JuiceboxDAO 周会概要 2022 年 10 月 19 日
主题图片作者: Sage Kellyn
Code4rena 审计及审计基金项目 Nicholas
NFT 奖励合约的 Code4rena 审计比赛今天早些时间已经开始。
审计比赛的总奖金为 50,000 美元,将历时 5 天,预计于北京时间 2022 年 10 月 24 日结束。审计完成后,NFT 奖励合约将会于本月底在主网部署并合并到 Juicebox.money 网站。
尽管 JuiceboxDAO 已经批准了资助这个审计比赛的提案,但由于治理流程安排,款项要 10 月 23 日才能拨出,这与团队原先 10 月18 日开始审计的计划相背。
因此 Nicholas 创建了这个审计基金项目来筹款帮助垫付资金先启动审计,等 DAO 的拨款划到审计基金项目的金库余额,所有其他的捐款人都可以获得全额退款
Nicholas 同时启动了一个三级 NFT (0.1 ETH / 1 ETH / 10 ETH) 系列来助力筹款, mint NFT 的款项直接转到审计基金项目金库作为捐款,这样一来,mint 的人可以获得项目代币以便将来赎回捐款,但同时又可以保留他们的 NFT。
同时,DAO 同意分拨 3,000,000 个 JBX 代币来奖励审计基金项目的捐款人, 每一个分级 NFT的持有人将一起分享 1,000,000 个 JBX。后来 Jango 和 Peri 宣布各自追加 300 万 JBX 的奖励,所以最后每一个分级 NFT 的持有人将共同分享 300万 个 JBX。
同时,这个项目也将会作为 JuiceboxDAO x Code4rena 合作概念的可行性证明,两者的合作将有助支持其他协议无需许可审计工作的开展。
DevCon Casa 活动总结汇报 Jango
Jango 提交的关于这个活动的提案早些时候已经获得 JuiceboxDAO 的批准。
“鉴于 JuiceboxDAO 希望鼓励和支持创新项目及资本形成架构利用 Juicebox 协议来成形,DAO 应考虑赞助由熟悉协议及其在大局观概念应用的贡献者组织的现实生活的活动,并组织热情的建设者、设计者及资本分配者参与。
Thirsty Thirsty 社区和我正打算筹划一个 DevCon 活动期间在波哥大举行的庆典安排,庆祝我们的传统农业的回归,以及举行着眼以 Web 3 为出发点对以土地为本的项目可持续资助的设计比赛。“
--- 摘自提案原文
Jango's first-day-back reflections:
以下是 Jango 活动回来以后的感悟:
Our ability to pull multi-disciplinary passionate people together was key to unlocking new creative avenues. Ahead of time, I was less sold on the need for a videographer as a value add to the experience. Turns out the budget wasn't just spent on getting a videographer there, they were spent on a Fernando. Same goes for Juanda, everyone who brought +1's, and everyone folks invited to our space for deliberate design/learning sessions and casual moments. Next time we need to double down on this. It's all about the people, the work orders are just an excuse.
Having a few focused scheduled moments around food and ceremony were grounding and set a perfect tone. It wasn't a greasy hacker house, it was a welcoming space where we could be caring, curious, and warm towards one another.
It would be nice to have a few more optional excursions planned for people to take part if their schedules allowed, though it seemed most people were happy sitting around the house with laptops out together, exchanging ideas out loud and on notebooks.
It was great having an extra house in Guasca. Though we didn't use it to its full capacity each day and had some trouble accessing it at times (dirt roads, annoying hosts), the times we did use it were monumental. The dinner we threw with our friends from Mochi was epic, and it was great to have extra bedrooms for folks who wanted more space for themselves.
Epic having Pablo, Alejandro, Thomas, Mark, Steve, Juanda, Fernando and Bruxa there alongside more day-to-day JuiceboxDAO contributors. It was a focused enough group of people where I felt I could build relationships with everyone. I'm more of an intimate 1-on-1, small group, few real friends kind of person, the cadence of this event catered well towards that. Epic group of big-brain big-heart people.
Despite spending loads of time online together, getting time to hang and bullshit with peri, zeugh, nicholas, filip, and jmill was necessary to gluing new ideas together. The whole week was high-bandwidth communication with a bias towards doing. big love to the family.
One of our super powers is empowering creative and passionate people to pronounce their creative muscle through their own projects, in the way they feel most comfortable, encouraging them to push against discomforts their curious to explore, while helping make connections within our expanding ecosystem of builders who might offer support and specialization to round out a project's needs. It'll be difficult to measure this event's immediate value add to the broader JuiceboxDAO community, but seeds were sown and I look forward to referencing this Bogota week as an origin story for many projects/partnerships that may sprout over the next several months.
We need to be aware of people's financial circumstances when inviting multi-disciplinary friends. We did a good job in helping Fernando, Juanda, Bruxa, and Zacharias (didn't make it but we did what we could) arrive by compensating their airline fees, while all others were responsible for sourcing flights themselves. We each have our own accesses and constraints, we have to be comfortable talking about them so we can help one another make stuff happen and leverage what each of us can bring to the table. This is tricky to scale, but important to get right.
We could've used more help sourcing ingredients and planning foods. We had this in place with Zacharias, fell apart last minute. Stoked with how we all came together and made it work, but we all spent a grain too much time throughout the offsite week planning meals.
I liked over-indexing on supporting Thirsty Thirsty. It allowed us all to problem solve with confidence as the weeks went on. I'm excited to see how we can continue working together to help them raise and sustain funds used to power land-and-people-based experiences, and how they can help JuiceboxDAO bring it's community together around earnest moments alongside neighboring communities.
前端工作报告 Aeolian
- Rinkeby.juicebox.money 测试网站已弃用;
- Juicebox 的 V3 版本合约已部署到 Goerli 测试网;
- V3 协议的主网部署正在进行中,但由于最近发现涉及 subgraph 的问题,具体部署时间仍待宣布。
可视化工作报告 Matthewbrooks and Brileigh
新一期的 Juicenews 通讯已经开布,本期主要内容有:
- 0xSTVG 做的每周总结
- Nicholas 撰写的一篇关于如何使用 ENS 地址来把募集资金转入某个 Juicebox 项目的文章。
- Felixander 撰写的关于 SharkDAO 发展历史及其项目配置情况的文章。
- Matthew 及 Brileigh 编写的分别关于 MoonDAO 及期项目配置的两篇文章。
- 在 Youtube 上发布的第一期采访视频,采访嘉宾为 JokeDAO 的创始人 David Phelps。
- WAGMI Studios 工作室制作的 Defifa 预告视频。
- zhape 编辑的 10 月 11 日周会概要。
同时,两位还将过往的 Juicecast 播客节目用 4k 波形可视化来重新渲染,并上传到 Youtube 的 JuiceobxDAO 官方账号,希望重新利用这些内容来提升内容的可搜索度,从而进一步提升 JuiceboxDAO 的影响力。