
JB Members Conference with Chinese Community Members

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JuiceboxDAO Contributor

On Tuesday, May 3rd (Wednesday May 4th local Chinese time), some Juicebox members (including jango, Zeugh, peri, filipv and your favorite author, to name just a few) engaged in an open discord call with Chinese-speaking JB community members and contributors. This article recaps some of the main points discussed. Also a huge shout-out to Zhape for his excellent on-the-fly translations!

Translation needs

The translation efforts are coming back underway as JB has overhauled its documents over the past few weeks. One area of concern was in how to best achieve accurate translations that can be written engagingly. The need for accurate translators, particularly who are comfortable working from English to Chinese, was underscored by Zhape. If you are comfortable translating into Chinese fluently and would like to contribute to translation efforts, reach out to Zotico in the #translation channel.

Guerilla Marketing Campaign and Community Building

Zeugh gave a brief highlight of some intended efforts at marketing and community building. Currently, there have been discussions to send some Juicebox contributors to Crypto or NFT conferences where they can network and spread the word about Juicebox. Possible eventual speaking opportunities at conferences, or sponsorships of conferences, are also being discussed, but at the moment the goal is to start small and see if we can spread the word about Juicebox and make meaningful connections between communities, or create opportunities for people to open projects on the Juicebox platform.

Translating outreach/community content

One area discussed was the importance of trying to make it a priority to translate into Chinese blog posts, interviews, or other materials that will help bridge the gap between our Chinese-speaking and English-speaking communities. For instance, an article such as this one that simply updates the community at large on a recent discord call, or an article that announces major changes coming with V2, would be excellent opportunities to inform our Chinese-speaking readers and to open the opportunity to gain feedback from them.

The state of V2

jango gave some insights on how the V2 protocol is coming along. Front-end of the protocol is still under development and coming along nicely, and in the mean time fine-tuning measures in the back-end continue to ensure a smooth rollout. The V2 protocol will allow many creative opportunities to build extensions, and offer more tools to project creation. So far early reception has been very good.

Tokenomics strategies

The question of how tokens should be disbursed, traded and valued also came up. The goal of ensuring that a project received the best rate of JBX per ETH is being discussed and worked on. Practically, this would mean that if a better JBX rate existed from an AMM, a project creator would receive that rate JBX at the AMM exchange rate. While JBX currently has low liquidity, one line of thinking is that such a system, which would necessarily drive traffic to such AMM’s, would serve as a mechanism to build those liquidity pools. Importantly, the impetus for such a process starting will likely come as Juicebox incentivizes these opportunities.

Voting equity

Another core topic of discussion was around voting equity in the current DAO governance. The question centered around how to strike a balance between early contributing members, such as jango, who have very large sums of JBX and thus have tremendous voting power, and members who may be contributing heavily but are newer, and thus have far lower voting power. This is a catch-22, but it is important to note that this imbalance is certainly aware to early contributors such as peri, jango and others. In the case of per and jango, they do not engage in voting for this reason (both were quick to point out). One solution is to continue issuing JBX, which will give more voting power to more individuals, but this also flies squarely against certain opinions to completely stop JBX issuance. It is a complex situation that has a lot of moving parts, and is inextricably linked to the JBX issuance/AMM situation mentioned above. Ultimately the thinking is that with these new changes, solutions may present themselves and we will see growth and directions in these domains.

Main Takeaways

This call provided important information and helped streamline communication between the English-speaking and Chinese-speaking Juicebox member communities. The nature of questions remained substantive throughout and finding a cadence to have such calls seems like a good strategy moving forward. A huge thank-you to our members, both English- and Chinese-speakers, for taking the time to hop on this call and for having such open and transparent discussions. And again a huge thank-you to Zhape, who translated and managed the discussion and kept a good flow going!