them.

One thing they are planning to implement is the Twitter verification, currently people can put anyone's Twitter into their Juicebox projects.

Juicenews newsletter new release and Juicecast new episode by @matthewbrooks and @brileigh

A new release of the Juicenews newletters on Aug. 30.

And a new episode of Juicecast featuring @seanmc of JokeDAO. And @matthewbrooks urged us to at the very least listen to the first 10mins, which should be very great!

Two truths and a lie with @Felixander

The correct answer is @Gogo, and he's a great story teller, try to tune in to his story of being surrounded by "Shark DAO" in Australia at 35'37" of the Town Hall recording.

August 23rd, 2022

· 18 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

StudioDAO updates with @kenbot

kenbot: How can the audience finances the movies they want to watch? How can we really put the audience in charge?

StudioDAO is defining in a different way what a DAO can be.

Problems in the traditional filmmaking industry

The traditional financing for filmmaking is more or less like this:

  1. you go and sell the movie to investors,
  2. investors take the equity, the rights to distribute the film,
  3. investors make 120% on their money and get 50% of everything that the film makes after that.
  4. This is not so great for filmmakers.

The problems that we're think about is:

  • Why is financing a film so hard?
  • Can we make this easier, simpler, more fluid?

The current difficulties are:

  • Filmmaking is a risky market, people are afraid of risk;
  • It's hard to invest in this industry;
  • Film distribution is a mess;
  • Movie theaters are a mess.

These above problems have contricted the people who can actually buy films or TV shows to big streaming companies, which is not great because there're only limited buyers in the market, and will lead to:

  • Filmmakers are not in control of what they're making;
  • Fans essentially become bag holders that are just getting dumped on at the end of the process instead of actually being at the beginning of it.

The solution of StudioDAO

The solution of StudioDAO to these problems and the way it should be at some point in the future, is to turn itself into a new kind of social network that solves the problem of financing premium contents.

  • Members pay to join the DAO;
  • Members get to green-light the films;
  • Members get to be on the inside of this process.

So this is going to create unprecedented freedom and opportunities for filmmakers and fans. It's a new voice at the table in terms of how things get made and a more direct relationship with all the talent they might care about.

The way that this business works right now and what StudioDAO can do in the future, can be really harmonizing. StudioDAO is going to build a system where we can partner flexibly with projects, whether they're just starting or they're finishing and just need a littile more money to get over to their green light.

The relationship between the community and the filmmakers, no matter where the filmmakers might sell the films, to Netflix or to theaters, the community participates in that and gets 30% of the revenue that the film generates downstream. So the community is not just green-lighting movies for their own consumption and enjoyment, they are essentially building the films into a part of the bigger community of StudioDAO.

By this way, it basically leads us to 3 different ways to finance:

  • Sales of the retail NFTs;
  • A community wallet that we're going to be funding at the beginning;
  • Revenues from previous projects.

The film financing fund

When we think about how the business works here in terms of the traditional piece, there's a way for us to actually create a more traditional fund that wants to play nicely with the rest of what we're creating.

You can imagine, if you had a US$5,000,000 film and you can sell $1,000,000 worth of NFTs, that should be a really good signal to people who want to put other money into the project, because it's appealing and there's people who are behind it. So we're trying to create leverage beyond where the retail market is for NFT's right now, because it's still early and the market is small.

There's a 2 trillion dollar entertainment market out there, we think that there's a clear scenario for decentralized studio that can do a billion dollars of production per year in three to four years from now. we're actually talking with some of the people who funded Kickstarter at the beginning and they shared that Kickstarter actually funded 500 million dollars worth of films in the 10 years that they've been in business. We all agreed that with Kickstarter not being focused on films and not having the benefits of everything that on-chain applications might be able to give us, I think we can shoot for 10x that in the next 10 years. Our target is five billion dollars over the next 10 years worth of films and content.

Disclaimer: This is not legal advice, I'm not a lawyer. This is what we're doing, but I don't guarantee that they won't get you in trouble if you do the same thing.

We have 3 legal entities in the US, two of them are Delaware LLCs and one of them is an Unincoroporated Nonprofit Association(UNA) in Nevada.

The StudioDAO UNA is the nonprofit that will become the million-people-green-light committee. This is the true DAO of StudioDAO, the membership of the community. It's the committee that is picking films, working on financing of films, managing the green-light fund and voting in the governance over the protocol. It's also the recipient of 30% of the participation of the contracts that we are sourcing for the UNA right now and we're sort of creating a legal structure to do that.

StudioDAO Genesis is the legal entity that belongs to StudioDAO UNA so that it can have certain kinds of bank accounts that UNA may not be able to have on their own.

The StudioDAO Backlot is a for-profit services company, it mirrors sort of the structure of Uniswap, in terms of Uniswap Labs, and then the protocol being a separate piece. Obviously we're completely different in almost every other direction, but the process of where you do the product development(the StudioDAO UNA), how do you do the things that have to happen in the real world (the StudioDAO Backlot), is how we're splitting at.

Projects on Juicebox

  1. The StudioDAO Backlot.

For the Backlot, the token issuance is 1,000,000 / ETH, while 700,000 goes to the contributor, and 300,000 is reserved for the projects owner.

  1. The Unlikely Love Stories:

This is a real project, and it will probably be the first juice box that goes live when we're ready to go.

The issuance rate is 840,000 tokens / ETH with 50% reserved rate, so contributors will get 420,000 token per ETH.

The funds distribution will be 90/10, 90% of the funds will go to the project itself, and 10% will go to the StudioDAO Backlot juice box and generate more green-light power tokens that go back to the filmmaker in exchange for a 10% fee.

The tokens distribution will be 50% for filmmaker, 40% for the UNA and 10% for the Backlot.

  1. The other two projects are all for educational purposes.

Juice newsletter

matthewbrooks: So this is a really quick preview of the newsletter.

  • Recap by @0xSTVG,
  • Governance cycle recap by @matthewbrooks,
  • Podcast episode by @matthewbrooks and @brileigh (if there's a new one),
  • Tutorials by @nicholas or @filipv or someone else (if there's a new one),
  • Recent articles on the blog,
  • Town Hall recap by @zhape,
  • Some links at the bottom.

So yeah, that's pretty much simple. It's just an easy way to recap everything happening on the content side and also giving everyone a chance to catch up with the basic goings-on. It's just to keep everyone informed and to also repurpose the content that we're making so that we can get more people to see it and hopefully get a better engagement with the content that we're making.

brileigh: Shout at @nicholas for all the feedback as well as @Felixander and @Sage for all the help for putting this together. And just echo as @Matthewbrooks said, a quick easy way to figure out everything that's going on within Juicebox without having to do the manual work to pull all the information together.

nicholas: I think this is gonna be great for getting better distribution or increasing distribution of stuff we're already producing, because I think a lot of people are consuming the Juicebox content that several members of the DAO are producing via Twitter and Discord. But to try to reach people who maybe not on Twitter or not in the Discord regularly, you can imagine, if there was a newsletter sign-up link on the website during ConstitutionDAO or AssangeDAO periods, some number of the people who participated in those fundraisings might have stuck around for the newsletter. So I think a newsletter is a really good experiment to see if it engages people. I really love what you did with the layout and everything, it looks great.

filipv: I can give a brief update on some of the legal stuff that I've been working on with @tankbottoms.

In short, we set up some structures for MovementDAO, PeaceDAO and a few other entities that are building things related to the Juicebox protocol.

We created a number of structures that are similar to what StudioDAO did. We have two different Unincorporated Nonprofit Associations(UNA), one in Delaware and one in Nevada, as well as a few LLCs in Delaware and Washington for different intellectual property. We also put together a number of intellectual property agreements and things like that.

For the short term, we're just using these for these DAOs. If you want to check out these documents you can find where they are now on this website gov.move.xyz.

But what we're working at is templatizing a lot of the things for common use cases for Juicebox projects, and then letting people put in metadata about their projects and then having it spit out nice looking PDFs. There's like a lot of interesting stuff in here if you're interested in this sort of thing that we're hoping to to roll out to more people pretty soon.

Tiles.wtf by @filipv and @peri

filipv: I also want to do an update on Tiles.wtf

For those of you who didn't see it, it's a rewrite of tiles.art but completely on-chain, so the algorithm to render the Tiles is completely in Solidity. The website is written in Svelte which is super cool because it lets people compile the components and use it with different frameworks if they'd like to. It's also a little bit more portable, so you could imagine someone setting up an npm package using different components or something else.

This website has NFT minting and mint pages as well as a fully featured Juicebox treasury, it doesn't have configuration yet. So you still need to configure on juicebox.money or another website, but for people who come here to contribute to the project, it's all working on this website. This is all open source and available on GitHub.

peri: I can talk on the Tiles project for a second. Tiles is an NFT art project that I put out about a year ago. It was actually launched on day 1 of Juicebox lifetime, it was Juicebox project No.2, next to JuiceboxDAO. The artwork is rendered using a server, so you can basically buy these NFTs but their artwork is rendered off-chain, which is not as cool as rendering artwork on-chain.

A few months ago @tankbottoms came in and decided to try putting the artwork on chain, and he did. It's amazing amount of work that he did to get that working. I don't even know why he wanted to, he just did. So big shout out to @tankbottoms, I wish he was here now.

And @tankbottoms went ahead and deployed a new V2 of the Tiles NFT contract a couple days ago. So it's live now at the Tiles.wtf website. There's still some things that are up in the air right now. The main thing that I'm concerned about is that I really want everybody who has the original V1 Tiles tokens can get the same Tiles. Tiles are denoted by a wallet address, a 40 character hexadecimal string. I basically want to make sure that everybody can get the same matching Tiles, and the V2 token that they have for their V1 token. There's a chance that the contract will get redeployed to make sure that we can settle those balances, airdrop tokens to people or make them claimable as needed. So there'll probably be somemore updates coming in the next few days, @tankbottoms and I are chatting on some of that stuff.

filipv: There's a seizing functionality on Tiles.wtf, so someone mints the Tile that corresponds to your wallet, you can mint that Tile and take it from them. And the same is true for the V1 TILE token. If you own a V1 TILE and someone mints a TILE with the same address, you can mint that TILE and claim it from them, for free. @tankbottoms and @peri are thinking about a new price revolver for the contract, so there might be a new contract soon. Maybe chill out for a few days before minting.

peri: Yeah, I would say hold off on minting any Tiles in the website for now.

filipv: One last thing, the Tiles.wtf repo has a new license on it which basically says that people can only use it if they're pointing revenues at a Juicebox project. It's a little experimental license, but we're trying out some funky stuff to make licenses for a code to do interesting things.

Protocol data by @twodam

Dune dashboard update

twodam: Here is the main dashboard for the Juicebox protocol.

If you scroll down a little bit, you can see the section called period so you can select different periods.

After you select the period, scroll back up and click apply all parameters, and all the stats will refresh using this new period.

Basically we are using the page to do the weekly reporting, so you can see there is a value new projects and active projects in this period.

There is the trending projects:

You can see many links in blue, if you click the See more, it will take you to the related dashboard of that project, with the overview data, like how much total raise, how many tokens and how many token holders in that project.

And on the right bottom of that project page, there's a small logbook where you can see all the actions taken by people there and all the payment Memos if there is any. And you can click all the links, they will take you to the relevant Etherscan pages of those transactions.

Zeugh: What's the meaning of Fully Diluted Valuation here?

twodam: It's the value that equals to total token supply multiplied by market price.

nicholas: By market price, do you mean AMM price or which price?

twodam: If they have an AMM price then it will be used, if not, redemption price on Juicebox protocol will be used instead.

And back to the protocol overview payge, there is this All users If you click the See more after an ENS/Address, it will take you to the dedicated page of that person/address. Let's take @jango's as an example:

jango: Man, I feel this is full-fledged superpowered graph interface for projects. I wonder if we need to build a documentation on how to navigate this into the info site or Juicebox High or something? maybe in a more tucked away Data section or something?

twodam: Yes! I would love to.

One more thing, if you scroll down to the bottom of the protocol overview dashboard, you can see the the current trend of the ETH in the whole protocol.

Twodam's complete Dune dashboards are here.

Juicetool update

nicholas: Can we also look at Juicetool?

twodam: On the front page, we click the Snapshot Plus at the bottom, we can go to the voting info page. In the middle of this page you can see the Status. That's where you can filter by active, Haven't voted, or Under quorum.

jango: @twodam, the frontend chops are fantastic, this is looking great. You've been constrained by the Dune UI just writing queries, and now actually refactoring the interface elements is a huge unlock, this looks fantastic.

twodam: Thank you, I'm still learning.

On the bottom left of each block, you can see the "jump to" symbol, which is basically the place you can click and do a quick jump to that specific Snapshot page from here.

jango: We need to figure out how to make sure that people starting their projects know this is here, and that they feel good about it. It's obviously useful, but I think most projects starting up need to orient governance around and all the things. What a luxury.

nicholas: You can vote from within this interface also.

Zeugh: Oh and it shows a green active if there is a proposal up.

nicholas:So to clarify, is that the list of spaces to which you are eligible to vote that you have voting tokens?

Zeugh: No, to which I joined. The ones I really enjoyed. I can't vote on Gitcoin, but I follow it to see what's going on, so I get to see it.

twodam: If you hover above active, you can see how many time left for you to vote. And if you have voted for this proposal, you can hover above voted, It will show which option you have voted.

nicholas: There's a feature for whether proposals are have met quorum yet or not, next to where closed. If there were active ones, you can sort, for instance, by haven't voted which means that the connected wallet has not yet voted on, and add Under quorum to see all the proposals that you have not voted on and they have not met quorum yet.

So I think if we zoom out a little bit, like this Juicetool plus what @jigglyjams is doing with Nance and some other initiatives altogether are like a suite of tools. Also think of the on-chaining stuff that we use for multisig. These are like a suite of tools that all the projects on Juicebox probably gonna need, given at least the most popular configuration for multisig, snapshot, DAOs. So I think this kind of stuff would be great in Juicebox High on how to set up. Possibly also build a version of Juicetool that the people down the road could deploy specifically for their project, so it has a dedicated URL and only covers their DAO's needs. It's really cool to see you do this. @twodam, when did you start doing front-end dev? When is your first line of HTML?

twodam: Oh. Maybe a month ago.

jango: The user experience of tying all these tools together, making it easy and obvious for people, giving them the understanding of standard and safe tools that should be used, it's fun to figure that out once all the pieces are in place and work our way to something more optimal over time. But you can just pass around links and they are hosted in all kinds of places for now, it's a good start and so useful, especially for weekly multisig stuff all the way through.

JohnnyD: Yeah, definitely came to figure out how we can to streamline this and connect them all together, so if someone new to start a project, they can have access to all these tools in a seamless environment. But yeah, as you said, it's gonna be interesting to figure out the users experience side of that.

jigglyjams: Yeah, totally. That's been on my mind lately, too. I could imagine, as long as we're still relying on Snapshot, in the project creation UI, you could just check a box and create a snapshot space, and we could send a transaction to create that. Along with that, we can add Nance instance once it's at that level. I'm working on submitting transactions for @twodam's Gnosis Safe payout changes. I want to work with @twodam to have Juicetool be the frontend. if possible. I can see that being really beautiful. It looks amazing, @twodam. It's been super cool. I watch you develop it and excited to see more.

The One Hundred Thousand Million Contest by @Zeugh

Yesterday there was a Hundred Thousand Million project of sustainable City based in DAO structure in Chile in Latin America, reached out to me to do a partnership with Juicebox.

They're trying to get attention of nice projects around web3. Because they're building a city and they think that building a city of the future is supposed to have creative people creating awesome stuff and they see Juicebox as one of those spaces, so they wanted to do a contest for giving a prize for a Juicebox project. They reached out to me to help organize that and we put out a JokeDAO contest which is going to start tomorrow,giving out 1 ETH to a Juicebox project that gets more votes. They're opening the contest tomorrow. Everyone is welcome to submit a Juicebox project and go to their Discord server to get tokens to vote.

Two truths and a lie by @Felixander

The correct answer is ... Zom_Bae The lie is the one about an albino rat.

June 28th, 2022

· 32 分钟阅读
JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Review of JuiceboxDAO x Morganstern's Ice Cream event with @Zom_Bae

Zom_Bae: I feel like the way we had it set up as Juicebox headquarters was fantastic. It was very nice for us to have one place to come together every single day and we know like what hours we were going to be there. I like the free flowing aspect of it where you know people who just come and go. For most part I think having projects running on Juicebox having the opportunity to post meetups was fantastic.

I think one of my biggest takeaways from it is that while we all kind of get to know each other by working together over Discord, Twitter or whatever it may be, I think getting to meet in real life and in person is invaluable. And this didn't necessarily start as like a Juicebox community meetup, it's kind of how it turned out and I'm glad it did. I think it strengthened a little bit our bonds and we created some. I think that was pretty magical and pretty special. I can't wait to do one on other continents so we can spread this Juicebox fan vibe everywhere. That was super cool.

I think there's a couple of things that weren't considered that we'll learn like through the process of doing it. One of the biggest things was the space isn't conducive to shitty weather. The weather was absolutely perfect the whole time we were there so our outside space was phenomenal. I think that's something we should take into consideration if and when we decide to do other events, I think that's a big one actually.

And then also it was just really rushed. The fact that we pulled this together in less than a month is pretty incredible. And the way it went so smoothly. It's pretty pretty dope got to say.

Let's see, a couple other things like I think just the short time span to get it all planned. Programming could have been a little bit better and I take full responsibility of that, but I think overall it's a fantastic event. It's got me chewing on this idea of what I've been spitting out as calling them like "unconferences" whether it's like NFT NYC or like the ETH conferences around the world. Just wear Juicebox clothes and plan something a little different so we can bond over fun things like cooking classes or we can go learn how to like surf or you know, jam sessions around a campfire because inevitably we're going to talk shop. It's like even when there were like meetup hours ever still was drawn to certain conversations and building and creating and how to make you know JuiceboxDAO Juicebox protocol the whole ecosystem better. So I really kind of like the idea of it if that makes any sense.

nicholas: I was really impressed. I think it's really cool that Juicebox funds a multi-day phase where Juicebox projects with smaller budgets can just create a little event without booking it from advance or too much prep. I think that's a really cool model that we discovered through this experiment.

Zome_Bae: A hundred percent. I wish more people took advantage of it, but being the first time and during quick time span. Yeah, I appreciate that a lot, too.

nicholas: Yeah, exactly. I think it's super powerful if there's enough density of Juicebox projects in a place. I think that's a pretty worthwhile governance proposal to fund to reserve a space that anybody can just come in and grab a slot. That's really cool.

Zom_Bae: Yeah, since you mentioned that I don't know if anybody noticed the Juicebox events project that I created right before this event. That's kind of the what my vision for that project was. I don't know I gotta think it out a little bit more but instead of trying to fund these project or these events all at once, you know, thirty thousand dollars was a lot for ice cream. It's something where we think this is worth doing to just pump a little money in every funding cycle. So it doesn't feel like such a big hit.

jango: Yeah, I feel really great about how this one played out. I think it's certainly something that was really interesting to see and the momentary aspect is awesome. I think ice cream sets a really cool tone, I think New York City set a really cool tone in that particular block in the city. It's a really cool tone Danny absolutely crushed it. And I'm excited to figure out how to support those and evolve those at the moment, but it's also going to be interesting to see what we do with everything that we dreamed up or felt or did in that moment.

Zom_Bae: And yeah, I had more than a handful of people. I think I just have this vibe like she doesn't know what crypto is. I'm not done people come up to me who are new to the space and we're just kind of timid but felt so comfortable around our group. She's like that people are just like everyone here is so nice and welcoming a couple of people.

I think it's a testament to our group of people and but that also actually reminds me of one thing in conferences like that. We should have better way to disseminate information not only for people completely new to web3 or crypto, but also for people who know the terminology and know all the technical aspects of it. Just finding ways to onboard the beginner which I know Juicebox might not be the best thing for beginners, but we can do it. I know that's the thing we can do so having whether preparing QR codes to send them to the educational tools whatever it may be. I think this will come into like the marketing realm and strategy realm down the road.

Kentbot: So it was fantastic and just as like someone who is launching projects having a place to just hunker down and be at home while you're trying to do it was super fantastic. So, thank you to everyone for making it so great and Zom_bae on the stage.

I got a text from Nick a couple of minutes ago, and he's so excited about the whole thing, he wants to actually take all of the flavors that we made and put them on the website and make them like actually permanently the Juicebox collection becomes like a part of what's for sale at Morgansterns. So I think that's super interesting just in terms of us starting something and this is now gonna have like some perpetual aspect to it. So, you know, we'll figure out what that means, maybe we can make like a buck a pint or something and put that into the Juicebox events and start to get like some money coming back into that. So maybe events could make money for us, like maybe at least cover their own costs.

Zom_bae: Yeah. For sure. Let's plan. That's so exciting. I'm glad he thought it went well, I didn't get a whole lot of time to talk to him because he was insanely busy. So I'm glad he's stoked to keeping on with us. That's great.

jango: Yeah, that dude's is seemed just eager to just get the ball rolling on crazy shit which is really exciting. And he leads us to a big wild ideas and is a very just get-shit-done like strict dude in person, which is a fascinating balance that he's of course.

He created a hell of it, we can make up like any flavor and I think from his perspective thinking about what a Morganstern's community funded ice cream flavor like monthly or whatever would look like and maybe certain cut of those sales go back into the community treasury, so there's like some incentive for the DAO to choose appealing flavors or wild flavors or whatever be a wild endgame for this stuff.

Zom_bae: jango's dropshot was the first one to go every single day. I was shocked. I think there was no way people were gonna order that, but they are gone.

jango: I was nervous. I wasn't sure like the day before it dawned on me like damn y'all, the shenanigans just don't resonate in real life like we've just been playing in crypto Twitter and Discord land.

Zom_bae: But yeah. So as everyone who was there you know has more time to think about it after this initial feedback there in the town hall chat. There's a link back to the notion planning doc and at the very bottom if you guys have any thoughts or feels about anything at all. The events moving forward, whatever it may be definitely throw it in there. There're cool things coming.

DAO NYC and DAOPlanet reveiw

jango: DAO NYC was a good scene. It was very panel driven, so there were a few rooms and like a five-person panel with a topic and I was part of a fundraising panel.

It honestly kind of felt like live Twitter, because someone would ask a hot take question and you'd go around just giving the hot take answer or whatever. And it's like bite-size chunks, but it was like facing out towards the crowd and folks like lounging around sitting around.

But it wasn't the same tone as what Juicebox's had which is like casual in the street hanging out, it felt a little bit more put together tight, like you check in and get a badge and and go up and have strict time frames for things. But it was really well organized for what it was. There were some builders as well as a bunch of VCS around and folks from various maybe sponsorship perspectives too.

As far as our involvement, I think the panel was cool. I'm super down to to do these panels every now and then. It feels just kind of like talking to folks on Discord, but you have a very constrained amount of time and you're not totally chilling on the street where you can just keep bouncing an idea and growing an idea for indefinitely, instead you're kind of stuck to a little talking point. I know a lot of folks did it at the DAOPlanet one too. I'm curious what your thoughts were and how it feel for y'all, but I think a lot of the impact we can have will tend to be like in real life over time.

Each of us being able to meander around and talk to folks that come from different perspectives and different backgrounds approaching the space in their own way and finding like how to meet them where they are and then take them to to like a point of view that that you have is going to be increasingly more important. Stuff like this might start happening with more frequency or not I don't know, but it's a cool thing that everyone should take up the opportunities if you're available to expose if you feel like it.

And then the amount we paid for, it's kind of feel paying or sponsoring that stuff for me kind of like giving back to a lot of the ecosystem, because a lot of folks from around the ecosystem are hanging out there that day and it's cool just to be a part of the ecosystem in that way. Is it very efficient for for JuiceboxDAO itself directly? Maybe not, or not as much as ice cream felt to me, but it felt like a worthwhile thing being in the conversation in that sense, but it's something I would actually approach with a little bit more critically next time.

yeah, I don't know I think like apart from the fact that we sponsored that allow us this panel seat, which I don't think is particularly valuable. And so the event was just like finding the people that you want to jam with for a bit and then duck into a corner and do so.

It's cool to have a space where that shit can happen too, right? I don't know what exactly I would do differently like I know the folks that tally were great and super cool to hang out with. I trust that they're also debriefing and trying to evolve that scene. But I think out of priorities, the only thing is to double down on what we did with ice cream and approach more ecosystem routing out contributions to the ecosystem with a little bit more caution.

Zeugh: I'm just super happy that you guys are having those events because sometimes they're not about conversions in the end like actually get into projects launched, but they do go a long way in getting the ideas and the visibility of Juicebox, but also of the ideas that we're having here going further.

seanmc: Alright, I just wanted to hop in and thank you everyone so much for giving a grants to jokeDAO. We're like super grateful and we're gonna make awesome stuff and I'm gonna be in the Town Hall and I'll show on what we're working on too, but super excited and super grateful. So thanks so much.

Actually, we have a little bit of alpha if people want to check that out. That's our V2 UI that will be releasing maybe in like a week or two weeks. But yeah, I can definitely give updates at any point.

NFT rewards

jango: We're just writing that contract and we're just refining how it's organized to try to reduce the number of transactions necessary when you're launching a project to just to the one to deploy your NFT and the other one to deploy your project or reconfigure your funding cycle or whatever.

And so that should be wrapped like my goal is to deploy the contract piece of it on Friday. I think it's becoming more of a stretched goal, but once these steps taken, we're all ready to finalize wrap-up, review and document. That's where all my attention is right now. And I think the UI with its leveraging a cloud function that @tankbottoms wrote to actually create the metadata or something. Maybe @aeolian can step in here or someone from front end.

aeolian: Yeah, I'm a little bit behind on the NFT stuff. As far as I'm aware, @tankbottoms and @JohnnyD are working closely, @tankbottoms basically built a cloud function to handle the uploading of IPFS stuff. And then Johnny is working on the UI on the actual Juicebox.money website. I think it's going quite well, I think just with the NFT NYC everyone's kind of like scheduled to be kind of back on deck the last couple of days. So let us check in and @Kenbot will certainly reach out when we have more updates.

jango: Yeah, I'm feeling really good about like this NFT rewards thing that was a big takeaway for me from a lot of the conversations we had. I talked Nicholas a lot over the days there and there might have been a few misunderstandings about how things were working like the underlying bits and what we were striving for. But I think this week is the week to really get the core of this knocked out and feeling deployable.

Kentbot: Awesome, so when you say deployed that's basically it'll be available on Rinkeby and then we're gonna test and play around there or like what?

jango: that's a good idea. We should just do a Rinkeby version, but it's all tested, right? we've written tests so theoretically it should work fine. So there won't be a lot of rinkby to mainnet delay. The biggest delay is probably just gonna make sure that we have the messaging right in the front end and that we're interacting with things correctly. And so if the contracts go open Friday, then we maybe have in like early next week to bounce the front end idea around maybe all hands on deck from both front end and contract side. But I don't think there's like a Rinkeby play time like the contract is pretty formalized already or ready by the end of the week.

Project Handles

aeolian: Yeah, I can definitely talk to that. So yeah the status of project handles contracts all the contracts side of things as being deployed. So that's really awesome. The current hang-up at the moment that we're kind of tossing around is how we handle the routing on the front end. So the routing on the actual website how someone actually what URL our projects eventually has. I don't know if a few people across the group here have been involved in those discussions. We're pretty close to coming to a reasonable solution, but anytime we're talking about routing, it ends up being quite a sensitive topic because there's a lot of edge case considerations that we need to make, so yeah, it's definitely close. Also Peri who's leading that is sick at the moment. So it's definitely still happening. Hopefully we can get something together by the end of the week.

jango: oh, yeah, it's it's delicate for sure. And the V1 to V2 contract stuff is deployed earlier today, which feels like that's a wrap from the back end thing and I think last we saw a preview from front end that's also looking pretty promising to go out soon, which will be a big step in our migration process.

aeolian: Totally. Yeah, that's another thing on the front end agenda for this week very big couple of weeks in front end, also this last week has been kind of big as well regarding some kind of security things which we're currently talking about on this town hall, but yeah, it's been it's been crazy couple weeks.

Namecheap Hacks

aeolian: I can definitely talk about the namecheap stuff as well. So those that weren't aware, Namecheap is the domain name provider that we use and many many people use in web3, but also beyond web3 as the host for their domain name. That's where juicebox.money lives. So they were actually compromised, in a way that is essentially a DNS hijacking. So Juicebox wasn't affected as far as we can tell but there were a few prominent DeFi projects that were affected. Fortunately for us and other people, the namecheap CEO and the team in general is pretty reacting quite well. They actually coincidentally in the last few months released a premium product where we can isolate our DNS from the kind of generally used DNS service that namecheap offers. So we've upgraded to that, and we're getting that free of charge as far as I can tell which is great. But yeah if you see any rumbbling about that on Twitter, that's what it's about. And yeah, we'll probably be doing a post-mortem on that as well. Well, yeah as far as we can tell Juicebox wasn't affected.

So basically we discovered a vulnerability inside, but it doesn't end up being quite impactful for the website. So we use a service called pinata for pinning our IP address starter and that is essentially how we upload project details and project logo things like that. So we paid for a custom gateway for that product and basically the end result is that because we're exposing our API Keys someone could basically unpin project metadata and that would mean that projects are basically unavailable on the website. Of course, they're still fully on chain, and nothing's affected there, but it just means that they wouldn't be displayed like when you went to load the project page nothing would come up.

The remedy step is basically that we would go ahead and re-pin all that project metadata using our custom gateway. But yeah, the end result is someone could basically write a script to take down every project off the website. And so that's pretty bad. So we acted quite quickly I'd say, but essentially now we are using our own API server for the pinata stuff. So it's a proxy server where we're not exposing any API keys and the IPFS unpinning functionality is not available from that service. So basically that vulnerability has been mitigated. It's worth noting as well that no one has actually exploited that vulnerability. It was just something that our team found internally. Yeah, please look out for the post-mortem on that coming in the next week as well.

nicholas: and I'm just curious as the last note on that. Is there any kind of duplication that data because if they had been un-pinned I presume that's the only copy. Is anyone else pinning that data because if it happened like would there be another copy anywhere of the project metadata?

aeolian: No, when you pin the same data, it's going to be available at the same content hash.

nicholas: Is anyone else pinning it are we pinning it on a node process on AWS or something or or on someone's local machine.

aeolian: I mean it's still living on IPFS. It's just instead of pinning it on the client browser but pinning it via our proxy server.

nicholas: I wonder if it would be worth having a second copy some other process pinning it, just in case anything would ever happen to pinata.

aeolian: Totally, it's it's a really good consideration, there's definitely some redundancy we can build into a pinning process for sure.

tankbottoms: And we have copies of all the pins on our firebase function.

nicholas: Oh, nice. Cool.

jango: Sweet thanks @aeolian for recovering that. Was that exposed during the trending solution that we had that at one time where the front end would pin like recently downloaded list or something? For efficiency.

aeolian: This particular thing has like those API keys have been exposed from JuiceBox. Yeah,

jango: Well bummer and grateful. No one did a thing and grateful you all did a thing. Thanks for recovering and bringing it up for future folks to be wary of.

Bookkeeping work flow with @gulan and @jango

jango: Yeah, I wanted to introduce you @gulan's section real quick. Just saying with all of this movement from V1 to V2 and movement of funds into the multisig to manage these larger scoped efforts like these events and these audits or bounties. It's like the bookkeeping role in keeping these things tight and allow multisig to execute stuff with confidence is like kind becoming a little complex it seems and I think @gulan is like the reason that things can manage to happen on these tight timelines still.

So yeah, like I was thinking about proposals and well, we're probably trying to do some walkthrough of the life cycle of proposals to bookkeeping to proposing aggregate reconfiguration onchain to multisig's signing, because the last time around there's slight gimmick in that process at the very last minute and we had to overwrite a transaction and we got it in just the nick of time. So be sweet if we all understand and recognize the process and then obviously work to automate it away via tooling.

gulan: I will start out by saying is great meeting and seeing all of you last week for those that were there. That was amazingly educational event and very happy to have gone. It was great to see you all.

So I'll start this by just doing a brief overview of kind of my process that happens on a per cycle basis and that always starts with proposals. We have that first two days of releasing the whole governing cycle. We have the first two days that kind of people actually putting the natural language of their proposal and maybe there was some type of edits that we need to make to make the actual proposal executable whether that be for our governance process or for actual funding through funding cycle.

(sharing screen)

So, you know just going here reading every proposal making sure it's executable or not is the first step. So moving forward keeping that stuff really tight making sure that there's no ambiguity for two different people to be looking at the proposal to kind of come with two separate sets of conclusions on how to execute, is what we're trying to achieve.

The second step is actually making a snapshot review document. So this is kind of putting all of the proposals and the configuration assuming that they all pass and having one where assuming that they all fail and this is really good to put down into writing because it illustrates exactly where the money should go or at least to my assumption of where the money should go.

And so that way when we get to the third step which is actually draft a config file. We've already had the community take a look at bookkeeping at least for two or three days to get the right idea from there. We finalize the config file and we save it into the Google Drive and then the final step is to actually add each individual line item transaction to our accounting sheet and I try to convert the natural language of someone's proposal into an actual machine readable line item, which in the future we can totally automate from. But some of these columns are very easy. So anything new that pops up, I just add a column to the right. I try to make sure that allow for as much flexibility in the proposal stage as possible and I use the sheet to to convert that into some type of machine readable thing for historical data to actually see kind of what the payouts were for an individual, going back to the first funding cycle. I keep this USD pivot table and this is just a manually created cell by cell pivot.

The one kind of big hole that I'll touch on here real briefly that we're in the process of discussing is the actual multisig payouts. I'm not sure how deeply I should dive into it, but when ETH was going up this wasn't really an issue because when we allocated budget towards a particular project whether that was in US Dollars or in ETH as long as the ETH price was going up, we always had a budget. But we're now kind of in a whole different world where we've allocated ETH that represents a US dorrlar amount that ETH no longer represents now. So, this new world, I guess of us being a little more cognizant of that we're gonna have to do more detailed in the proposal stage. I'll definitely keep an eye out on that.

And then the two kind of takeaways that I have on my plate to reduce this problem. It's my understanding that most people don't understand how the bookkeeping process works and how funds get denominated into US dollars. Obviously when you put money into Juicebox you put in ETH and then we pay it out in US Dollars, so for these one-time payments that are in US dollars, it's kind of confusing. So I'm going to make a document that goes over the process and how we should kind of unify this process moving forward for US dollar payouts.

Yeah, so I think number one, I'd have said for my vantage for in terms of risk, I feel kind of weird doing the bookkeeping and potentially sitting on the multisig just because of like legal concerns, I think yeah.

I mean if there is a way for me to submit payments after like doing some type of natural language or if we can automate all this stuff away, that makes sense to me. I don't know how to do that. But if there's a way to make it a JSON and somehow easier for Juicebox to process. I personally like having the stuff with @twodam because we have submitted a proposal and then someone else review it while they do the config. That to me has been a very sure way to make sure that no mistakes have been made but there's always room to streamline it, I guess.

jango: Yeah, I think both the things that @filipv suggested are goals that we're striving towards. I think we're making baby steps and understanding very tightly stretched proposals, which is that what we've just recently solved in some sense. We've created processes for them. The end game is is for sure to leverage Juicebox tools to better make the stablecoins and ETH positions, that's not like something you have to prioritize because we have manual solutions for now. But it's for sure a goal and going through these steps that @gulan outlined. I'm going to put a link to one of the current transactions that are pending, and we can kind of look at how it structured.

The front end actually submitted it to the blockchain and for me it's almost the end and I think the name of the game is just go from spread sheet to that formatting automatically. So this is a list of all the queued transactions right now which a little bit of multisig after this call to discuss on the docket here and tease out the details to make sure we're signing the correct things, but if you take the 133 for instance, open up 133 the data. This is configuring the V1 JuiceboxDAO treasury and you can see the the parameters and the values there and at the end you see payout mods and then a bunch of objects in an array which are how the payouts are formatted here. It's quoted in a percent so there's a few things that we have to get right going from your model to this. But like right now the fragile point that we're trying to make sturdier is like a human effort to have to parse all this and make sense of it to approve it when intuitively we're just gonna trust that whoever is putting up the transaction and sending the screenshots over are submitting the right stuff, but we should have algorithm to like verify.

gulan: Yeah so I can tell you that pretty much the data in this format seems really easy, I mean, I don't want to speak too confidently, but from the conversations that I had previously, just bringing in data from Snapshot and Notion which was building an automation for that. It required a little bit of structuring and I got pushed back initially for trying to fully structure all of that input data because it seems like we could definitely structure at least 90% of cases, put it through a simple machine like the accounting set that I set up and have it export into it config file like this like it seems very very doable to me if that's the end state that we're looking for to kind of automate these steps away. I'm very happy to let the needle more in that direction for sure.

jango: It's definitely gonna require the effort to manage stuff because now we have like many transactions here, right? We have transactions going to the V1 treasury to reconfigure it. We have transactions going to V2 treasury to reconfigure it. They both have unique parameters, and obviously we're tending towards the V2 sides slowly. But in the meantime, there's just a lot to juggle and if we can one thing out of time to find ways to automate I think we had at least like just the V2 stuff again. We can even put pressure on ourselves to move quicker by just automating stuff and then eventually plug it into Nance so that all the way from notion we have some weight format language to get all the way to the config file if everything is approved along the way.

nicholas: I think beyond some of this process details that it's probably a little mind numbling for people. I think broader issues that there're some challenges that as you said have become apparent in the DAO market with the way that funding cycle configuration works and particularly from the perspective of someone writing a proposal, it's not clear how to write a proposal to be totally executable and perfectly specified. So I think we're gonna have a meeting probably tomorrow or the next day ideally with @twodam in the picture as well. I'm time zone wise and hopefully we can sort of come to some solutions that make it easier because basically if you're making a payout if you're doing a payroll payout the funding Cycles are USD denominated and so, you know giving contributors getting a thousand dollars and then the price of ETH fluctuates, and they get a thousand dollars worth of ETH at its new price. That's fine. But if you're doing a funding cycle configuration to pay a specific dollar amount and the price of ETH is fluctuating and it can actually be a real problem. So we've seen this with a bunch of proposals in the last cycle specifically the bug bounty ones. There's all this like weirdness around USD denominated grants to Juicebox projects like BuidlGuidl and jokeDAO like we're denominating because the funding cycles are denominated in USD. We're saying we're going to give $20,000 or $40,000 to Juicebox projects but ultimately they got paid out in ETH. There's something a little bit weird like a mismatch between we might as well just be allocating to projects based on ETH, but I think there's some protocol limitations here that we're pushing up against. But it is a bit of a mystery from the proposal author perspective. So hopefully we can come to the best system.

jango: I think a lot of the issues are like in this V1 to V2 transition. We were utilizing the multisig quite a bit and with these bug bounties we're not just paying out the Juicebox projects, but in normal circumstances even with BuidlGuidl in Juicebox and jokeDAO, I think the answer is more put funds from V1 treasury into V2 and schedule payouts in V2 to those treasuries. We should be paying USD denominated ETH right? And I think the functionally correct thing that we're doing is paying USD to denominate ETH at a particular point in time. At that point that project can do with it what it wants. But if it happens if there's an intermediary step then you lose the fidelity of what USD denominated ETH is like at what time. If this synchronizes three transactions within a small scope of time to distribute fund from V1, dump it back to the V2 treasury and then in the projects treasury to do the conversion, if we were to specify sending USD to someone then we can't do it through Juicebox directly and then that swap should happen. we should move towards doing so automatically building the tools for that. But it's gonna be imprecise for a while. Let's do the best we can.

nicholas: I have two questions for you. First one is at what point is the exchange rate between a USD denominated payout and the amount of ETH being transferred, is it decided by oracle when someone hits the distribute button?

jango: Yeah decided at the moment of "distribute".

nicholas: okay, so because there is one perspective where there's like a two-week delay between when temp check proposals are frozen and when funds are actually distributed, but it's actually not that bad because the oracle establishing exchange rate at distribution time. So there's potentially like only a few minutes lag even if you do need to swap the ETH to USDC as long as you can get the multisig signers together right after the distribution. However, in V2, you're saying it's not possible to do USD or stablecoin payout directly from a funding cycle.

jango: We'll get there.

nicholas: Okay, it's down the road. Because like one thing that @gulan and I noticed as we were dealing with this like it really does require a full-time bookkeeping person to manage a complex funding cycle payout

jango: Absolutely.

nicholas: all right, in the first example, we're trying to get ChoiceDAO to choose Juicebox, and from their perspective, it's going to be a hard sell because if they're able to perceive some of these problems like they're already gonna have to deal with a multisig on Juicebox in some way like just added complexity like obviously that's feature also. For people who have like ukraineDAO chose Utopia payroll system on top of the gnosis, if we don't make it easier to manage bookkeeping, I think that's a dangerous comparison that perspective projects will be making.

jango: Very much on the same page, but we'll figure out if there's a priority for right now or are we trying to ship NFT rewards and stuff like that. The way to solve that is going to be through standing terminal and just routing funds between your treasuries and running payouts for any levels the terminals.

nicholas: It is conceivable to have a funding cycle configured to do both stable and ETH.

jango: Yeah right, you'll still just have one funding cycle, but you'll have any number of payment terminals that you can store funds in and have your community redeem from and pay to. And then make the payout from your treasury to addresses and to other Juicebox projects. We can imagine the payout to your other currency and in that distribute transaction that you're moving funds over. And then Juicebox can schedule payouts out from there. We'll get to the point where we can actually codify these proposals, but I think for now we just have to simplify the proposals and just deal with the trade-offs.

June 14th, 2022

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor

Front end updates with @aeolian and @peri

@aeolian: It has been a while since we gave an update, quick couple of housekeeping things on what Peel's up to. So for the last few funding Cycles, we've been operating in two experiments, which has been really great. These align with the Juicebox funding Cycles, I'll drop a link in the town hall chat for those who haven't seen it before. So we're basically scheduling issues every two weeks that is aligned with the JuiceboxDAO funding cycle. And I think what we're going to plan to do is to give a recap of the previous funding cycle every two weeks. So next week, we'll give a recap of all the stuff that was done in the last two weeks, which is going to be really really great this time around there's been so much done. So definitely don't want to miss that.

I want to highlight one quick fun feature. That was merged yesterday. So this is the ability to add Banny stickers to Memos, which is a small thing, but potentially a fun feature which some of you have been enjoying. So thank you for everyone who worked on that particularly JohnnyD who led the implementation. Check JohnnD's twitter for a video demo of this.

There's four big things in flight at the moment. And I'll list them out in order of the time that they'll be shipped more or less.

  1. The first is giving projects the ability to relaunch on V2 and giving token holders the ability to migrate their tokens to the V2 project.
  2. Second is V2 project handles, which is being led by Peri. Right now projects on V2 don't have handles like they did in V1 so that is adding support for those.
  3. The third is NFT rewards for projects. Essentially it's giving projects the ability to specify like if you contribute a certain amount of funds to this project, then we will reward you with an NFT. So that's going to be really exciting giving projects another avenue to get funding which is great.
  4. And then the fourth is obviously veBanny and staking.

So I will quicking give an overview of what's in store with V1 V2 migration, basically we need to give V1 projects the ability to relaunch on V2. So the canonical example is juiceboxDAO. We're a V1 projects. We also now have a V2 project but none of our funds are in the V2 project.

What's gonna happen is the projects will re-launch on V2, JuiceboxDAO has already done that so we have a project on V2. They're then gonna move their whole balance to the V2 project. They're going to add another payment terminal to the V2 project, and this is a special payment terminal where it'll accept a V1 token and then return the V2 token in a 1:1 exchange rate.

So basically if I have Juicebox V1 token, there'll be a place in the interface to go to swap my V1 tokens for the new V2 tokens. And that's pretty much it. So the contracts are more or less done. Thank you to jango Dr.Gorilla and whoever else worked on that. That was really quick turnaround. And now it's pretty much up to the front end to get the UI done for all of what I just explained. And then we'll finally have upgrade path to some V1 projects to get on V2 and use all the cool new stuff.

@peri: I think as everybody knows we still aren't supporting project handles for the new V2 projects. And this is basically just has to do with some of the changes that are made in the contracts. We used to store a handle for a project on chain and it requires a lot of extra finessing in the contracts because we had to make sure that people can use the same contract and that handles could be transferred and reserved for certain period of time and claimed, there's a lot of functionalities to bake in. So with the V2 project contracts, we just skipped over all that because it ended up not being very necessary for the functionality of the contracts themselves. But the downside of course is that it's really nice to have in the app to be able to look up projects and search for projects.

So we've been working on another layer, another contract to add into the existing contracts that will support handles for V2 projects. It is not quite finished and it's not on mainnet yet. But we do have everything kind of functionally together so I can give a demo of how it'll work in the app and explain how it works pretty quickly.

(screen sharing ongoing)

So I've got this empty project here on Rinkeby, ID 4117. And we are going to set a handle for this project.

We've got a two-transaction-process for setting a project handle. And so the way that this works is we decided to use ENS names to handle the uniqueness of project handles what I mentioned earlier for making sure that handles be passed around and exchanged. There's a lot of complexity there that ENS has already solved really beautifully and so we built the system around ENS names. The idea here is that if you want to use a handle for a project you will need to own the matching ENS name. So for example, I just got this ENS name on rinkby testinginprod.eth and this would allow me to set the handle of this project to testinginprod. So I'm gonna do two steps here,

  1. I have to own this ENS name first of course, I'm going to set the ENS name testinginprod.eth and this would be one transaction. Once this completes, step one will be done.
  2. The next step here is to actually set a text record on the ENS name. So if anybody's used the ENS name app before you'll know that you can come down and set these text records for any number of different things. We are using a particular key "Juicebox project ID". You can come and set this property in the ENS name app manually if you want, but that's a little bit of extra work. So we've made it nice, pretty and clean in the app and you can basically come down here and click this button and we're gonna set that value in the ENS name text record to the ID of this project. So this one is 4117. So I'm going to send this transaction, which is the same as if I just came over here and just manually put 4117 here. That'll show up here if you got the handle set up.

Most importantly that'll allow your project to be searched on the projects page. Right now the search bar works by searching for project handles and V2 projects don't have handles you can't search for them. It's very lame that is now a thing of the past as soon as you set a handle for your project. Your project will be searchable.

An important thing to note is that either of these things change, for example if you were to transfer the ENS name and someone else changes that text record, your handle will go back to empty. So you have to have both of these things set constantly or if you were to change this to some other ENS name, your handle would go back to empty.

Another fun fact is you can also actually do subdomains here.

We will hopefully have that on mainnet this week. I'm pretty sure we're doing. some just some last-minute things, but mostly everything is good to go. So expect it pretty soon.

@0xSTVG: So does that mean that I could create multiple projects with subdomains of my ENS?

@peri: You could. But you can't have multiple projects using the same ENS name. So if you had like STVG.eth, and you want to do like one project one.STVG.eth and the other project two.STVG.eth, those could be two separate handles for different projects.

@mieos: Once we get that up and running, I think a screen recording of you going through that or WAGMI can put together a little infographic on what it is and how it works, especially when it gets up to the subdomain part, it's just technical enough.

veBanny by @Jmill

I want to show a map with the veBanny stuff. I've been doing some work on the subgraph implementation to index the user tokens and interact with them. Right now we had a couple of big steps forward. One thing is there's now a metadata file to parse for all the the characters or the variants so you can go through and scroll through the characters and figure out which one you want and then you can see them all in here, too. So that's been a nice upgrade because you can pull that all from one place now.

(screen sharing ongoing)

So these are NFT positions that I've taken on this account. So you like lock positions that are actually coming from on chain. And then you can interact with them also, so I can do that to extend the lock or I can unlock the ones that have finished. So I can take this one and extend the lock like a thousand days. Then it takes a minute for the graph to re-index it, but it'll show up 30 seconds later with the new lockdate.

And then other than that I showed this last week, we have a new contract where you can mint for one second just like test the unlock and redeem stuff. But yeah, I showed this on the last demo where you can also like take a staking position and actually mint these things through the front end works also.

quizz time:

The answer is....


  • As a student I made jewelry and garment.
  • I was a nationally ranked debater.
  • I haven't been Malta before.

NFT update by @JohnnyD

@JohnnyD: I'll just add a few sentences to what @aeolian has summarized before. We're gonna be automatically rewarding contributors NFTs when they contribute above a certain amount. and then the next step will be adding a restriction around, such as time restrictions so ensuring that those NFTs are distributed only before a certain funding cycle. But for now, we're just going with the amounts.

Announcement from @briley

@briley: Yeah, thanks. I was just gonna make a small announcement that Matthew and I are recording podcast episode with lexicon Devils on Thursday if you have any questions that you would like to ask you can let us know. Otherwise, we'll be doing that in advance of the JB MorganStern's voxel slash IRL event.