

Contract: JBPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal​‌

Holders can redeem their tokens to claim the project's overflowed tokens, or to trigger rules determined by the project's current funding cycle's data source.

Only a token holder or a designated operator can redeem its tokens.


function _redeemTokensOf(
address _holder,
uint256 _projectId,
uint256 _tokenCount,
uint256 _minReturnedTokens,
address payable _beneficiary,
string memory _memo,
bytes memory _metadata
) private returns (uint256 reclaimAmount) { ... }
  • Arguments:
    • _holder is the account to redeem tokens for.
    • _projectId is the ID of the project to which the tokens being redeemed belong.
    • _tokenCount is the number of project tokens to redeem, as a fixed point number with 18 decimals.
    • _minReturnedTokens is the minimum amount of terminal tokens expected in return, as a fixed point number with the same amount of decimals as this terminal.
    • _beneficiary is the address to send the terminal tokens to.
    • _memo is a memo to pass along to the emitted event.
    • _metadata are bytes to send along to the data source, delegate, and emitted event, if provided.
  • The function is private to this contract.
  • The function returns the amount of terminal tokens that the tokens were redeemed for, as a fixed point number with the same amount of decimals as this terminal.


  1. Make sure the provided beneficiary of the claimed funds isn't the zero address.

    // Can't send reclaimed funds to the zero address.
    if (_beneficiary == address(0)) revert REDEEM_TO_ZERO_ADDRESS();
  2. Define a reference to the project's funding cycle during which the redemption is being made.

    // Define variables that will be needed outside the scoped section below.
    // Keep a reference to the funding cycle during which the redemption is being made.
    JBFundingCycle memory _fundingCycle;
  3. The following scoped block is a bit of a hack to prevent a "Stack too deep" error.

    // Scoped section prevents stack too deep. `_delegateAllocations` only used within scope.
    { ... }
    1. Get a reference to the redemption delegate that.

      JBRedemptionDelegateAllocation[] memory _delegateAllocations;
    2. Record the redemption and get a reference to the funding cycle during which the redemption was made, the terminal token amount that should be reclaimed, the delegate allocations to fulfill, and an updated memo.

      // Record the redemption.
      (_fundingCycle, reclaimAmount, _delegateAllocations, _memo) = store.recordRedemptionFor(

      Internal references:

      External references:

    3. Make sure the amount of terminal tokens being reclaimed is at least as much as the specified minimum.

      // The amount being reclaimed must be at least as much as was expected.
      if (reclaimAmount < _minReturnedTokens) revert INADEQUATE_RECLAIM_AMOUNT();
    4. Burn the project's tokens if needed.

      // Burn the project tokens.
      if (_tokenCount > 0)

      Internal references:

      External references:

    5. If delegate allocations were specified, fulfill each of their didRedeem functions, and emit an event with the relevant parameters.

      // If delegate allocations were specified by the data source, fulfill them.
      if (_delegateAllocations.length != 0) {
      // Keep a reference to the token amount being forwarded to the delegate.
      JBTokenAmount memory _forwardedAmount = JBTokenAmount(token, 0, decimals, currency);

      JBDidRedeemData memory _data = JBDidRedeemData(
      JBTokenAmount(token, reclaimAmount, decimals, currency),

      uint256 _numDelegates = _delegateAllocations.length;

      for (uint256 _i; _i < _numDelegates; ) {
      // Get a reference to the delegate being iterated on.
      JBRedemptionDelegateAllocation memory _delegateAllocation = _delegateAllocations[_i];

      // Trigger any inherited pre-transfer logic.
      _beforeTransferTo(address(_delegateAllocation.delegate), _delegateAllocation.amount);

      // Keep track of the msg.value to use in the delegate call
      uint256 _payableValue;

      // If this terminal's token is ETH, send it in msg.value.
      if (token == JBTokens.ETH) _payableValue = _delegateAllocation.amount;

      // Pass the correct token forwardedAmount to the delegate
      _data.forwardedAmount.value = _delegateAllocation.amount;

      _delegateAllocation.delegate.didRedeem{value: _payableValue}(_data);

      emit DelegateDidRedeem(

      unchecked {

      Internal references:

      Virtual references:

      External references:

      Event references:

  4. If an amount is being reclaimed, send the funds to the beneficiary.

    // Send the reclaimed funds to the beneficiary.
    if (reclaimAmount > 0) _transferFrom(address(this), _beneficiary, reclaimAmount);

    Internal references:

  5. Emit a RedeemTokens event with the relevant parameters.

    emit RedeemTokens(

    Event references: