
· 3 分钟阅读

JuiceboxDAO is running final tests on an updated/forked version of its Terminal contract. Once deployed and approved by JuiceboxDAO, projects will be able to voluntarily migrate their funds and accounting parameters from the V1 terminal that is currently being used to this new V1.1 Terminal with just one transaction.

There are many broader changes being developed in a V2 release scheduled for the coming months. V1.1 is a simpler change that still manages to provide crucial utilities and fixes for projects operating on the protocol.

Here's why a project might want to migrate to V1.1:


  • Pause - Projects will be able to pause contributions to their treasury as well as subsequent token issuance on a per-funding cycle basis. Any new transactions – or pending low-gas transactions in flight – that settle after a paused funding cycle has started will fail.
  • Mint - Projects will be able to allow itself to mint more of its own tokens on a per-funding cycle basis. During a funding cycle where minting new tokens is allowed, the project owner can submit a transaction to increase the token supply and send this new supply to a beneficiary of its choice.

Currently projects can only mint new tokens before receiving a first contribution.

  • Burn - Anyone will be able to burn their tokens by redeeming them, even when there is no overflow.

Currently tokens are only burnable when there is some amount of overflow that is being reclaimed through the redemption.

  • Off-protocol redemption value - Projects will be able to supply a contract to their funding cycles that tell the protocol how much value it is holding off-protocol, like in a multisig wallet or yielding vault. Projects can use oracles in this contract to convert the value of any other asset it owns into ETH for the protocol to use when calculating redemption values.

Currently redemption values are calculated only with the ETH the project has locked in the Juicebox Terminal contract.

  • Fee cap - The protocol fee is capped at 5%. JuiceboxDAO can adjust the JBX fee from 0% - 5%.

Currently there is no fee cap.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug that prevents a project from updating its reserved token tracker when the reserved rate is set to 0%. This bug prevented the project from reconfiguring from a 0% reserved rate to any other value without inadvertently creating an extra reserved token supply inso-doing. See this postmortem.
  • Fixed bug that prevented overflow from being viewed correctly when a funding cycle rolls over before it has had its newly available funds distributed.

Other adjustments

  • The contract is now directly Ownable instead of using an ownable Governance contract proxy. The JuiceboxDAO will own the contract, which allows it to set the fee, and allow other forked Terminal contracts for projects to migrate onto.

· 10 分钟阅读

JuiceboxDAO 在 Juicebox 协议上运行其社区金库。它所使用的工具也是向公众开放的。点击这里了解协议的代币经济工具箱。

JBX 是 JuiceboxDAO 的成员代币。 它的作用是对各项提案进行投票,以决定 DAO 随着时间的推移应该如何发展。关于在 Juicebox 协议里面每个项目的代币可以通过编程获得的用例,点击这里进行了解。

感谢 Nicholas、Zom_Bae、Zeugh 和 Aeolian 的编辑及反馈。

JuiceboxDAO 目前按 208,920 JBX / ETH 的比例向任何给金库捐款的人分发 JBX 代币。这个比例目前每隔一周减少10%。现在有一个提案建议把这个减少比例提高到20%。

按目前的 60% 的赎回联合曲线比率,每销毁 679,652个 JBX,协议会从金库返还 1 ETH。现在有一个提案要求把这个比率提高到 95%,按这个比率的话每销毁 459,219个 JBX,协议就会退回1 ETH。

目前 Uniswap 上 JBX / ETH 的价格为每 1 ETH 兑换 446,380 个 JBX。

JuiceboxDAO 目前的代币保留率是 35%,也就是说每捐赠一个 ETH 给金库,除了分发给捐款人的部分以外,还有112,495个 JBX 被保留起来了。其中的30%分配给 DAO(dao.jbx.eth)、24%分配给 jango.eth、7% 给 peri.eth、 7% 给 nnnnicholas.eth、 7% exekias.eth、 4% CanuDAO、 4% 给WAGMI Studios。


  • JBX 目前在类似 Uniswap AMM 这样的协议外市场上交易,价格在发行价格和销毁价格之间浮动。目前没有形成任何扩张或收缩 JBX 供应量的激励机制。


  • 如果市场上的 JBX 价格高于 Juicebox 协议内的发行价, 任何增发 JBX 的需求都可以通过向 Juicebox 金库捐赠 ETH 来得到满足, 因为金库收到 ETH 会相应地铸造及分发 JBX。

承担风险的套利者可能会有动力在当前筹款周期铸造新的 JBX 代币,来获取周期更新及折扣率生效后会出现的 10% 的价差。他们也可以通过铸造 JBX 代币转售给协议外市场上的买单,从而利用信息不对称进行获利 —— JuiceboxDAO 社区应该努力把信息不对称的机会降到最低。

无论是以上的哪种情况,都会让所有在早期筹款周期里以较低成本持有 JBX 的人受益 —— 他们持有的 JBX 占总流通量的份额将会降低,但支撑 JBX 价值的 ETH 金库的增长速度更大,这样就会有提高销毁价格的效果。

  • 如果市场上 JBX 的价格低于协议内的销毁价格时,进一步抛售 JBX 的需求将能通过销毁 JBX 代币来获得金库溢出里锁定的 ETH 得到满足。

同样地,套利者可以通过销毁 JBX 然后买入协议外市场上的卖单来获取信息不对称的收益 —— 同样地,JuiceboxDAO 社区应该努力把信息不对称的机会降到最低。

无论以上哪种情况,都会令在抛压中选择继续持有 JBX 的持币人获益 - 每个按赎回联合曲线比率赎回的 JBX 都相应地留下部分 ETH (60% 的曲线留下来给其他持币人的比 95% 曲线时要多得多,放大了这个效应)。除了100%赎回比率,在其他所有比率的情形下,JBX 流通量的下降速度都会大于金库的 ETH 减少速度。这个机制会随着后面的每一次销毁轻微抬高 JBX 的赎回价格,从而增加代币价格的上涨压力、缩减供应量、只留下那些拒绝日渐增厚的退出诱惑而坚持建设的持币人。

  • 随着时间的推移,市场价格在发行成本和销毁价格之间不断来回摆动,JBX 持币人的销毁价格将会上升并最终超过其 JBX 当时的铸造价格。


市场尾部事件对 JBX 代币持有人最为有利,虽然这种有利是以一种节制的方式出现。唯一不能给 JBX 代币持有人带来好处的情况是对 JBX 的需求长时间缺乏变化。在这种机制下,我们似乎是在牺牲价格波动换取韧性。

  • 各种提案经 JBX 代币持有人通过后,DAO 会每个筹款周期把 ETH 用于支付贡献者薪酬、服务费用以及各种拨款。这种支出带来的影响会波及所有 JBX 代币持有人,轻微降低每个人的销毁价格。

DAO也可以把 ETH 分拨到平台以外的多签钱包或者 web3 的其他各种合约里去。受当前 Juicebox 协议版本所限,这种价值目前不能计算到销毁价格里面。

  • 只有在代币供应量增长的情况下,保留代币名单才能捕获价值。一旦代币供应量扩张且市场需求在协议外得到满足,保留代币受益人就会有巨大的动力把代币价格推向其上限。

  • 即使没有代币保留率,铸造现有代币总量的 51% 也很昂贵。如果真的发生这种情况,用于铸造过半数代币的 ETH 会立即提升之前周期每个代币持有人的销毁价格。这个新的过半数 JBX 代币持有人将不得不安抚一个有重大退出动机的社区。

如果 51% 的代币突然被互联网上成千上万互不相关的人买走,也会是同样的效果。

  • 目前30%的保留 JBX 代币分配给 DAO (dao.jbx.eth)。DAO 正考虑将积累的一部分代币通过 DAO 的 Discord 服务器投入到贡献者之间进行流通。

DAO 有很多方法来实现这个想法,其中一个方法就是先把这些代币分配给保留代币名单上的各个受益人,然后鼓励他们把所有的这些代币分配给那些与他们合作最为密切的人,以及那些他们认为做出令人认可贡献的人。我们鼓励那些人接着再把这些代币传递下去。

这样做的目的是保证所有建议及维护协议和生态的人都能成为举足轻重的 JBX 代币持有人,这样一来他们就能够正式帮助 DAO 做出各种决策。

如果这个内部的 JBX 分配机制能够提高新建设者和核心团队的治理参与度,那么通过增加 DAO 金库的保留代币分配份额并减少其他人的保留代币分配来扩大这个内部分配计划,可能会令 DAO 最终得益。

· 2 分钟阅读

在 Juicebox V1 上创建一个项目或向某个项目捐款之前,请先了解一下以下的不足。这些是 V1 协议的缺点,目前的解决方案还不够完善。

  1. 没有暂停选项。如果你不想向新的捐款人分发代币,最好的办法是把保留代币比率配置成 100%。你可以把一个负责销毁代币的地址设置为保留代币受益人。

  2. 如果项目的保留代币比率一开始设置为 0%,之后重新配置为大于 0%,在这种情况下,项目会按新的代币保留比率铸造出一批新代币并分配给预设的保留代币受益人。比方说,如果把保留代币率调到 100%,总的代币供应量就会翻倍。同样地,你可以把一个负责销毁代币的地址设置为保留代币受益人。

这个问题是在 8 月 18 日发现的。点击这里查看更多细节。

  1. 没有直接销毁代币的交易,但是代币在赎回时会被销毁。因此要销毁代币的话,需要重新配置筹款目标令项目出现溢出,然后赎回代币,再把赎回代币获得的溢出重新注回金库内。

· 4 分钟阅读


最简单的做法是在每个兼容 EVM 的 L2 环境中部署相同的 Juicebox 协议。这会迫使项目选择他们想要在哪一个 L2 上运行,或者如果他们想要同时在多个网络中运行,则需要自行处理因此引入的复杂性。但凡能够简单易行一点,我猜大多数项目都会希望在所有的环境下运行。


尽管在每个与 EVM 兼容的 L2 环境中部署相同的 Juicebox 协议会迫使项目选择他们想要在哪运行,但将这种选择和复杂性传达给每个项目,同时建议他们在 DAO/社会/治理层面构建完整的运营策略,把这些孤立的环境联结起来,可能才是最合理的做法。

以下是一些可供参考的操作指引,以 JuiceboxDAO 为例:

  • 在几个 L2 及侧链上部署完全一样的 Juicebox 协议。JuiceboxDAO 在每个地方都创建一个项目来收取费用和接受捐款。
  • JuiceboxDAO 在每条链上都会有不同的代币。 JuiceboxDAO 成员资格由一个包含了所有不同代币的策略构成。社区成员负责管理 DAO 跨链金库的统一完整。
  • JuiceboxDAO 单独提交每条链的金库重新配置方案。每条链可以有不同的筹款周期日程、不同的代币发行比率以及不同的 ETH 分配安排。这种灵活安排有助于不同多链金库设计的整合,但也会导致管理成本的提高。我们应该负责任地对待向新环境的扩展。
  • 依托现有和将来的通用跨桥基础设施,JuiceboxDAO 可以按照每条链不同的限制,在不同的环境之间转移它的 ETH 或者代币。
  • 如果想支持各个成员代币之间的相互兑换,还可以部署兑换合约。

任何其他项目都可以选择在一个或多个部署了 Juicebox 协议的环境中运行。如果他们选择同时在多个环境中运行,他们就必须去应对这个选择带来的复杂性。一旦这些项目开始试验并落实出有效的模式,我希望会形成一整套方法供将来的项目参考。


· 4 分钟阅读

在 Juicebox 上运营的项目需要一些支付终端来降低捐款人付款和赎回时的 gas 费用。

要实现这一点,除主网之外,项目还需要能在很多不同的 L2 上接收资金。

最简单的做法是在每个兼容 EVM 的 L2 环境中部署相同的 Juicebox 协议。这会迫使项目选择他们想要在哪一个 L2 上运行,或者如果他们想要同时在多个网络中运行,则需要自行处理因此引入的复杂性。但凡能够简单易行一点,我猜大多数项目都会希望在所有的环境下运行。

JuiceboxDAO 本身就是在 Juicebox 协议上运行,如果我们在协议层什么都不做,直接采取这个简单方案, 我们也会面临同样的困境。相反,如果我们预先考虑如何调整 Juicebox V2 协议来使我们的跨层运行简单化,可能也会帮助所有选择在 Juicebox 上建立金库的项目轻松实现跨层运行。


  • 项目不希望把社区和治理分散到各条链上去。不管人们选择从哪条链捐款进来,都应该得到所有成员的欢呼认同,而项目不管在哪一条链上相应分发代币,这些代币都应该同样享有治理项目累积资金的权利。
  • 随着时间推移,项目代币的发行价格应在所有可用环境下得到同步。筹款周期更新后,代币的分发权重经常会发生变化。除非有意为之,否则不应该存在跨链套利的机会。
  • 筹款周期的重新配置在所有的环境中,要么都被批准,要么都被否决。如果一个项目提议在其中一个环境重新配置筹款参数,但最终在投票中未获得通过,那么这一变更在其他所有环境中也不能生效。反而言之,成功的筹款周期重新配置应该在所有链上都得到体现。

请继续关注我提出的关于如何在 rollup L2 中实现这一点的具体建议,也欢迎参与讨论并提出自己的想法,使我们能够就最佳方案达成共识。

· 9 分钟阅读


ConstitutionDAO 到了需要某种协调的时刻。技术层面上和社会层面上我们都必须作出一些决定,人们将第一次真正有机会用他们的 PEOPLE 代币来发声。



对于 ConstitutionDAO 这个情况,可以通过一些不同的方式来处理退款事宜(肯定还存在其他我不知道或不够熟悉的方法):

通过 Juicebox 进行退款


  1. 把这4千多万美元重新转入到 Juicebox 合约。
  2. 多签钱包发起一个交易,把 ConstitutionDAO 的筹款周期目标重新配置为 0,以便允许所有代币按相应比例赎回项目金库里的全部资金。
  3. 任何人都可以选择赎回他们持有的 PEOPLE 代币。所有希望留下参与建设 ConstitutionDAO 的人则可以保留他们的 PEOPLE 代币,并把资金交给社区来管理。
  4. DAO 最终会重新评估自己想要朝哪个方向发展,以及谁来管理多签钱包以代表社区继续金库的运营。DAO 也可以重新评估它是否希望接纳新成员以及接受捐款,等等。换言之,DAO 继续作为 DAO 运作下去。


  • -- 把四千多万美元转回 Juicebox 合约之前,我觉得最好先多找几个人审核一下这些合约。我个人对这些合约是有信心的,但我们要得到社区的信任,还要让社区明白这件事情具有试验性质并存在风险。我希望社区在做这个决定时能够充满信心。为此,我很愿意接下来几天组织一些专题讨论。
  • --每个选择赎回的人将要支付跟捐赠时差不多的 gas 费用:相当于30-60美元的ETH。这对于那些捐赠金额和 gas 费用数额差不多的人来说尤其令人不快。
  • ++ 这个方案需要做的协调是最少的,每个人都可以按自己的想法、适合自己的时间去采取行动。
  • ++ 由于这个 Juicebox 的流程正在进行审计,对于那些已经把 PEOPLE 代币发送到多签钱包的人,DAO 可以开始马上手动向其发放退款。


我看到 @strangechances, @DennisonBertram, 以及@austingriffith等人提出了这个方案的不同版本。


  1. DAO 保留大概200万美元来支付退款的 gas 费用。
  2. 抓取一个交易快照。在某个区块高度持有 PEOPLE 代币的人,都可以按每100万代币兑换一个 ETH 的比例申请退款。
  3. 多签发送交易来满足这些申请,并用保留的资金来支付 gas 费用。
  4. 因为 PEOPLE 代币将不再拥有 ETH 作为价值支撑,留下来的 DAO 社区需要重新评估,如果保持 DAO 的运作,社区应该怎样去管理它的代币。


  • -- 多签钱包成员可能要处理高达数千笔的付款。
  • -- 大家提出退款申请可能会有一个较长的时间跨度。多签成员要提前做大量的复核和确认工作,而且还要守候一段时间。
  • -- 因快照后发生的交易而新增的余额将不计算在可赎回余额内。
  • ++ gas 费用会在每个留下的持币人之间平摊。如果预计有足够多的社区成员希望继续持有PEOPLE 代币,DAO甚至可以在捐款金额基础上增加最多60美元来发放给要离开的成员,来补贴他们捐款时支付的交易费用。
  • ++ 大家可以选择申请在特定的 L2 网络退款。多签可以批量转账到每个相应的 L2 网络,然后再从该网络发放退款。

多签钱包部署一个 Merkle Distributor 空投

这是@nnnnicholas的意见。提示:Nicholas 并不是 ConstitutionDAO 捐款成员。@austingriffith也提出了相同的意见。 @strangechances建议使用 Mirror Splits 来执行这个退款方案,并主动提出可以帮忙。


  1. 抓取一个交易快照。在某个区块高度持有 PEOPLE 代币的人,都可以按每100万代币兑换一个 ETH 的比例申请退款。这个操作叫“抓取快照”。
  2. 部署空投/分割合约,并把退款总额发送到合约。
  3. 公布把资金重新转入 DAO 金库多签钱包的时间线,让快照抓取的地址来申请退款。
  4. 因为 PEOPLE 代币将不再拥有 ETH 作为价值支撑,留下来的 DAO 社区需要重新评估,如果保持 DAO 的运作,社区应该怎样去管理它的代币。


  • -- 这个做法仍然会耗费退款人与通过 Juicebox 赎回方案相近的 gas 费用。
  • -- PEOPLE 代币不能再用作对金库的索取权,因为那样的话人们可能会再次领取。PEOPLE 代币将不再拥有正常 Juicebox 项目代币的功能。
  • ++ 空投退款的主要优势是可以通过全部或者大部分经过审计的代码来实现,相对Juicebox未经审计的赎回机制提高了安全性。
  • ++ 这个做法相对于多签支付 gas 费用来直接发放退款的方案来说,会降低 DAO(即不希望退款的人群)所需支付的的 gas 费用。
  • ++ 空投可以设置成允许在 L2 网络退款,但会增加操作的复杂程度。
  • ++ 捐款人既可以保留 PEOPLE 代币,又可以获得退款。



  • 在 PEOPLE 代币停止发行之后向 ConstitutionDAO 捐款的人,将会收到 DAO 的直接退款。
  • 需要用到交易快照的情形,选择抓取快照时机非常重要。快照时间的选择可以包括 Juicebox 停止接受新捐款的时间、拍卖失败时间或者将来的某一个时间点(即预先宣布交易快照标准)。
  • 交易快照用哈希树来抓取并存储到链下数据库或者像Mirror 的 Split那样存到 IPFS 上面,这种做法基于 Uniswap 的 UNI 代币空投 Merkle-Distributor 模式,又或者作为一个以 stendhal-labs或collaboration splitter方式存储的链上事件进行公布。后者可能会比较昂贵,但比 DAO 手动分发退款的方式仍然要便宜得多。

· 5 分钟阅读

JBX 成员资格目前由 602,065,173 个代币来体现:

Jango 持有 118,891,959 个(19.74%) Peri 持有 100,255,206 个 (16.65%) DragonFly Capital 持有 48,048,000 个(7.98%) SharkDAO 持有 30,063,667 个(4.99%) JuiceboxDAO 持有 27,827,807 个(4.62%) 4 个地址分别持有大约 18,500,000 个(3%) 13 个地址的持有数量在 5,000,000 - 15,000,000 个区间 (1-3%) 7 个地址的持有数量在 2,500,000 - 5,000,000 个区间(0.5-1%) 28 个地址的持有数量在 500,000 - 2,500,000 个区间(0.1-0.5%) 64 个地址的持有数量在 100,000 - 500,000 个区间 (0.01-0.1%) 56 个地址分别的持有比例少于 0.01%

成员资格授予给了那些帮助开发协议和建立 DAO 的人,还有通过向金库捐赠 ETH 来支持这些工作的人,尤其是那些在较早的筹款周期提供了任何形式帮助的人。协议部署以来,成员资格已向所有人开放。

在当前第 8 个筹款周期,新老成员每向金库捐赠 10 个 ETH 会铸造以下数量的 JBX:

捐赠的成员获得 2,579,260

JuiceboxDAO 获得 416,649Peri 获得 333,319Jango 获得 333,319Nicholas 获得 97,218Exekias 获得 97,218WAGMI Studios 获得 55,553CanuDAO 获得 55,553

目前,捐款成员要捐赠 278 个 ETH 才能获得成员代币总量的 10%。

两个月前第 4 个筹款周期期间,向金库捐赠 10 个 ETH 会铸造 3,931,200 个JBX 代币给捐款成员。

每收到 1 ETH 向成员发行的 JBX 代币数量每 2 周减少 10%。按照目前 2 周为一个筹款周期的减少速度再加上 35% 的代币保留率,到第 12 个筹款周期的时候,捐赠 10 个 ETH 就只能铸造 1,692,252 个 JBX 代币了。


  • 建设者和捐赠人都不知道他们捐赠 ETH 获得的代币或者收到的保留代币究竟有什么用。
  • 成员资格变贵了。
  • 迄今为止,JBDAO 的策略一直是专注于公开建设,同时提前说明高效建设所需要的资源。
  • JBDAO里没有人太关注怎样降低成员资格门槛或者如何更大范围地分配成员资格,又或者为什么这个工作值得优先考虑。我们主要讨论的是,如何去为 Juicebox 项目以及那些希望参与改进或者发展这个生态的建议者们解决问题。
  • JBDAO 之所以选择 35% 的代币保留率,是为了确保不管 DAO 怎样扩充成员资格都会有 25% 的份额流向管理项目的建设者。如果 DAO 的金库得不到增长,忠诚的建设者就不会成为举足轻重的成员。剩下的 10% 流向 JBDAO 自身,但还没有被动用过。
  • 目前 DAO 的松散贡献者和帮助者除了向 DAO 捐赠任意金额之外,并没有其他途径成为 DAO 的成员。
  • 可能 DAO 应该降低它的折扣率,这样随着时间的发展,有意向加入的成员的资格能得到体现同时能令他们觉得受到大家的欢迎。
  • DAO 把全部的 35% 保留率都分配给自己会挺有意思的,这样它可以分发数量较为可观的入门成员资格给更多随性帮忙的人,以及那些正边埋头苦干边开始认识这个系统但暂时又没计划持久参与的人。DAO 还可以给其他 web3 的建设者分发成员资格,在决定 DAO 应该怎样分配金库的时候,他们可以作为其中富有创意而又深思熟虑的一种声音。


  • DAO 要怎么有效地分配它的 JBX 份额才能在今天和未来吸纳更多优秀的成员?

· 4 分钟阅读

资金捐献到 JuiceboxDAO 的金库里 , 不管是直接付款还是支付费用的形式,就会铸造及分发 JBX 代币。目前来说,铸造出来的 JBX 代币有 35% 保留并分配给预设的地址,剩余的 65% 则分发给付款人。

JuiceboxDAO 保留代币当前的分配情况如下:

reserved jbx distribution

JBX 代币的发行数量是没有上限的:捐赠的 ETH 越多,创造出来的 JBX 也会越多,虽然创造的速度会由于折扣率的存在而渐次递减(目前每个 ETH 铸造的 JBX 代币数量每两周递减 10%)。每次付款过后,可供分享的蛋糕都会变大,但同时每个人的蛋糕份额却会轻微地收缩。

.….. 除了那些保留代币名单上的人。在任何特定时间节点,他们的整体 JBX 持有量都会按照金库的增长速度向预设分配给他们的保留代币百分比靠近。这也意味着当前 DAO 总体价值的 35% 集中在这些保留代币持有人手上,而剩下的 65% 则在捐赠或付费那个群体之间逐渐进行长尾分配,先到的受惠更多。

迄今为止,JuiceboxDAO 的保留代币主要分配给那些肩负 DAO 各项运营责任的少数贡献者。最近,DAO 也开始为多签钱包保留代币,用于流动性质押奖励和其他项目的再分配。

展望未来,DAO 协调社区内激励措施的最佳途径可能是来自扩大保留代币池来涵括许多新成员和承诺助力 DAO 走向成功的各项活动,还有一些较小范围的试验性分配。

做好类似 DAO 治理文件中概述的一些基本的预防措施和行动指引,DAO 就应该准备好公平高效地吸收一些有用的贡献者,同时清除那些混吃等死或毫无建树的人。这个流程应当把 DAO 所创造的价值传递给那些积极推动项目发展使命的人,以及那些构建于协议之上并持续支付平台费用的项目。



保留率还会大幅提高恶意并购的成本。 JuiceboxDAO 目前的 JBX 代币的总供应量是 577,516,588 个。当前每捐赠一个 ETH 会新铸造 544,320 个JBX 代币(355,808 个分发给付款人,190,512 个流向保留代币池)。如果今天某人要给自己铸造总供应量 51% 的代币,他就必须往项目金库里投入 3,865 个 ETH。时间越往后,这个代价就会越高,因为代币的总供应量持续在增加而捐赠一个 ETH 能铸造代币数量却持续在减少。

· 7 分钟阅读

Last update: 9/07/2021

Current focus areas are:

  • Risk mitigation
  • Protocol upgrades
  • Web experience
  • Analytics
  • DAO relations
  • Liquidity pools
  • NFT marketplace
  • Governance
  • Materials

Focus areas

Risk mitigation

Goal: Make sure things don't go to zero.

Current team: jango (lead), exekias, peri.


  • nothing to report.

Help needed:

  • Reviewing V2 docs and tests.
  • Bug bounties now included in the V2 documentation that's underway.

Protocol Updates

Goal: Evolve the protocol to be more useful.

Current team: jango (lead), peri, exekias, nicholas


  • Progress on documentation. JBSplitStore, JBOperatorStore, JBPrices, and JBProjects are fully documented. See Protocol section of docs.juicebox.money.
  • Bug bounties now included in the V2 documentation

Help needed:

  • More eyes on the docs
  • Pursue leads for solidity audits in next 4-6 weeks

Web experience

Goal: Improve the Juicebox experience both for people starting communities and for communities that are growing.

Current team: peri (lead), jango, exekias


  • Added feature for JB Project owners to update assets listed in the Project UI
  • will eventually support 721 assets, too
  • 'Pay' button Call to Action can now be customized
  • Rinkeby support
  • JB Interface now has its own dedicated repo and issue tracking https://github.com/jbx-protocol/juice-interface

Help needed:


Goal: Give projects rich insights into their community treasury.

Current team: peri (lead)


Contribution pipeline being refined. Subgraph now has a dedicated repo with a streamlined deployment flow.

Analytics roadmap being refined as steps for V2 migration become clearer.

Subgraph Deep Dive

Help needed:

DAO relations

Goal: Work towards making sure JB projects and the JB community have the resources and attention they need to get started and thrive.

Current team: nati (lead), zeugh, mieos, nicholas, jango


  • Jango and others converting people from DMs into discord members.
  • Lots of people coming into the DAO relations channel.
  • Pencil DAO created without any interaction with team. BrainDAO and others coming online.
  • Idea: Daoification Hackathon to help JuiceboxDAO members feel more comfortable onboarding others.
  • Meeting with largest single contributor: Conversation with Tom Schmidt of Dragonfly Capital
  • Lots of progress in Notion: Tools section, How to section.
  • Meeting notes becoming standardized and recordings much more frequent
  • Gitbook docs welcome page and contract addresses added.
  • Zeugh bought Sesh pro.

Help needed:

  • Project lead on Daoification hackathon where anyone can join in and create a bunch of projects on rinkeby to be more comfortable configuring and reconfiguring a JB.
  • Project lead needed to design and implement faster easier way to create "a DAO for your group chat". Can this be done with a Discord bot?Help Needed
  • Feedback to Zeugh for discord restructuring.
  • Adding info to Tools.
  • More people willing to record calls and upload.

Liquidity pools

Goal: Add support for JB treasury tokens in secondary markets for communities to be able to value their assets better.

Current team: exekias (lead), jango


  • No updates. Core dev team is focusing on V2 for the time being.
  • Might be a good move to fork the BarnBridge rewards contracts instead of the synthetix ones.

Help needed:

  • Someone to help test, verify, and deploy the staking contracts.

NFT Marketplace

Goal: Give JB projects a place to sell digital (and eventually physical) goods which pipe percentages of revenue to any number of addresses or Juicebox treasuries.

Current team: nicholas (lead), jango, peri


  • Looped in Peri and Mieios for NFTMKT specification feedback meeting.
  • Reprioritized NFTMKT, JB devs will do a sprint this coming week, Sept 27, 2021
  • Nailed down V1 spec with Peri's help. Updated architecture, replacing submit with list function, which will save on gas.
  • Reaffirmed permisionless design of NFTMKT and v2+ roadmap.
  • We will also stand up a couple 721 Creator contracts so artists collaborating with JB projects (e.g., Numo with Sharkdao) can create superior NFTs than on the OpenSea creator contract, which is closed source, centrally hosted metadata by default, and a shared contract. We anticipate one 721 contract for closed collections (where token supply is known in advance) and one open minting collection (where artist can add over time). Nico already has a closed collection contract that we can refine. Can also build a simple front-end to make this easy for artist collaborators (and the broader NFT ecosystem).
  • We continue to experiment with ideas about spinning NFTMKT off into its own JB project because the opportunity is large, and we believe that small teams working on focused projects are more effective than one overwhelmingly large vertically integrated JB protocol team. Perhaps initially staffed by same dev team as JB. Can focus on NFTMKT and the creator contracts. Could collect a fee for NFTs sold through the marketplace (2.5% like opensea?) or could be free. If it had revenue it would have more opportunity to expand dev team. Also thinking about token-swaps between NFTMKT and JB 📈🤝.
  • Increasing belief that NFTMKT will solve the DEX vs JB dilemma facing DEX-traded DAO tokens, where the DEX is always a better price than the JB, by game-theoretic definition. This limits DAOs' ability to fundraise because DEX trades do not affect DAO treasuries. NFTMKT will allow DAOs like Shark to largely replace direct-to-JB appeals. DEX purchases may still offer cheaper DAO tokens than the NFTMKT, but buyers will not get access to limited edition NFTs via the DEXes. NFTMKT will also be more fun and easy to use for NFT acclimated, compared to JB or DEXes which are unfamiliar to many in that space.
  • The team is very excited about the promising design specification and roadmap for the NFTMKT.
  • Nicholas also discussed with Mieos affordances in the 721 contracts that will enable WAGMI to create NFTs on behalf of client DAOs. Achievable design requirements even within the V1 spec.

Help needed:

  • Review read methods & TheGraph events with Exekias or Peri this coming week
  • Nico x Jango will collab to finalize v1 NFTMKT solidity
  • Nico to talk to Pencil DAO


Goal: Plan how we make decisions within the community.

Current team: 9birdy9 (lead), zheug, jango, unicornio


  • New voting process
  • Finalized proposal process
  • New governance process:


Includes Proposal Templates for each common type of proposal.

All JBX holders participate in votes that affect big picture JBX variables.

Changes to recurring payouts are voted on by addresses currently receiving payouts as they have greatest insight and are most affected by such changes.

Changes to reserved token allocation voted on by addresses currently receiving reserved tokens as they are most affected.

Addresses receiving payouts are expected to vote.

  • Discussion about whether large token holders and people on reserved list should have max voting capacity or some quadratic strategy that limits outsized impact.
  • First trial of these new templates in current governance process.
  • @9birdy9's trial payout proposal is the first proposal sent to snapshot according to these forms.
  • FC5 reserved JBX tokens will be passed without a formal snapshot for lack of sufficient time to complete our governance snapshot process. We will use snapshots for future reserved token proposals.
  • Creation of BANNY gov participation incentivisation token — An airdrop is in the works.

Help needed:

  • Refining governance process:
  • Creating informational foundations to keep people up to date on governance proposals/timelines.


Goal: Videos/visuals/memes/stuff that radiates Juicebox vibes.

Current team: WAGMI studios


  • WAGMI producing cultural content
  • Published overflow video

Help needed:

  • Feedback on content
  • How can WAGMI help juicebox projects launch
  • Helping onboard
  • Developing visual identity (cultural material)

· 5 分钟阅读

Co-authored: jango, peri, exekias, nati, nicholas, zeugh

Current focus areas are:

  • Risk mitigation
  • Web experience
  • DAO relations
  • Analytics
  • Liquidity pools
  • NFT marketplace
  • Governance
  • Protocol upgrades
  • Materials

Focus areas

Risk mitigation

Goal: Make sure things don't go to zero.

Current team: jango (lead), exekias, peri.


  • No new bugs/problems discovered in the contracts.
  • New repo where security issues are documented here.
  • Wallet connection issues in the front end solved. One remaining bug where connecting wallet from the projects page sometimes causes the beneficiary field of payments.
  • DefiYield auditors seems to have dropped off. Need to follow up again.
  • Focus on security now moved to V2. Documentation, tests, audits, etc.

Help needed:

  • It'd be great if more folks could help write tests and review the code and documentation as it gets done. We should collaboratively mold this into its final, secure form.

Web experience

Goal: Improve the Juicebox experience both for people starting communities and for communities that are growing.

Current team: peri (lead), jango, exekias


  • New analytics data in project dashboards. Still room to grow, more data sourced into The Graph and ready to use.

  • New wallet connection integration. Can now connect with many other wallets with BlockNative integration.
  • Progress on Github issues backlog.
  • Wording in the interface being reconsidered:  "staking" vs "claiming".
  • Researching different UIs for different treasury types.

Help wanted:

DAO relations

Goal: Work towards making sure JB projects and the JB community have the resources and attention they need to get started and thrive.

Current team: nati (lead), jango, nicholas, mieos, zeugh


  • Gitbook updates underway. Walkthrough, explanation of processes.
  • Working with Whiteboard crypto, UltraDao, BeatsDao.
  • Focusing on established DAOs. Might refocus to newer DAOs later.
  • People should forward questions from #support and from other JB projects to Nati to aggregate into docs.


Goal: Give projects rich insights into their community treasury.

Current team: peri (lead), buradorii


  • Most updated in the UI under the "Web experience" focus.
  • Experimenting with what data can be accessible in the UI.
  • No updates on Flipside or Dune analytics.
  • People want to see current token holders for each projects.
  • People want to see current FC vs upcoming FC.
  • People want to see the price the treasury token is being sold at over time.
  • People want to see the percent of the tokens that they will own at the time of making payments.
  • People want to be able to play out funding cycle scenarios before making reconfigurations.

Open to help:

  • Index more Subgraph events.
  • Display discount rates (tokens/ETH) of past funding cycles.

Liquidity pools

Goal: Add support for JB treasury tokens in secondary markets for communities to be able to value their assets better.

Current team: exekias (lead), jango


Help wanted:

  • Comms with JBX project owners (e.g., SHARK) to understand their needs from a staking reward/LP perspective.
  • Devs with staking rewards expertise.

NFT Marketplace

Goal: Give JB projects a place to sell digital (and eventually physical) goods which pipe percentages of revenue to any number of addresses or Juicebox treasuries.

Current team: nicholas (lead), jango, peri


  • Big demand from SharkDAO (and others?).
  • Draft of contract looking good.
  • Plan for V1 is no UI on juicebox.money, make bare bones JS SDK/library with/for Shark to build a NFT MKT into their forthcoming website.
  • Need to finalize what will be included in v1, and what won't.
  • Specification draft
  • Github repo (private for now)


  • Finalize spec for v1
  • Get a working v0 implementation on Rinkeby by Monday 2021-09-13 EOD
  • Get a basic 721 contract together to mint NFTs that we can submit to the marketplace

Help needed:

  • Jango will help with contract implementation and testing (thank you –nicholas)
  • Next week open to help starting building a JS SDK


Goal: Plan out how we will make decisions together.

Current team: zheug (lead), unicornio, 9birdy9


  • Trying coordinape to test a reputation system. The epoch system feels good, didn't give us the easy integration to voting that we needed after the epoch.
  • We're still wroking on our basic model for how to make decisions. Need to balance governance power between token holders and reputation/contributions but we haven't got a way to test it yet.
  • We can, at the moment, take the csv of reputation distributed after the Epoch, but are still looking on how to import those in a strategy to snapshot. Need help from more dev oriented folks to communicate coordinape results onto snapshot.

Help needed:

  • We need some dev/snapshot help to integrate our new governance system into a snapshot strategy.

Protocol upgrades

Goal: Evolve the protocol to be more useful.

Current team: jango (lead), peri, exekias, nicholas


  • V2 has been announced here.
  • Reviewed V2 with Peri, Exekias, and Nicholas, got very valuable feedback that is being iterated on.
  • Docs for V2 are in progress here.

Help needed:

  • Same as in the "Risk mitigation" section.


Goal: Videos/visuals/memes/stuff that radiates Juicebox vibes.

Current team: WAGMI studios

This is a new section that will have updates next time